Canadian Stuff

I think most actual Americans are very reasonable!

But yea its hard to blame people for boo-ing an anthem when your President won't stop with his 51st state rhetoric - including right before the game
I still think it would have been a decent gesture on our part not to hoot the Canadian anthem, it could have sent a decent message,and isolate the Pres. comments. Tariff issues, defense spending,fake fentanyl crossing the border issues(if Canada was supplying the only fentanyl 99% of users would be in withdrawal) doesn't condone trashing/belittling a sovereign country(a friend who assisted on 9/11) or calling a Prime Minister the governor to pile on the 51st state jab. Between this, steamrolling Ukraine, and the Vance "embrace the guasi-Nazi party" Germany tour I hope Americans are modifying any international travel plans.
Thanks for the apology, but no need from you as you seem quite considerate of others, and totally not your fault. The 51st state bs probably wouldn't even bother me if it came from anybody else, but it's the felon, who seems to have a knack for getting under people's skin. Everytime he repeated it, it pissed me off a bit more, and the when his press secretary made a similar comment,it irked me even more.

I think it's easy to forget that he often makes outrageous comments to distract from what other thing that might have him in a bit of hot water.
You'd think that for just ONE moment the weight of the seat he occupies and the DIGNITY embraced by all his predecessors who sat in it would give pause or lend a sense of responsibility,but he's just a PUNK
Thanks for the apology, but no need from you as you seem quite considerate of others, and totally not your fault. The 51st state bs probably wouldn't even bother me if it came from anybody else, but it's the felon, who seems to have a knack for getting under people's skin. Everytime he repeated it, it pissed me off a bit more, and the when his press secretary made a similar comment,it irked me even more.

I think it's easy to forget that he often makes outrageous comments to distract from what other thing that might have him in a bit of hot water.
i felt it was a direct threat to canada personally and i will not/ would not stand for it even tho i now live in america,
I think canada is taking that shit entirely too lightly
As a lover of peace, I'd not considered this perspective - interesting analysis that I hope never comes to fruition.

"As President Donald Trump relentlessly threatens to annex Canada, some Canadians are worried that an American invasion could one day become a reality.

How would that scenario play out? Looking at the sheer size of the American military, many people might believe that Trump would enjoy an easy victory.

That analysis is wrong. If Trump ever decides to use military force to annex Canada, the result would not be determined by a conventional military confrontation between the Canadian and American armies. Rather, a military invasion of Canada would trigger a decades-long violent resistance, which would ultimately destroy the United States."
The whole world will collectively start alienating America and its people. Unfortunately for the American man/woman on the street, they are going to feel this. To tell you the truth I travel extensively on the international circuit, ME, Asia, Europe, and the feeling is there and rising. I feel for the Americans who did not vote for this, but unfortunately you all will feel the pain. During the gulf war you lot wore Canadian flags on your back packs in Middle East because you were too shit scared to be identified as Americans. The world will no longer happily accept you, no matter what your stupid politicians tell you. You will also learn that the world will not be bullied by your military might any more.

Unfortunately this is utterly stupid diplomacy and it hurts everyone.
As a lover of peace, I'd not considered this perspective - interesting analysis that I hope never comes to fruition.

"As President Donald Trump relentlessly threatens to annex Canada, some Canadians are worried that an American invasion could one day become a reality.

How would that scenario play out? Looking at the sheer size of the American military, many people might believe that Trump would enjoy an easy victory.

That analysis is wrong. If Trump ever decides to use military force to annex Canada, the result would not be determined by a conventional military confrontation between the Canadian and American armies. Rather, a military invasion of Canada would trigger a decades-long violent resistance, which would ultimately destroy the United States."
Canada, along with the US, was a founding member of NATO. If the US invades Canada it would trigger Article 5. This would end up with the US facing the full force of all NATO nations. They know how we fight, our troop numbers, what we fight with et cetera having fought alongside us since 1949. This would not end well for the US.
You'd think that for just ONE moment the weight of the seat he occupies and the DIGNITY embraced by all his predecessors who sat in it would give pause or lend a sense of responsibility,but he's just a PUNK

At minimum, he's a narcissistic sociopath. Clinical psychologist Mary Trump said an extensive evaluation is needed to determine his mental disorders. In this vid she gives him a chipmunk voice and calls him as a democratically elected asshole.

Canada, along with the US, was a founding member of NATO. If the US invades Canada it would trigger Article 5. This would end up with the US facing the full force of all NATO nations. They know how we fight, our troop numbers, what we fight with et cetera having fought alongside us since 1949. This would not end well for the US.

I'm not sure they would actually step in though - not sure how anyone could get troops to Canada when US would control the seas. Maybe if they did it in advance
i felt it was a direct threat to canada personally and i will not/ would not stand for it even tho i now live in america,
I think canada is taking that shit entirely too lightly
I think you could be right as there haven't been many politicians saying it should be taken seriously. A few, but not many. I mean it's the felon, so it's difficult to say for sure. Almost don't want to think of it as a possibility.

I don't hate the US, quite the opposite really. The only thing I do dislike are some of the gun laws. I have owned guns, but our laws up here generally don't allow anything near "concealed carry".

But, yeah, isn't happening anyway, so I'm not going to worry yet, lol.
i felt it was a direct threat to canada personally and i will not/ would not stand for it even tho i now live in america,
I think canada is taking that shit entirely too lightly
When I heard that ridiculous comment my eyes rolled and almost didn't return to their proper setting,no bananas grow here but it was banana Republic ranting by generalisimo Donald, reaching new levels of depravity. What I've noticed is that he spews the latest/hottest BS that the last lackey, jackoff riding his coattails puts in his ear. Greenland ? He had to have been told that,as if he knew anything about Greenland, same w/ the ridiculous Gulf of Mexico statements,the only geography he knows is how to drive to the next hole in a golf cart.
Canada, along with the US, was a founding member of NATO. If the US invades Canada it would trigger Article 5. This would end up with the US facing the full force of all NATO nations. They know how we fight, our troop numbers, what we fight with et cetera having fought alongside us since 1949. This would not end well for the US.
I REALLY can't believe that this is ACTUALLY even on the table and STILL believe MAGA insanity has not penetrated the US military sufficiently to even consider following orders to do so,we are talking outright mutiny occurring here hopefully,then 25th amendment or impeachment to follow. BUT every time I've thought this kook had finally DONE IT and he's finished now, which is multiple occasions, people have failed to step up, things occur, his spin/alternative fact machine cranks up. There never seems to be a bridge to far, the most undeserved KARMA I've ever witnessed. Post Jan. 6 ALOT of people on RIU (me included) had this guy as HISTORY and we're waiting for the perp walk w/all the pending legalities, a thank God he's gone sigh of relief of we dodged a bullet as a country, that HE'S OVER. Him sitting in the Oval office in 2025??? reeking chaos,signing enough crazy executive orders to cause writer's cramp, surrounded by a genuflecting staff, ELON of DOGE w/a chainsaw, and a radical cabinet while calling Zelenskey a dictator,Canada a 51st state, and talking grabbing Greenland and the Panama Canal using military force is literally a TWILIGHT ZONE feeling.
At minimum, he's a narcissistic sociopath. Clinical psychologist Mary Trump said an extensive evaluation is needed to determine his mental disorders. In this vid she gives him a chipmunk voice and calls him as a democratically elected asshole.

Hell, she trashed him and said he's a deranged,unstable,dangerous man w/psychotic delusions of grandeur BEFORE the election along a w/a posse of people waving the red flag AND STILL half this country is down w/him and his antics. I'm starting to think he's got a force field around him,voodoo, black magic,dark forces,IDK but it boggles the mind,surreal.
Hell, she trashed him and said he's a deranged,unstable,dangerous man w/psychotic delusions of grandeur BEFORE the election along a w/a posse of people waving the red flag AND STILL half this country is down w/him and his antics. I'm starting to think he's got a force field around him,voodoo, black magic,dark forces,IDK but it boggles the mind,surreal.
Unlike the burger king, Mary Trump has humor. Giving his voice the chipmunk effect makes it almost bearable.
I've seen her on TV from time to time and she's predicted everything he's done.
Unlike the burger king, Mary Trump has humor. Giving his voice the chipmunk effect makes it almost bearable.
I've seen her on TV from time to time and she's predicted everything he's done.
All on deaf ears unfortunately,he's got humor,ONE WAY humor,he can give he just can't take(EGO). After weights this morn. I was on the bike and C-Span was on w/call in lines for D's,R's, and I's . The R line was mostly (hate to say) a lot of dim wits who'd struggle comprehending the Comics section of a newspaper, just regular people who possess and buy into a boat load of hatred and preconceived notions that Trump uses as a means to a end. Red state residents who make less than 40K and SOMEHOW think they will actually benefit from "Country Club" Trump policies.
China is trying to reach out and touch our elections. I think the democratic countries of the world need to unite against this kind of threat, attack one, they attack all in a NATO like alliance. Try this shit and get sanctioned by a block of say 40 or 50 of the worlds richest countries.

Trudeau accuses China of 'aggressive' election interference

Mr Trudeau accused Beijing of playing "aggressive games" with democracies and of targeting Canadian institutions.

It comes as local media report that Canadian intelligence identified a "clandestine network" of Beijing-backed candidates at recent elections.

At least 11 candidates were supported by China in the 2019 federal elections, officials reportedly told Mr Trudeau.

A Chinese foreign ministry spokesman said it has "no interest" in Canada's internal affairs.

Citing unnamed intelligence officials, local broadcaster Global News reported that Beijing had directed funds to the candidates and that Chinese operatives had acted as campaign advisers to many candidates.

In one case, funding of C$250,000 (£160,000) was directed through the office of an Ontario-based provincial MP.

The operation, which was reportedly directed from China's consulate in Toronto, also sought to place operatives within the offices of serving MPs in an attempt to influence policy, the outlet alleged.

And efforts were also made to "co-opt and corrupt" former Canadian officials in a bid to gain influence within political circles.

The attempted interference is believed to have targeted both major political parties - Mr Trudeau's Liberal party and the opposition Conservative party. However, it is unclear whether the operation was successful.

"We have taken significant measures to strengthen the integrity of our elections processes and our systems, and will continue to invest in the fight against election interference, against foreign interference of our democracies and institutions," Mr Trudeau told reporters on Monday.

"Unfortunately, we're seeing countries, state actors from around the world, whether it's China or others, are continuing to play aggressive games with our institutions, with our democracies," he added.

Chinese foreign ministry spokesman Zhao Lijian said China has no interest in meddling in Canadian elections.

"State-to-state relations can only be built on mutual respect, equality and mutual benefit," he told a press briefing.

"Canada should stop making remarks that hurt China-Canada relations," he added.

The reports come after authorities said they were investigating accusations that China had opened unofficial "police" stations on Canadian soil.

Last month, Royal Canadian Mounted Police said they were investigating reports of "criminal activity in relation to so-called 'police' stations", which have also been reported in a number of European countries.

Several EU states, including Ireland and the Netherlands, have already ordered China to close the police posts, which have reportedly been used to pressure opponents of the government to return to China and face criminal charges.

Dutch media found evidence that the so-called overseas service stations, which promise to provide diplomatic services, were being used to try to silence Chinese dissidents in Europe.

The Chinese have numbers that Canada doesn’t have, if Canada and the United States were to engage in a military conflict with China the odds would be against Western Society.

Also, there would be no doubt in my mind that the Communist Regimes around the world and the regimes that are collaborating with Communists will retaliate with Economic Warfare, Chemical Warfare and Direct Action.

At the stage of the game, North America is quite literally “easy pickings”. Canada and the United States are fundamentally divided internally and externally.

Politics, I’m afraid, has cost us our unity as Westerners.
Canada, along with the US, was a founding member of NATO. If the US invades Canada it would trigger Article 5. This would end up with the US facing the full force of all NATO nations. They know how we fight, our troop numbers, what we fight with et cetera having fought alongside us since 1949. This would not end well for the US.