Canna Butter


Active Member
24g of good bud/frosty trim made into a stick of cannabutter then into 36 sugar cookies so .67g of bud per cookie if its all in there i have a farly high tolerance to smoking but have never eaten it before would 4 cookies be a good starting point? or should i go with more i want it to hit me hard but dont want to waste any


Well-Known Member
I use cannabutter regularly. I can't see why you would put plant matter in the cookies too. That's the whole idea behind making the butter, so you don't have to include the plant matter. But to each his own.

I've used the stovetop boil with water method, but now I use a crockpot. That way I can use butter only, and it won't burn. I powder the bud/leaf in a food processor, and I mean to a flour-like powder, and mix with the butter. I heat for 4 hours, and stir every 15 minutes. Sqeeze it all thru some cheesecloth, and you're ready to bake.

One more thing, when you cook with cannabis on a stovetop or countertop, it's best to not do it in bright light. Low light/dark is best, because when cannabis is wetted, bright light will degrade the potency.
yup.. the only way I would use stop top again is if my crock pot broke... love the idea of setting and walking away.. (not too far tho) I put all my stuff into a 16 oz mason jar (make sure you have a MASON jar **one esp designed for being in hot water** without exploding! after about 4-8 hours on med heat I remove it let it sit then add a strainer to the mason jar tip it upside down and wait... then squeeze out the rest and enjoy...


Well-Known Member
24g of good bud/frosty trim made into a stick of cannabutter then into 36 sugar cookies so .67g of bud per cookie if its all in there i have a farly high tolerance to smoking but have never eaten it before would 4 cookies be a good starting point? or should i go with more i want it to hit me hard but dont want to waste any

I would not eat more then 2 at first... wait 1 hour then if that did nothing.. (it will do something) or ... eat 2 more..
I have only made the butter once in a crock-pot and the butter was great, but what a stinky mess. Have you ever tried puting the trim in a piece of cheese cloth, to make like a tea bag? Would that work? Thanks.