Cancel Rent?

your posts are full of hubris.
Right, imagine what an asshole he is in person. Thats why his renters are doing this to him and loving every second of it. His rentals are roach infested, mold traps with rats and stained carpets, appliances old as dirt. Something out of the 1980
Karma is a bitch. I am looking forward with this new opportunity to make my Scumlord
eat shit as well after the way they treated us. Landlords are going to be begging for renters like me soon! They know they are shit out of luck and jolly well fucked!
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Nope, literally dozens. I had one lady who was out on 12 week medical leave, she is receiving 2/3 pay and believes that her rent should now be 2/3s because of the virus. So she is not working for 12 weeks and getting paid and wants a break. She also felt that she shouldn't have to pay a late fee for not paying her rent on time last month because her debit card which she set up for Autopay was expired and she can't possible be responsible remembering stuff like that, not with a new baby. They already have plenty of reasons they believe they should not be held to the same standard that everybody else in life is, and this is another excuse for them.
You're transparent as fuck, dude. Just stop. It's embarrassing. Seriously, all everybody is doing is laughing at you.
I’ve never in my 35 years of renting, have even considered a late charge. I guess it’s sometimes more about the money and not the relationship. Is the late charge punitive or required for financial reasons?
Exactly. I rented one place for almost ten years before I purchased. There were a few times where I was up to a week late with rent. I just texted/called my landlord, let him know what was up, and he would extend it for me. He never charged me a late fee because he was a human being, and not some robot devoid of emotions.

I would fucking hate to be your tenant.
I'd like to have a quick say here. I can't say I'm with all that OP stated, but there is honest to goodness reality to the situation.

I personally have family and friends who own properties (and businesses) where people are claiming to not be able to pay rent.

Like it or not, this is a true reality. Along with that reality, is the fact that the leaseholders of these facilities will see blowback from their financiers, and if the properties are completely paid off, loss of revenue that often goes to the bottom line (including feeding their own family).

We shouldn't get caught up in the small details here. Everybody is going to hurt, some more than others, some longer or lesser than others.

Although I can't say I'm completely on board with how OP presented things, I am on board with the frustration and premise of the post.

I myself own properties. Thankfully however, I am not in a landlord-tenant agreement regarding any of them. With that said, the properties are losing money currently nonetheless.
I’ve never in my 35 years of renting, have even considered a late charge. I guess it’s sometimes more about the money and not the relationship. Is the late charge punitive or required for financial reasons?
Standard in the industry, rent not paid by the 15th of the month gets a late fee equal to 4% of rent. I almost always waive them because we are not in the business to make money from late fees but it’s there in the lease and incentive for people to pay on time.
Exactly. I rented one place for almost ten years before I purchased. There were a few times where I was up to a week late with rent. I just texted/called my landlord, let him know what was up, and he would extend it for me. He never charged me a late fee because he was a human being, and not some robot devoid of emotions.

I would fucking hate to be your tenant.
Lol, if you were a week or two late you wouldn’t get a late fee. Only after the 15th and I have tenants who don’t pay their rent for months. Sounds like you were a good tenant, but ignorant on rental laws.
Right, imagine what an asshole he is in person. Thats why his renters are doing this to him and loving every second of it. His rentals are roach infested, mold traps with rats and stained carpets, appliances old as dirt. Something out of the 1980
Karma is a bitch. I am looking forward with this new opportunity to make my Scumlord
eat shit as well after the way they treated us. Landlords are going to be begging for renters like me soon! They know they are shit out of luck and jolly well fucked!
Lulz @ the idea that the prideful bitch has alienated his customers and they will stick it to him with glee.

Pride cometh before a fall. It was true when first said and still is true today.

I've had a couple of good owners that I've rented from but most I've known are on a power trip even tho they are just small change.

One made the mistake of telling me up front that he was going to keep my deposit regardless. So, I threw a "no deposit, no return" party after moving all my stuff out. I raked the debris into a pile when I left the trashed out apartment and dropped off my key.
One made the mistake of telling me up front that he was going to keep my deposit regardless. So, I threw a "no deposit, no return" party after moving all my stuff out. I raked the debris into a pile when I left the trashed out apartment and dropped off my key.

Well not that I believe you, but the law is specific, if we don't return a deposit within 30 days or an itemized bill explaining why any is being withheld the renter is entitled to 3 times the deposit and judges love giving it to them. Now I am sure you were a piece of shit tenant, but for anybody who reads this thread good thing to remember is that everything has a life span. Carpet is I believe 8 years, paint 5 and so on. If you live in a place for 5 years and the carpet was 5 years old before you moved in they can't charge you for it. Unfortunately most tenants don't know the law or how to protect themselves. The move-in inspection is your proof and you can ask for comments about condition of the property to be added and you can refuse to sign if you are not happy with it.
I extended past the 15th on a couple occasions. No problems. Again, try being a human being.
lol, I have already said that I waive them once they pay their rent. You took advantage of your landlord it sounds like, probably paid everything but your rent first. Try being a decent human being who prioritizes what's important, like a roof over your head.
And again, there are a handful of posters who obviously don't like me, always insulting me and I don't go to their threads anymore because it was made very clear that the rules are applied differently, yet they come into this thread. I mean do what you want, I am assuming you are enjoying the conversation otherwise why join it right?
Well not that I believe you, but the law is specific, if we don't return a deposit within 30 days or an itemized bill explaining why any is being withheld the renter is entitled to 3 times the deposit and judges love giving it to them. Now I am sure you were a piece of shit tenant, but for anybody who reads this thread good thing to remember is that everything has a life span. Carpet is I believe 8 years, paint 5 and so on. If you live in a place for 5 years and the carpet was 5 years old before you moved in they can't charge you for it. Unfortunately most tenants don't know the law or how to protect themselves. The move-in inspection is your proof and you can ask for comments about condition of the property to be added and you can refuse to sign if you are not happy with it.
your posts are filled with hubris
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Lots of people not trusting the Gov. I bought a few hundred rounds and was looking at a new weapon but all the sales stopped as soon as this hit, everything is top dollar now.
lol, I have already said that I waive them once they pay their rent. You took advantage of your landlord it sounds like, probably paid everything but your rent first. Try being a decent human being who prioritizes what's important, like a roof over your head.
Shit happens. I was a full time promoter. I occasionally lost money. Again, my landlord was an actual human being and not some piece of shit, robot sounding asshole.