Cannabis Auto Box, Personal Weed Computer ... it's freaking awesome !

Anyone else here growing with CAB ?? I setup 3 acres at a farm .. with above ground pumps, that pump nutes we fill a huge tank with .. and it pumps them on a timed basis or whenever I want with this little computer.
You can surf the web, play games, manage spreadsheets all from this little computer system that has power cables coming out of it to control all your grow peripherals. I got the farm CAB, connected to an above ground pump .. We have outdoor CFLS nodes .. I have CAB power on sections of them when we do an outdoor 24 hour organic grow. Since no heating or cooling is needed I connected CAB's power plug to a deer feeder which is filled with nutrients and it's placed in a 400 gallon septic tank dedicated as a nutrient feed tank. Well I finally got a CAB for myself, and I'm just growing a small indoor grow I thought I'd share. Anyone else using a Cannabis Auto Box ??
