Canadian Suppliers

Ya the whole scene is topsy turvy. From your industry to all the other areas we knew as solid in the cannabis world.
Everything and everyone is scrambling to get any share. Toronto has $600 pounds I hear and see. Decent looking stuff . I have not seen any first hand. Just a pic from someone selling.
I can see why the little guy brings you fuck all. Once they equip themselves they need very little then. WE have 4 store locally. 3 are long time established ones. Not sure how the the ones I don't go too are doing. I can see some hanging in, but with too many grow stores it's a fight to the bottom.
The price of nutes goes up and up. Equipment the same deal. Hydro same deal. YET...............weed is dropping off the scale. So something has to give. This just can't continue like this for ever. The consumption must be up. What a mess.
I finally found some reasonable grain liquor in Canada.
Works like a champ in the source turbo.

1.14 litres of Alcool 94 was 110 when it was in stock...which is now never.
750ml of Everclear is 40 dollars out of Alberta. Shipping is 40 dollars.

4 litres of 96% grain my door for around 225, I can run the machine a year with it.

And I am not sure if its because its grain and not corn...or I am getting better with the machine, the dabs come out really nice after a purge.

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the hell is going on here, we have rules and it isnt selling trading etc we dont allow name calling and random arguments
I finally found some reasonable grain liquor in Canada.
Works like a champ in the source turbo.

1.14 litres of Alcool 94 was 110 when it was in stock...which is now never.
750ml of Everclear is 40 dollars out of Alberta. Shipping is 40 dollars.

4 litres of 96% grain my door for around 225, I can run the machine a year with it.

And I am not sure if its because its grain and not corn...or I am getting better with the machine, the dabs come out really nice after a purge.

You are the man for sharing this link, dude.

How do you like that stuff? I'd also like to hear your thoughts and experiences on the source turbo.
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Every coco I ever tried was full of pre installed fungus knat eggs. Just warning you. Do NOT buy their bullshit on steaming and magic processes to clean the coco. All LIES and marketing CRAP !
You are the man for sharing this link, dude.

How do you like that stuff? I'd also like to hear your thoughts and experiences on the source turbo.
I use the machine to make RSO.
I have a family member currently in need and i like adding some to an edible cap.

the machine works great. you have to purge it well if you are going to smoke the dabs. But I have made some very nice first pass dabs from it too.
I have a rosin press and...i make rosin for smoking.

Decarb buds in the Ardent.....Soak in Grain Liquor....extract.
Millenniumsoils Coir

I can not believe this. .5 cubic food compressed coco coir, the big bricks that expand to 2.5 feet. 12 dollars Canadian.

I am going to get 4 or 5 of them and start running some water systems again. :)

Cheap compressed coco in pretty large sizes has been available for ages and was much cheaper than Botanicare or Canna options but the problem was it wasn't leeched to remove salts out of it. (I don't know that brand so can't comment on it) Some customers even back in mid 2000's learnt the hard way. Grotek bought it cheap coco bricks and even seed pucks in 2006 ish but had issues as the coco had so much salt in it. When I soaked it in distilled water I think the Canna was 120ppm and Grotek was 350-500 from what I remember PPM reading on yellow Miluakee pen. Man I really wish I kept on all my data from product tests I used to do and testing from building hydro systems.
Cheap compressed coco in pretty large sizes has been available for ages and was much cheaper than Botanicare or Canna options but the problem was it wasn't leeched to remove salts out of it. (I don't know that brand so can't comment on it) Some customers even back in mid 2000's learnt the hard way. Grotek bought it cheap coco bricks and even seed pucks in 2006 ish but had issues as the coco had so much salt in it. When I soaked it in distilled water I think the Canna was 120ppm and Grotek was 350-500 from what I remember PPM reading on yellow Miluakee pen. Man I really wish I kept on all my data from product tests I used to do and testing from building hydro systems.
This product is made for growing in St Catherines.
I know the cheap coco you mean, often sold as lizard bedding.
I will check it out. I dont mind soaking a tub of coco.
I use the machine to make RSO.
I have a family member currently in need and i like adding some to an edible cap.

the machine works great. you have to purge it well if you are going to smoke the dabs. But I have made some very nice first pass dabs from it too.
I have a rosin press and...i make rosin for smoking.

Decarb buds in the Ardent.....Soak in Grain Liquor....extract.
When you say purge it well, do you also have a separate vac. chamber setup (chamber, vac. pump, heating pad, etc.)?
When you say purge it well, do you also have a separate vac. chamber setup (chamber, vac. pump, heating pad, etc.)?
You can do that but the machine itself is a vacuum can purge in their if you catch it at just the right time and leave it under vacuum.
Then i let it air out and stir it and its usually good to go in 2 days.
You can do that but the machine itself is a vacuum can purge in their if you catch it at just the right time and leave it under vacuum.
Then i let it air out and stir it and its usually good to go in 2 days.
I am not plugging the machine as much as the concept. In Canada making any flammable extraction is illegal. The source and the bigger one ARE NOT.
My rosin press gets way more use but every now and then...if you want to make RSO its the easiest way i know to get the alcohol to purge out.
I HATE the taste of liquor.....
This one vacuum pump was on the fritz so...well you can maintain a bit of suction on the buckner and it doubles the filter rate....

My god did i get wasted..... so people do that...on purpose??? WTF

With the clear stock 4 litre you can run the source turbo 1 year no problem. And when you get good at it..i made some BEAUTY amber dabs..

And easy RSO. Another thing i can not put too much RSO in caps and store them. Terpenes or something is acidic in the RSO and it eats the caps.

I woke to a bowl of RSO and half caps sticking out everywhere.

I keep it in a 2 oz dropper bottle with grape seed oil and fill 2 caps and eat them before bed now. works a lot better.
And easy RSO. Another thing i can not put too much RSO in caps and store them. Terpenes or something is acidic in the RSO and it eats the caps.

Sure those weren't veggie caps instead of the usual gelatin ones? I've made regular caps with RSO that seemed to last ages.

You can do that but the machine itself is a vacuum can purge in their if you catch it at just the right time and leave it under vacuum.
Then i let it air out and stir it and its usually good to go in 2 days.
The manufacturer themselves have mentioned that their built in vac and chamber are likely enough for a "full purge" (at least enough for a smokable, vapable product). Just fyi.
A source turbo tip. If your source turbo is not boiling right.
Reset the altitude again.
I sent one in after warranty....they checked it all out, tested it, shipped it back for free working perfect...
Go to use would not boil.
I thought it cant hurt to reset the altitude to 1.
And that WAS the problem. I just do the altitude every time with my monthly run now. Works every time.