Candy Striped Leaf Hoppers Help!! the neem oil, I looked at home depot and my local nursery, everything they have w/ neem is like .09% neem. Is there a percent i'm looking for? If i can get rid of them and not ruin my7 bud i'n for it. I want my ladies to keep all the nutes they get!
I deal with those fuckers if your baby's are close together they seem to be harder to get rid of I assume because they hop plant to plant hints the name if you try to kill them manually you can watch them go back and fourth through your plants instead of just leaving! Original dawn diluted at 1 tbsp per Gallo of water seemed to work for me
I found some in my back yard. They look really cool but I'm glad they aren't on my plants.

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They like anything "new" and really green and kinda outta place. They spread Pierces Disease and have been given grape growers hell for many years. They are NOT good for cannabis either...despite what people say (not much damage) or how "pretty" they are. Fuk pretty. My buds are pretty.
IMG_20160818_0922115-01.jpeg IMG_20160818_0923114-01.jpeg Glad I found this thread. I found a couple of these guys on my plant this morning along with another bug that is a it bigger but brown. I do believe it's also a leafhopper but a different variety. Could y'all help confirm this?

Also wondering if the Dawn solution would work. I also have an essential oil pest spray to try. Failing both of those, I'll grab me some neem.

First pic is the candy striped leafhopper and the second is the other one that I need help in identifying. Thanks in advance...
Yeah same as me. I live in the great lake region and see them all the time. They do some damage but nothing too bad.
I see em every damn year it seems but by the way I used dawn to get rid of em last year this year using same thing because I found some an though there pop. Is small its not seeming to get completely rid of them this year
I see em every damn year it seems but by the way I used dawn to get rid of em last year this year using same thing because I found some an though there pop. Is small its not seeming to get completely rid of them this year
Yeah I find the little spots every now and then where they sacked the juice out, but it's not drastic. It's annoying but not to the point I feel like I have to spray something.
Never had disease on my plants and I've been growing In this area for 5 yrs now. Only prob I've ever had with a plant out here was 1 got bud rot. I wouldn't worry about them. When u grow outdoors your going to have bugs sometimes.
I've only seen disease once and it decimated an entire crop never do I want to see it again
I always see a few on my plants (they have a different color pattern here) but they never seem to cause any damage so I leave them alone
I sprayed neem and a little spinosad when incirst saw them. They are still there but cut down to a few here or there. I can deal with that. But they CAN be a problem. Ususally not. Bit can get outta control. They do damage if youe plants are in a heavy hopper infested area. They are abundant in Michigan. Like i said....a little neem and spinosad....i can live with the drastically reduced populations until harvest in October.