Canna classic mixing nutes - noob help


Just put in my first baby, added nutes and balanced ph.

i put 55ml into 35 litres, but i got a feeling its low, i dont trust my current truncheon, but its reading around the 12 which i guess is right.

what ppm should i be aiming at, its drip fed DWC for the first little bit till the roots drop.

i was told this truncheon reads a bit high, but i dont see how 55ml of A and 55ml of B into 35 Litres of water could be over 12...

ideas anyone, i think i got it, looking for reassurance,


Well-Known Member
If your truncheon is reading around 12 then this is most likely CF which means EC1.2.

Firstly how big are your plants?

If they are young clones or seedlings 12 might be too high for them.

I take it you are using canna aqua range which is the recirculating formula?

In a hydro system that was recirculating I maxed out at 1.4EC or 14CF with 3ft tall heavily flowering plants.

I would start at CF7-8 and if your water in the DWC res increases in CF then you are feeding too heavy. If it decreases then you can too up a little richer. Never go up or down more than 4CF each time.

So if your res is filled with CF8 and if after 2days it tests CF6 then increase your top up and make the res CF10. Try to only move up CF2 at a time from what it started at.

If its filled with CF8 and it goes up to CF10 add water to your res and make it CF6. 2 below what it started at.

This way you should be able to make sure they are getting just what they need rather than over feeding then correcting. This way its small adjustments here and there until you find the sweet spot, where water and nutes are being absorbed at the same rate causing your CF to stay the same and only requiring the same CF topups.

Hope this didn't fry your head too much.



Thank bro,

I couldn't have asked for a clearer explanation. My plant is about 2 months old, of which it spent 24/0 under a single fluro (clone). Its only 15 - 17 cm tall, and just gone from water only to nutes. It was in a smallish rockwool with the plastic on, i removed the plastic and put it in a hydrogen filled mesh basket in the top of my tote res. I have 2 air lines and no air stone, big pump, ill try it without and get one if i require. 600W HPS on control gear, 500 m3/h extraction fan (294.29 CFM), My EC is 1.0 - 1.2 and i only have old skool color PH test, where you put a drop of stuff into 5ml of liquid, and it changes color. It appears to be around 5.0 - 5.5.

I really appreciate you taking the time to enlighten me :)

+rep given!