Canadian Suppliers

Had anyone used

I was searching for the 945w sunsystem cmh and this site was one of the first to come up.

They have some crazy deals on cmh and de lights, almost too good to be true cheap

If a deal is too good to be true it probably is.
If they took paypal as a payment I might try this site. But I'm 99% sure this is a scam site. Paypal is great for protecting you from scams.

Greenhouses for less than $20? Not likely

lol i know right

144.00 for that 945w , i almost took the risk, but seems too sketchy to be putting my cc on there lol
Canada has a HUGE problem with this. I don't know if the issue is as bad elsewhere.

I recently got into mountain biking and looking for shoes it took me over a year to find a pair from a legit site. There's so many fake websites that operate as Canadian it's unreal. You can find any pair of shoes you want on these sites for $25-50 for shoes that MSRP in the hundo's. I was tempted to attempt an order mutliple times, then I went and read reviews, people were receiving shipments from the sellers but they were reporting that they were cheap plastic walmart shoes that weren't even the right size.

I ended up finding the exact shoes I was looking for at VPO which looks like the shadiest website, even the fake-Chinese websites look better, but they were legit :)

I just made a tent order from "" we'll see how that turns out and if the Unit Farm tents are all they are cracked up to be. came through with the tent I ordered looks like good quality.

Shipment was a bit slow but w/e.

Now I just need to find somewhere/one online that sells clones to folks without med cards...
You sure? Because this is smells exactly like when a male cat sprays to mark territory. To the point Im almost positive my buds would reek and taste of it. It stinks up the room for a good 5-10 minutes, and thats just from opening it. Probably going to call it a write off.

Well I have a answer to the cat urine smell. Had a customer bring in my own bloom booster and he said what's wrong with it?. I opened it and it smelled like ammonia. It looked like it collected a lot of moisture as it was really clumpy and wetting feeling. I'm guess if moisture gets into the container the ammonia from the MAP (Mono-ammonium Phosphate) starts to activate.
I need a new scrubber, any you guys would recommend ? and where should I buy it (if not available locally) ?
I need a new scrubber, any you guys would recommend ? and where should I buy it (if not available locally) ?

They're either virgin or pallet charcoal. Always go bigger if you can. I like Mountain Air just avoid the "big air" filters or what ever other companies call them. They have less charcoal for more air movement but you pay the price with less performance which makes no sense to me as a product.
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I need a new scrubber, any you guys would recommend ? and where should I buy it (if not available locally) ?
CAN 50’s have always worked very well for me.
I just buy bags of charcoal pellets and refill mine
Refilling filters with charcoal is fine with smaller filters, but you can never pack the same amount back into bigger ones to factory least IME.
I refilled about 20 Can 100-175 filters over the years. Never want to do that again, messy and shitty job, plus you'll end up with uneven spots. There wasn't that much more cost savings and especially now when charcoal is so much more expensive. On a small filter it'll be ok but still not work the hassle.
Although right now I'm having a hard time supporting Hawthorne owned companies Gavita 1000W prices have fallen pretty good. They're also blowing out the E Series as its only $5 more wholesale vs the new Slim series (240v only)
Although right now I'm having a hard time supporting Hawthorne owned companies Gavita 1000W prices have fallen pretty good. They're also blowing out the E Series as its only $5 more wholesale vs the new Slim series (240v only)
What are the DE1000w Gavita's going for now?