Cane wax/oil


So a guy I've known for a looping time and have built up a lot of trust with recently informed me he had some cane oil. It's basically the consistency of normal bho but like he said it's cane. I've tried looking up what it is online and there's nothing. Google failed me as did my research skills. Can anyone give me any insight on what cane oil is and how it's made and if it's a similar product to bho. He says butane is terrible for you which is why he's only gonna be getting this but I don't want to just take his word for it. Thanks
So a guy I've known for a looping time and have built up a lot of trust with recently informed me he had some cane oil. It's basically the consistency of normal bho but like he said it's cane. I've tried looking up what it is online and there's nothing. Google failed me as did my research skills. Can anyone give me any insight on what cane oil is and how it's made and if it's a similar product to bho. He says butane is terrible for you which is why he's only gonna be getting this but I don't want to just take his word for it. Thanks
Sounds more like snake oil to me :/
Edit: a quick google search says the Latin word calamus means "cane", so perhaps he's talking about acorus calamus essential oil.
The active constituent of the essential oil is alpha and beta-asarone, which belong to a group phytochemicals called phenlypropanoids... Anyhow this essential oil exhibits tranquilizing effects so perhaps he's trying to sell some fake wax?
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To answer your question aboutwhich is safer/better. Imho any solvent can be safe as long as you can properly purge it. as for better that is an opinion i personally prefer bho blown into ethanol air evapped then vac purged but once again thats my opinion