Budley Doright
Well-Known Member
Oh my! One of our future informed voters. https://ca.news.yahoo.com/prime-min...on-with-confused-ppc-supporter-164601140.html
JT handled that well.Oh my! One of our future informed voters. https://ca.news.yahoo.com/prime-min...on-with-confused-ppc-supporter-164601140.html
Justin has brains enough for the job at least and doesn't need a handler like he was some kind of bear on a fucking leash! Knowing your job is important in my estimation, you'll be less likely to fuck it up and he knows his job, besides the NDP has him by the balls and that will keep him on his toes. America has no monopoly on assholes, morons and miscreants as this interaction illustrates.Oh my! One of our future informed voters. https://ca.news.yahoo.com/prime-min...on-with-confused-ppc-supporter-164601140.html
Yes he did.JT handled that well.
Old grievance.Attitudes in Albertastan are unfavorable to the liberals, ever since Justin's old man fucked them with the NEP.
So is the American civil war...Old grievance.
Mennonitious ¿Mennonitious is common out west.
I get it Roger. I actually respect you more usually because you don't sugarcoat your positions on issues. I suppose it's true that he may not move on his position today, but like I said in my post, I do hope he is able to uncloud his thoughts, and see through the bullshit someday. Could be wasting my time, and I might not garner as much respect from people who share an unvarnished version of the truth, like yourself, but it took me a loooong time to even get where I am, so I don't like to write anyone off, until I guess they've really done it to themselves for me.i hate to see good people wasting effort on irredeemable malcontents...
Mennonite disease, kinda German Baptist fundamentalists. Many in Manitoba and throughout western Canada, they range from near Amish, to normal looking, from a distance...Mennonitious ¿
Also Hutterites are plentiful in western Canada. A buddy of mine, well, best friend for years used to tell me the Hutterites were from the dregs of German society. He was British, and his father was military and had been posted to Germany for a time when my friend was young, before their family emigrated to Canada.Mennonite disease, kinda German Baptist fundamentalists. Many in Manitoba and throughout western Canada, they range from near Amish, to normal looking, from a distance...
Yep, North America ended up with a lot of the too weird for Europe types, starting with the pilgrims.Also Hutterites are plentiful in western Canada. A buddy of mine, well, best friend for years used to tell me the Hutterites were from the dregs of German society. He was British, and his father was military and had been posted to Germany for a time when my friend was young, before their family emigrated to Canada.
His sin was minor folks, allow the man space the breathe, learn and grow.no one cares about your position, you're an irrelevant inconvenience, and will be relegated back to anonymity as soon as your republican masters are in the cells they belong in.
does he appear to be looking for that space?His sin was minor folks, allow the man space the breathe, learn and grow.
From what I can gather he is a liberal, who has different social views, the "wokeness" some complain about is at play methinks. I can tolerate a wide spectrum of views, as long as they are not a threat to liberal democracy or a direct threat to harm others intentionally. People don't need to be perfect, just reasonable and civil.does he appear to be looking for that space?
The answer is that it is the second most common religion that people identify with in Canada.Why didn't JT mention any of the other Religions in his response to the obviously Christian Conservative kid? Have you given any thought to why the leader of our nation is using a specific religion as a counterpoint to another? Are you suggesting that Politics and religion should be interwoven into the fabric of our country? Or was it a typical, smarmy JT trope to further separate the voters based on religious values? Every one of my neighbors is middle eastern and most practice the Muslim religion. This has nothing to do with race or racism.
Edit: When I said," I hope the voters keep it that way", I should say that she IS the current Premier of our province, as she was elected after our last UCP Premier stepped down when he lost party support because they felt his covid restrictions went too far.
But, there is an election again at the end of May, so I hope people vote her, and the party out of office this time around.
Since Justin's dad was an avid canoeist, he should rename the Bow River in Alberta to the Trudeau River in honor of a great Canandian who repatriated the constitution and created modern Canada!Just to trigger the assholes!
so in reality, Canada only has a two party system, in some areas?.....I listened thru that part 5 times and what JT said had nothing to do with racism at all. You're just being all snowflake about it.
That kid doesn't know the first thing about any of the real issues and shouldn't be allowed to vote at all.
I've never voted for the guy but compared to what we'll get if Little PP gets in I sure would if I could but there's never a Liberal candidate in our area and even if there was I'd just be throwing away my vote. Only UCP or ANDP up here have a snowballs chance in hell of getting in so it's ANDP for me.
the partially oxidized partner to mennoniticMennonitious ¿
so in reality, Canada only has a two party system, in some areas?.....