Well-Known Member
Ok Canpar which I've received packages from before for Ebay purchases but never shipped seems on par with CP and Fedex.
Just testing out Fedex and small packages are a couple $ more than CP so could be same or cheaper on contract. I tested out with a 40Lb package and it was same as UPS in the $120 area across Canada. Looks like I should set up a Fedex account I guess for when my stores go live.
Well you can sign contracts. CP used to be 700 packages per year min but I think it now changed to 1200.
Just testing out Fedex and small packages are a couple $ more than CP so could be same or cheaper on contract. I tested out with a 40Lb package and it was same as UPS in the $120 area across Canada. Looks like I should set up a Fedex account I guess for when my stores go live.
Somebody must offer good deals out there for ya Canna. Some of places must get flat rate because they can offer free shipping on purchases over $100 regardless of weight.
I agree, bought quite a few things, took forever to get , then they tried to get me to accept a canfilter 66 for same price as a canfilter 50 WTF(2 weeks after first part of order showed up late which price difference is a big loss for me if I accepted it) . Then everything came packed in damp cardboard boxes that stank. Real a-holes full of excusesDon't add Holland Industry anymore please. Having recently dealt with them I can say that they're completely incompetent in doing business and I'd NEVER send anyone their way since there's a 99% chance they'll have a hassle.
I make my own small batches of composted soil from store bought soils and potato peels..veg scraps,egg shells..saw dust grounds..moist store bought soil is ok..but comes with bug I digest it with compost in anaerobic pails..for 6 months..kills all the bugs..and microbes digest until air runs out..then putrification bacteria does rest..I buy worm castings and sphagnum peat moss at wallmart..get my cheap-o pots there too.Hi All
Ordering from the states can get crazy expensive.
I made a list of Canadian Suppliers (I'm sure I miss some)
Organics I've ordered from here. I've ordered from here. I've ordered from here.
I get my Rice hulls here
Between Ottawa and Cornwall They don't ship but if it's local
Insect Control
Millenniumsoils Coir
Online Grow Shops ( I omitted the ones I thought were crazy expensive.) I've ordered from here a few times. Best Prices IMO
Home Harware is great too for compost and worm castings. Free shipping to your local store.
Hopefully this helps at least one person
I would love to list your local places to get soil amendments.
Yep, lots of excuses is all I got. Did it reek like cat piss by chance?I agree, bought quite a few things, took forever to get , then they tried to get me to accept a canfilter 66 for same price as a canfilter 50 WTF(2 weeks after first part of order showed up late which price difference is a big loss for me if I accepted it) . Then everything came packed in damp cardboard boxes that stank. Real a-holes full of excuses
Yepper, some jiffy peat pucks boxes, old mirror box, bunch of other boxes, took my half an hour to cut them all up WTFYep, lots of excuses is all I got. Did it reek like cat piss by chance?
Can anyone can comment on buying experience from
I am in Ontario, so I know shipping might a little slower, but them seem to have alot and not bad prices as far as I can tell.
Thanks, was just looking there little bit ago, will give em a test run.Their store is like a 15 min drive from me
I've been happy with all the stuff I've gotten from there
Yeah I got some Green Planet bud booster from them and it's soaking wet and reeks like cat piss. Fucken losersYepper, some jiffy peat pucks boxes, old mirror box, bunch of other boxes, took my half an hour to cut them all up WTF
half of it looked like it came out of a dumpster lol
Real gems they are , more excuses than can shake stick at, took almost month to get everything in the end, worst online buying experience I ever had, the dude says hey maybe we can give you a little discount next time...yeah right! go pound salt Holland Industry ....bunch of asian scammers..oh and when I tried to block my number as they wouldn't answer me anymore asking when the heck I would get my stuff(and I was polite about it) they have a call block feature unless you ID your number you can't get through...stay way way away from these guys. I am searching for new local place any luck? Price is a factor of course, but made me wary with that buying experience , price is not everything.
Yeah I got some Green Planet bud booster from them and it's soaking wet and reeks like cat piss. Fucken losers
Yeah I got some Green Planet bud booster from them and it's soaking wet and reeks like cat piss. Fucken losers