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Rapid rooters are the bees knees, I will never start a seed or clone with rockwool again

I also use them for everything now. I used to hate rooters because my first time using them was with cali connect purple chem and every seed but one failed to pop and the one that did stalled out before popping real leaves, turned out it was just cali connect gear being garbage, old stock, or fake.
Rockwool doesn't need to be conditioned anymore. They changed the design, but kept the old labeling. 50 rapid rooters are $20-$40, and you need a specific tray for them to go in. Rockwool 1.5" is way bigger, I would say almost twice the size, and a 45 pack is $10 shipped on amazon. And you can write on the side of the paper and label each one
I just turn the rapid rooters upside down and poke a new hole in the top, no special tray, they work great!
also i can stick 4-6 cuttings into one rockwool cube, that way i get 4 cuttings rooted or whicher ever one roots first i use. better odds this way if some of the cuttings dont make it too.
also i can stick 4-6 cuttings into one rockwool cube, that way i get 4 cuttings rooted or whicher ever one roots first i use. better odds this way if some of the cuttings dont make it too.
I get 52 clones out of a 4 by 4 inch cube.
Been doin it for many many....
100% success rate.
Rockwool doesn't need to be conditioned anymore. They changed the design, but kept the old labeling. 50 rapid rooters are $20-$40, and you need a specific tray for them to go in. Rockwool 1.5" is way bigger, I would say almost twice the size, and a 45 pack is $10 shipped on amazon. And you can write on the side of the paper and label each one
Rapid rooters fit in my mondi tray inserts without issue. Been using that setup for years. Maybe you're thinking of Root Shooters from AN.
Just got a tent on mars hydro for $200 total shipped for a 5 by 5, same tent basically is $300+Tax on Thanks guys

I have this tent and really like it, very thick material and for me no light leaks I have found as long as you make sure the velcro window is covered properly.

As long as you didn’t purchase any of those shitty lights you’re good!
They are actually better than people give them credit for, Migro did a test of a bunch of lights and found the PPFD of the reflector models to be higher than a lot of other lights.
I have this tent and really like it, very thick material and for me no light leaks I have found as long as you make sure the velcro window is covered properly.

They are actually better than people give them credit for, Migro did a test of a bunch of lights and found the PPFD of the reflector models to be higher than a lot of other lights.
I think he's referring to their quality. A lot of big youtube growers dropped Mars LED because diodes kept burning out consistently.