

Hey folks, quick question: I've got 3 weeks to go b4 harvest. Triches are cloudy bout 5% clear. Pistils 40% amber on top cola. Am I too late to add 13/14? First time grow and rooky error no time frame on wks. I just went with the flow. Indica strain I think auto fresh candy..thoughts please..


Well-Known Member
If it’s an auto strain, you can stay in a 18 or more light cycle. There‘s a reason why they are called autos and they love light for growing, even in the flowering stage. If you are doing photoperiod seeds, then leave them at 12/12 for flowering cause you could cause your plant to reveg. Don’t go by the schedule they list on the package, as they can go a few weeks longer. Get yourself a jewel loop or grab a cheap wifi digital microscope off Amazon to sync with your phone/tablet. Gonna be looking at your trichomes and looking for cloudy and a hint of amber to them. Look at them on the bud and don’t go by the ones on the leaves


Got a jewel loup, I check every day for change. 16/8 lights. IYO have I still time to add 13/14 is my question, still taking water, yellowing leaves but smaller ones still green. Buds still but airy

Star Dog

Well-Known Member
Hey folks, quick question: I've got 3 weeks to go b4 harvest. Triches are cloudy bout 5% clear. Pistils 40% amber on top cola. Am I too late to add 13/14? First time grow and rooky error no time frame on wks. I just went with the flow. Indica strain I think auto fresh candy..thoughts please..
Idk about to late but 13/14 isn't important, as in its not needed for for good crops I wouldn't be concerned about that.

Do you have any pics?
im in week 2 of flowering an will be useing canna 13-4 myself , i heard you only use 1ml per gallon its so strong and its only used in week 4 for 7 days