Canadian's beware! Important!

Yeah I'm learning that now, I'm never growing more than 10-15 in one are area. Also I've learned not to use Black grow bags, I'm pretty sure that's what they were looking at if it was my shit they kept looking at. But I mean they were outside the industrial area and just kept going lower and lower in the same spot directly over the plants. are gonna wanna start camouflaging your grow bags to blend in with whatever area it is they are going to be set in.......out here they have been busting people like crazy......they have been even busting people who are medical patients with 98 plants........they only give a fine if your a medical marijuana patient though.......first fine is $100, the next one is $250 and the one after that is $500......something like that
Just wanted to take a minute to discuss what I saw repeatedly flying over my crop the other day, Yes I know helicopters/ planes are nothing new but this was no normal helicopter or plane. It was the Aurora CP 140 Surveillance and recognizance plane ( Canadian Forces). This bitch is equipped with state of the art camera and infrared ( FLIR/ WesCam 20x) My plot's not the biggest maybe 50 or so in a big spread out area, however this plane flew over ( and I shit you not) like 5 times in big circles super l ow. They must have seen me to I was about a football fields length away from my shit but they can spot you from above the clouds. Not kidding look it up, there also working with the RCMP to erradicate Marijuana plants outdoor. I'm not being paro, I live in Northern Ontario and I live near an airport about 25 km;s away. None the less it was an industrial area and they were flying on the outskirts, right where my plants were. Do you think this is normal for the RCMP/ OPP to use the Canadian Forces plane for this. I mean this plane can read a coin heads or tails from like 50+ km's away. I'm not kidding look up WesCam capabilities CN tower at 112 km's away on you tube. Anyway I moved as many as I could but I'm sure they'll be back. The planes grey in colour in case you see it too and very expensive to run, so I'm wondering why they don't just use the OPP choppers like I normally see flying around.

count that plot as a loss. and dont go back, unless your CERTAIN the area is clear. (ie, like 1 am on a night with shitty weather)
Highly doubt it was what you think it was.


With a flight crew of 8 -10 required I am sure they are not after your 50 plants. :wink:

But since it's been brought up, here are some specs.

CHARACTERISTICSLength: 35.61 m (116.83 ft)
Wingspan: 30.37 m (99.6 ft)
Height: 10.30 m (34 ft)
Empty Weight: 27,892 kg (61,490 lbs)
Maximum Gross Weight: 64,410 kg (141,997 lbs)
Power: 4 x Alison T-56-A-14-LFE turboprop engines
Maximum Speed: 750 km/h (466 mph)
Cruising Speed: 648 km/h (403 mph)
Service Ceiling: 10,668 m (35,000 ft)
Endurance: 14 hours
Range: 9,266 km (5,000 nm)
Sensors: Radar; sonobuoys; forward-looking infrared (FLIR) camera; magnetic anomaly detector (MAD); electronic support measures (ESM); fixed 70 mm camera; hand-held camera; night vision goggles; gyrostabilized binoculars.
Weapons System: Mark 46 Mod. V anti-submarine torpedoes; signal chargers; smoke markers; illumination flares
(Can also be retrofitted to carry anti-ship air-to-surface missiles).
Bomb bay uses BRU-12A Weapon shackles; Bomb bay and wing stations fitted with BRU-15A shackles.
Other Equipment: Two “Sea Survival Kit—Air-Droppable” (SKAD), and Arctic SKAD units.
Crew Size: Mission minimum 8 personnel. Two pilots, one flight engineer, four navigators and 3 airborne electronic sensor operators (AESOPs). Crew size will vary according to the mission. Initially the crew which handled non-acoustic sensors were known as NASO's (Non-Acoustic Sensor Operators)
Quantity in CF: 18
Original cost: $24,905,000 each.
Stationed at 19 Wing Comox, BC and 14 Wing Greenwood, NS

LOL, this only happens in movies, and definitely not to marijuana growers with a 50 plant plot.

you think so? the ANG has 4 of these parked on the tarmac within 30 miles of where i live. they fly one damn near round the clock during harvest...

...good luck living in that bubble of invincibility...
We had a blimp over our ranch a couple of months ago. I was picking in a berry patch so don't know if they lingered over my little grow spot about half a mile away, but I doubt it. It's surrounded by cedars and elms that are supposed to have the same heat signature. It did hover over the house according to my husband who ran out to take pictures. This whole big brother setup gives me the creeps. Thank God for the second ammendment. The rubber will be meeting the road pretty soon.
blimps are used primarily by the border patrol...
For those Canadians that may not know. Our Prime Minister Harper has put forth a large amount of spending towards erradicating marijuana whether it be outdoor or ops. He has stacked everywhere he needs to and now the supreme court of Canada aswell, with people on part with his agenda. Look to the near future of harsh penalties for growing in Canada over the stated amount to be in Bill C-10 (6 plants), or in and around schools or other public areas, also you can't grow in your residence unless you own it!! So for all those thinking that giant plane with all the high tech is NOT possibly looking for gro-ops, your blind and will be locked up eventually for not taking the proper precautions. That being said it doesn't matter where you are, take precautions!! Outdoors be stealthy and hide your plants well. Indoors make sure all smells and glowing windows or doors are looked after, no ifs, ands or buts!! Just do it for your own sake. Peace!!!

P.S There are many pages on this bill. They are also building tons of super-prisons all over Canada, but everywhere says the crime rates are down, so why else would they need new super prisons?? It's not paranoia, it's being cautious. Be Safe!!!!
Cod, I feel your pain. where I live in upstate NY helicopters are CONSTANTLY flying over my house. I live in a direct line from the airport where they come from to the main areas of western NY where they go hunting.. Its like I have a International Helicopter Airport within 2 miles of me there is so much traffic. Many panic attacks have become of the faint sound of Heli blades chopping air coming my way. THIS IS A HUGE REASON I PUT MY PLANTS IN GARDEN CARTS!!!!!!! Mobility has been a huge factor for me this year in not getting caught. even though my OP is small in comparison.. don't think heli pilots aren't taking notes if they see a plant or 2 on peoples property.
Consider - what if there was a huge illegal grow (or grows plural) near him that was big enough to scramble this beast? My BIL spent 45 months in a federal pen caught just like that. "Incidental" arrest is what it was called. Discovered while investigating another person. Don't laugh just yet. But nobody flies this thing for 50 plants or even 100.
...lets be real....they dont scramble it for 50 plants....or 5000 plants...they do a general survey,,,anilyze the data from this (lets say)100o square klik area...the anilyzed info is forwarded to the rcmp....its up to them then to send the rcmp copters...they use these things all the time for crew training missions,,,and yes they use them to spot weed...any bust from this is considered the mission is for training usually...but the data is forwarded if it seems suspicious,,,,,,jmho!built from make believe and common sence..
If/when the time comes when all aspects of smoking cannabis are being targeted then I'll be more concerned.

I.E) Rolling papers {all kinds}
Growing mediums
Cannabis Culture magazines
Proponents being jailed in mass numbers
CFL's / T5's {most lighting fixtures in general}

This is just a partial list BTW.

The reason being...until they make a "real attempt" at stopping us people from growing cannabis, I'll keep doing what I do. The items I listed are all taxable and the government/s loves taxes.

How can you say in all honesty that selling these items are for legit reasons only...who the fuck still rolls their own cigarettes or uses a bong for smoking flavored herbs.

Our Prime Minister is a tool {in more than one sense of the word}.

Note: Paranoia is a known side effect of smoking cannabis and it's used as a very powerful tool by governments...knowing we smokers can be a bit paranoid, why spend all that time and energy/cost hunting every single grower when you can fly over a few fields and scare the living hell out of people, who then do the work for you, by running out and ripping up their own grows because of a "perceived threat" against them.

Rant over...peace

News from yesterday. I personally like the comment from the comments section:

" marijuana is decriminalized and anyone who wants to can just grow a couple plants in their home or share with friends, then criminals will have zero chance of making money from it. An entire criminal industry destroyed in less than a year. Far less interaction between the citizenry and the criminals which also reduces the gateway effect.The police, the government, the courts, the prison system will all save hundreds of millions of dollars, if not billions of tax dollars. The funds no longer wasted on anti-marijuana activity can either lower the tax burden, be re-focused on keeping Canadians safe from dangerous criminals or put into our increasingly Boomer-saddled Health Care system.
Taxing it is a waste of time and money as well. That would require a whole new infrastructure and expensive bureaucracy to regulate it.
It's a plant, with medicinal properties, easy to grow, and less dangerous than low grade home brew.
Decriminalize it."
Just an Update, they didn't end up coming thus far! I moved a bunch of them and now I have 9 spots of 4 and 5 in each. So good luck to everyone this harvest season Tis Time :)
^^^ That's true I know...but the bust in question had over 700 plants, do you have that many? Because I don't and I'm sure most others don't either
Just wanted to take a minute to discuss what I saw repeatedly flying over my crop the other day, Yes I know helicopters/ planes are nothing new but this was no normal helicopter or plane. It was the Aurora CP 140 Surveillance and recognizance plane ( Canadian Forces). This bitch is equipped with state of the art camera and infrared ( FLIR/ WesCam 20x) My plot's not the biggest maybe 50 or so in a big spread out area, however this plane flew over ( and I shit you not) like 5 times in big circles super l ow. They must have seen me to I was about a football fields length away from my shit but they can spot you from above the clouds. Not kidding look it up, there also working with the RCMP to erradicate Marijuana plants outdoor. I'm not being paro, I live in Northern Ontario and I live near an airport about 25 km;s away. None the less it was an industrial area and they were flying on the outskirts, right where my plants were. Do you think this is normal for the RCMP/ OPP to use the Canadian Forces plane for this. I mean this plane can read a coin heads or tails from like 50+ km's away. I'm not kidding look up WesCam capabilities CN tower at 112 km's away on you tube. Anyway I moved as many as I could but I'm sure they'll be back. The planes grey in colour in case you see it too and very expensive to run, so I'm wondering why they don't just use the OPP choppers like I normally see flying around.

Hey you should put even more detail into where you live. You know make it even easier. Or even to thieves. Be smart next time and dont even post shit like that. EVERYONE knows about the planes and choppers. Nothing new their. But why would you give cordinates 25kms away from an airport in northern ontario. IF there watching you they are waiting for you to post stupid shit like this. Be low key and they dont care about you watering your plants. There gonna get you when you chop em. Thats when it matters most.
If/when the time comes when all aspects of smoking cannabis are being targeted then I'll be more concerned.

I.E) Rolling papers {all kinds}
Growing mediums
Cannabis Culture magazines
Proponents being jailed in mass numbers
CFL's / T5's {most lighting fixtures in general}

This is just a partial list BTW.

The reason being...until they make a "real attempt" at stopping us people from growing cannabis, I'll keep doing what I do. The items I listed are all taxable and the government/s loves taxes.

How can you say in all honesty that selling these items are for legit reasons only...who the fuck still rolls their own cigarettes or uses a bong for smoking flavored herbs.

Our Prime Minister is a tool {in more than one sense of the word}.

Note: Paranoia is a known side effect of smoking cannabis and it's used as a very powerful tool by governments...knowing we smokers can be a bit paranoid, why spend all that time and energy/cost hunting every single grower when you can fly over a few fields and scare the living hell out of people, who then do the work for you, by running out and ripping up their own grows because of a "perceived threat" against them.

Rant over...peace

Amen brother. In my head that sounded like a pasture preaching at the alter.
They dont care about you watering your plants. There gonna get you when you chop em. Thats when it matters most.

lmao, Umm how the hell are they going to know when you're going to harvest?? You think they are going to sit around for a week or more waiting and hoping your going to come back!! If they are looking and see you in there they will send a crew in, if available, not wait around for you to harvest lol. Just saying..
lmao, Umm how the hell are they going to know when you're going to harvest?? You think they are going to sit around for a week or more waiting and hoping your going to come back!! If they are looking and see you in there they will send a crew in, if available, not wait around for you to harvest lol. Just saying..

Just like you know when to harvest a plant just because they dont know when he popped the seed they damn sure can tell when a plants ready to harvest. And he def will not harvest 50 plants in one day.BUT IF they were using such high technology stated in his to spy on his little grow he had they could easily judge from above how mature the plant is and send someone in while you were away to get pictures, samples, genetics, and even set in motion sensors in the trees.No one can predict the future thats why its hit and miss for most but Im not trying to say i know every method the DEA or who ever has but the two main times they will bust is when you are seen caring for the plants, or harvesting the plants EVERYONE knows that those are the two most incriminating times.. They have been doing this longer then you could imagine they know the basic phychology of growers they read the same books you and i read about security and setup and they even read these forums. I dont know the exact laws in ontario but im pretty sure its illegal to grow 50 plants anywhere. And posting your aprox position isnt smart either. So basicly to answer your question. If they were investing money on spying on his little grow then they damn sure would want an outcome from it and they will def wait around when they feel the plants are at there prime/