Canadian Stuff

Radical action is required, nonprofit grocery stores food banks and farmers markets combined. Antitrust action to break up the big 3 and food wholesaling. Volunteers paid less than the prevailing wage can make prepared meals and cooperative organizations formed to drive down food prices by offering competition and an opportunity for producers to sell directly to consumers. There is no shortage of ideas and solutions, until we get to the larger economic issues driving this bullshit, but we need bold leadership and a small amount of money to make it happen. There will be no solutions with the Tories, more of the same and worse, I can assure you their main priorities will be tax and regulatory relief for the top 10%. They might pass unconstitutional laws for the base that they know will be later struck down by the courts. LBGTQ people have become their latest targets, hating on brown people in Canada has become unfashionable.

Radical action is required, nonprofit grocery stores food banks and farmers markets combined. Antitrust action to break up the big 3 and food wholesaling. Volunteers paid less than the prevailing wage can make prepared meals and cooperative organizations formed to drive down food prices by offering competition and an opportunity for producers to sell directly to consumers. There is no shortage of ideas and solutions, until we get to the larger economic issues driving this bullshit, but we need bold leadership and a small amount of money to make it happen. There will be no solutions with the Tories, more of the same and worse, I can assure you their main priorities will be tax and regulatory relief for the top 10%. They might pass unconstitutional laws for the base that they know will be later struck down by the courts. LBGTQ people have become their latest targets, hating on brown people in Canada has become unfashionable.

You think the problem is people do not make a living wage? Setting up a system where that is entrenched, relying on people who are making even less is the answer?
You think the problem is people do not make a living wage? Setting up a system where that is entrenched, relying on people who are making even less is the answer?
I was thinking more of rewarding the people who do this shit voluntarily now for free, mostly older people on pension who want to help and get out of the house. Many of them without private pensions are having trouble eating right now, so more support for community-based organizations. The real roots of the problem with a global economy lay outside our borders, but there is much we can do to help the poorest Canadians more. Combine food banks, nonprofit grocery stores and farmers markets, allow farmers to sell directly to consumers through such nonprofits. Make competition for the big chains and force them to lower prices more in line with actual costs. Breaking up the big 3, and only, grocery and wholesale corporations and separating retail grocery sales from wholesale might help too. The solutions and suggestions won't come from the likes of me, there are academics and activists who study this issue full time and are aware of the remedies.
So what do you want, grocery stores to have special rules restricting their profit? Declare it an essential service and make grocery biz a crown corporation, there for our protection?
Farmers and taxpayers will continue to get the shaft.
There is precedent for the government to create a crown corporation to compete with the private sector to insure Canadians access to specific essentials, and could be used to ensure fair market pricing. I'm sure there are numerous rules in CUSMA, CETA, and CPTPP that would make it far more difficult to do now though.

Having some government involvement, especially to protect against big corporations from manipulating markets to maximize profits, already occurs. It protects both farmers and consumers(AKA taxpayers) from that manipulation. A quick little read on why the "Free market" is not always the best.

Without disagreeing, how do we compete, in a global economy, when our competitors (which us residents choose to spend on) have no such worker protection? We are left with unions among domestic production and government services. This leaves the vast majority of workers in this country unrepresented by union protection, benefits, et al.
Unless you see the 'Unions rise again', unionized workers will continue to be (in effect) an elite class representing a minority of Canadians. Unless a resourced based insurgency happens, I predict no Union rise. Union membership depends on big multi-nationals flourishing in our country, or we're just handing the same loonie around.
So you would agree that it is important that the government includes rules and regulations in regards to labour and environmental standards when negotiating free trade agreements with other countries, to prevent that race to the bottom that corporations do their best to achieve?
PeePee wanted to put the country on some kind of hairbrained cryptocurrency scheme, before the market crashed, and people were indicted. I can see a future conservative government now, where it cost a megawatt of power to buy a pack of gum. PeePee is a fucking idiot and unfit to organize his own funeral.

What would that do for our carbon footprint? Crypto is used by every criminal on the dark web and I'm sure Vlad loves it as a way to evade sanctions, he will probably have the output of an entire hydro dam mining bitcoin one day. We need to outlaw crypto for several reasons, it's energy impact among them.

"Bitcoin alone is estimated to consume 127 terawatt-hours (TWh) a year — more than many countries, including Norway. In the United States, cryptocurrency activity is estimated to emit from 25 to 50 million tons of CO2 each year, on par with the annual emissions from diesel fuel used by US railroads.Jan 30, 2023"

Cryptocurrency's Energy Consumption Problem - RMI
PeePee wanted to put the country on some kind of hairbrained cryptocurrency scheme, before the market crashed, and people were indicted. I can see a future conservative government now, where it cost a megawatt of power to buy a pack of gum. I disagree with PeePee.

What would that do for our carbon footprint? Crypto is used by every criminal on the dark web and I'm sure Vlad loves it as a way to evade sanctions, he will probably have the output of an entire hydro dam mining bitcoin one day. We need to outlaw crypto for several reasons, it's energy impact among them.

"Bitcoin alone is estimated to consume 127 terawatt-hours (TWh) a year — more than many countries, including Norway. In the United States, cryptocurrency activity is estimated to emit from 25 to 50 million tons of CO2 each year, on par with the annual emissions from diesel fuel used by US railroads.Jan 30, 2023"
Cryptocurrency's Energy Consumption Problem - RMI
So you would agree that it is important that the government includes rules and regulations in regards to labour and environmental standards when negotiating free trade agreements with other countries, to prevent that race to the bottom that corporations do their best to achieve?

A level playing field would be essential for any trade deal I would approve of. Until there is free trade within our borders "Free Trade" is just a hopeful catchphrase. I'm not a huge fan in trade with nations that have nothing to offer us other than being replacements for domestic manufacturing. It's a complicated balance between domestic protection and protectionism when running the export market.
Trade makes everybody rich, and this is a foundational principle of economics going back further than Adam Smith, more trade means a richer world and a better life for more people. To illustrate how important international trade is and has been for hundreds of years, it is the first thing you try to do in war is cut off their international trade and cripple their economy and it's been that way for a very long time. The Russians are fucked and only able to survive by cheating sanctions and smuggling washers and breast pumps for weapon's parts. Over time their economy will completely fall apart or they will be owned by China. Everything was imported from the west for the past 30 years and paid for with oil money, they are a lot like the Saudis and make almost nothing but weapons and can't make many of those while under sanctions.

Japan and Korea gave use better cars and great electronics and almost all the world's advanced microprocessors are made in Tiawan, if China attacks, it will mean instant war with every industrialized nation who has a vital national security interest in the place. So international trade is good and puts fresh fruit on your table year-round, but lately it costs a fucking fortune, as does everything else.
So seeing as China is more reliant (Than 1980's USSR) on direct trade with the North America, do you think we can suck them dry with trade sanctions and cold war style military spending? Or play nicey nice and hope they spontaneousiy give a shit about the environment, human rights, privacy invasion, peace or improving Canadians standard of living one iota, so we can shop Walmart and Amazon guilt free?
I feel we need to be more selective with our partners, we hold the cards in this nation and need to be more like these 2 on the international trade scene1695041177376.png
So seeing as China is more reliant (Than 1980's USSR) on direct trade with the North America, do you think we can suck them dry with trade sanctions and cold war style military spending? Or play nicey nice and hope they spontaneousiy give a shit about the environment, human rights, privacy invasion, peace or improving Canadians standard of living one iota, so we can shop Walmart and Amazon guilt free?
I feel we need to be more selective with our partners, we hold the cards in this nation and need to be more like these 2 on the international trade sceneView attachment 5327638
The point is not to suck them dry, but to modify their international behavior, they are more of a rival than an enemy, so far. China does give a shit about the environment and are among the leaders in going green. They are smart about it though, and are doing it before everybody else so they can sell them cheap products like solar panels, batteries and EVs when they have to go green. Their economy and financial markets are currently in turmoil and in trouble and they are very dependent on global trade and the world order in which they have done very well in these past 30 years. No country could grow, and capitalism lift the people out of poverty, as fast as happened there. They buried communism and had 40 years of each, the last 40 years of capitalism have proved the point beyond doubt.

As for human rights there is not a lot we can do about that in China, we are shifting trade away from them to their Asian tiger economy neighbors, making them economically and militarily strong, and also making them allies. Biden is ringing China with allies while he's finishing off Russia as a threat to Europe. Trade with China is down and trending down, Biden didn't need stupid sanctions that hurt American farmers either. Battery factories are going up and mines are being stared along with mineral refineries and chemical plants, they are now on shoring microchips and other things. Covid and Russia using oil as a weapon shook global trade relations and dependencies, now reliable partners count more than cheaper ones.
Modi's government is fascist. This is what fascists do.

Hindutiva has long been associated with Modi and the BJP. When he was governor, there was a massacre of Muslims that Modi has never fully explained satisfactorily. They do reach across international borders when they feel the need to. Not very different from Iran or Saudi Arabia in that respect.

I expect the US government to work with Canada to see to it that Modi and his government provide an acceptable response to this crime.
Modi's government is fascist. This is what fascists do.

Hindutiva has long been associated with Modi and the BJP. When he was governor, there was a massacre of Muslims that Modi has never fully explained satisfactorily. They do reach across international borders when they feel the need to. Not very different from Iran or Saudi Arabia in that respect.

I expect the US government to work with Canada to see to it that Modi and his government provide an acceptable response to this crime.
Justin has some of his old man's balls and is a nice guy but he will call a spade a spade to their faces and Xi was recently pissed off at him over being called out over human rights.
'We came together to take care of our own': Sask. town's residents force out 'QAnon queen'
Residents in the Kamsack area worked together to drive out supporters of a fringe QAnon group after a convoy associated with the self proclaimed “Queen of Canada” arrived on the town’s main street.

The cavalcade made up of eight vehicles showed up in Kamsack early Wednesday morning. The community’s acting administrator, Sherise Fountain, went out to investigate the visitors. “It was very alarming. It really, really was very alarming and worrisome because when they’re claiming to be taking over the town,” she told CTV News.

The motorhome at the front of the procession carried a woman claiming to be the Queen of Canada and leader of First Nations. The QAnon group promotes several fringe views and takes issue with healthcare workers who promoted vaccination campaigns during the COVID-19 pandemic.

“This is a dangerous group,” Fountain added. “What I read online, they threatened to kill healthcare workers and firefighters. Our hospital and clinic went on a lockdown.”

About 200 angry townsfolk and members of nearby First Nations confronted the group and escorted them out of town.

“Go home, wherever you came from. Get out of here,” one resident shouted while walking past the convoy.

“There was no violence,” Fountain explained. “It was just amazing to see how quickly this community and these neighbouring First Nations came together in common goal of getting this group out of town.”

Fountain said the whole sequence of events reminded her of a certain song by country music artist Jason Aldean.

“All I could think of was the song by Jason Aldean, Try That In A Small Town,” she laughed. “This is what happened, we came together to take care of our own.”

The cavalcade has since been spotted near Regina. Just outside of another small town.