Well-Known Member
Hi all, I have a question or two, regarding the CANNA GROW GUIDES.. I understand how to fill in and use the guides..but when should I ~ if at all change from "LIGHT FEEDING CHART" to the "MEDIUM FEED CHART". . and then finally from medium to "HEAVY FEED CHART"...???

Does it depend on what you are growing , strain, size , age..etc.. and should I pay any attention to the light medium and heavy varient if I am already checking the EC is in range...?

Also CANNAS PK 13/14 ... Does anyone know whether I need to drop this PK solution, if I plan to use a supplement called FRUIT MACINE .. If anyones heard of it ..? :.not sure whether to use one or the other or both..???

Many Thanks In Advance


I think you'll want to pick one chart and stick with it...but you can obviously change them up, although I wouldn't hit a new/small plant with the heavy feeding as it'll probably burn, but never know, some plants can take it. There's no specific time to switch, just depends on how much the plant can take and the only real way of finding that out is to clone & test. Also, the feeding charts give the option to use EC or PPM and they specify the desired outcome so you can use those as well for me at least.

I generally stick to the "Normal" feeding and then give it a little less than recommended as I use some other additives. As for the PK 13/14 and Fruit Machine, I've never used either so wouldn't know, sorry!