Canna A & B / Canna Boost ???


Active Member

About to buy Canna A & B 5 litres of each.. £37.00

And Canna Boost - 250ml - £23.00

Do you think these are good buys??

Also I have been using ionic grow, for 4 weeks this sat..

Am right in thinking A & B are for the flowering stage, and also Boost??

Then going to buy the flush which is £10

Is it ok to switch?? Not goin to harm them changing from Ionic to Canna??

Thanks People


Well-Known Member
Canna is a little expensive so i took Advanced Nutrients and i have unexpectable results...


Well-Known Member
i have been using canna nutes for over 18mos now
great stuff. super easy to use.
not that expensive either.... i use them at 50% recommended dosage and my plants are bomb.

i have had in depth conversation about canna vs adv with an ex adv agent....
he told me he thought it was easier for people to dial in good results w canna....
Canna Line is the shit all I use it with the Canna coco Medium, I also always add a lil cal/mag to the mix every time. I am using the Canna boost Accelerator for the first time and the results have been phenomenal. The buds are like rocks in the 6th week and seems to be accelerated a lot, Fan leaves are starting to purple and looking like week end of wk7 we'll see if the buds get purple before week 9. Pre98 is the strain pics will arrive later. Advance is simply too advanced for me, I looked at the line and if you do the whole thing there PK, RIzo sub and the rest it seems to actually be more expensive:finger: accept for the boost that stuff is recockulously outragouse in price. If I had the choice Id rather accelerate then advance. Now, If i finish a 20% faster its worth it because I don't use all the lights :idea:nutes for 2 weeks whole weeks:wall:. That equals more harveys a year if ur on ur shit the math is simple (no boost75Cycle/365Days a Year = 4.8 pulls a yr)
(with boost 63/365= 5.79 pulls a yr) 1 extra pull a year is worth the cost right there...:clap: