Canna Coco & Canna Coco nutes


Active Member

Anybody there with experience using Canna Coco and its designated nutrients? Any information regarding pH, EC, products used other than the Canna A + B nutes, etc. would be appreicated.

I have seen a couple of other threads concerning Canna Coco, but they are all mostly people oohing and aahing over the plant photos and not much specific information. The largest one is very suspicious of being a product plug and did not respond to my inquiry.

Many thanks!


Active Member
Hmm... Nobody is saying anything. Maybe I need to be less specific... and add pictures.

These plants are in nothing but Canna coco. I followed the Canna instructions and soaked the coco in diluted nutes prior to potting, planted the already sprouted plants, and gave them 25% Canna nutes at the Canna recommended once-a-day interval.

The plants rooted and grew, but they quickly got floppy leaves, the stems turned dark purple, and the tips and edges of the leaves started to curl up.

I interpretid this as too much water and cut back to every other day in small doses.

Then some plants' leaves tips started to curl downward and have burnt tips. So I started watering with just water.

One plant is almost perfect.

One plant is pale all over and growing slowly. It also has slightly burnt lead tips.

One plant's lower leaves are pale, but upper leaves are green on the top w/edges curled upward and the fingers of the leaves drawn close together. (like going from spread fingers on your hand to karate chop fingers)

One plant is green and pretty, but has barely grown at all. Really. It's like a sculpture.

Two plants are dark green and growing, but the leaves are wrinkled like fingers and toes after swimming. One has dark purple stems and the leaf fingers drawing together.

I have tried watering less, watering more, more nutes, less nutes, higher pH, lower pH, and nothing is helping.

I use a 400W light that is a comfortable distance from the plants. The temp is 60 to 75 F and 50-60 humidity. I can't get the humidity any higher. I use Canna coco A B nutes and nothing else.

Any suggestions?



i am using the exact same set up as you with great results. i am in the 2 week of flower and my plants look fantantastic. from the looks of it your in your 1-2 week of veg? i went straight ph'd water and superthrive for the first week and a half at 18/6. then i started slow 200ppm for about a week and then upped it to 500, 600, for the next week and then up to 1000ppm but not much higher until i started to flower. i was watering every 3-4 days. you have to use good judgment, like do you think your plants can handle upping the nutes? With your plants it looks like their just stressd from all the changes you've been trying. Try just flushin them and starting a slow consistant feed and nute schedule. less in more at this stage i think.


Active Member
Do you have a space issue? It looks like you toped the plants already. Remember the root system has to fill the pot some first to get the plant stabilized and growing good! Make sure your are actually giving them 25% nutes and not reading the EC/ppm chart inccorrectly. Hope this helps :joint: