Canna Terra Vega soil feed.


Well-Known Member
In a few days im planning to feed my plant with terra vega. Does anyone have any experience using this food?
Ive read on the back to mix 1L with 5ml but then also in a book from the grow shop, 2ml-7ml?
My plants 4th week into vegative growth and didnt react well with biobizz food.

Im just nervous about having to adjust the ph if the food really lowers it?

Any tips?



Well-Known Member
How exactly did the plants not react well to BioBizz? you are growing in soil right?

I had the opposite experience, leaving Canna for BioBizz.

I would recommend starting with half the amount (2.5ml/l).

Any photos of your plants?


Well-Known Member
I am using the biobizz soil. I used 2ml to 2L of water. The ph test showed that it was around 6 when i made it up and left it a while but the next day I checked my soil ph it was 4 :s the plants were quite limp looking.

Unless i am doing something wrong. This is my first grow.
I was wondering if me using RO water contributed though? I have switched back to tap water now


Well-Known Member
Which Biobizz soil are you using? I use the Light Mix.

Also, how are you testing your soil pH?

I personally only use tap water, but then again I think Swiss tap water is one of the best in the world :D

Nevertheless, RO water and 1ml/l of the nutes will not cause the pH to drop to 4!

During veg you want your pH to be at around 6.8.

What else have you fed your plants, used for pH down, etc?

Photos would be really helpful.


Well-Known Member
Im using the bio bizz all mix (thinks thats what its called)
I test the soil ph with a soil ph tester i test each pot 3 times once near the plant, one round the middle and one on the outside of the pot.

I use ph test strips for water

To bring ph up and ph down i use lime from a garden centre and white vinegar.

I will upload pics later when I can use my camera.

Btw im trying to keep my grow organic