Cannabis gardening Apps


Well-Known Member
So the other night I was using a magnifier. Similar to a jeweler's loop, to check out the trichs as one does, when the battery went. I have a digital endoscope for when I really want to get in there but it wasn't handy at the time so I resorted to using the phone. As I was messing around it occurred to me that there had to be a reliable app by now that uses the fairly high end cameras (sometimes more than 1 camera per phone now) to look the plant and determine pretty much every aspect of its life to date as well as look at the trichs and average the clear, cloudy and amber to give an accurate assessment of where in its life cycle it i, when to harvest and for predominantly what effect can be expected. Anywho I looked around and could only find one application that even looked remotely useful. It is called "Ripe to Pipe". The reviews alone tell you how useless this is. Having said that why hasn't someone with a skill base in programing and the right hobby make this happen yet? Or maybe I missed it during my search? Has anyone found anything like this? If it's not here yet I'm sure someone is working on something like it. Any opinions?
I haven't tried that, I did use a microscope lens attachment, the problem I kept having is to get close enough the stupid sense inevitably gets all gunked up.

I just cheat and do a pic every day or two of a specific couple angles of each plant to have a referral, that way the next season I can look back at specific dates to have a comparison of them. At the end of a season my laptop has a million file folders in specific spots to clean up.
It's always good to have a few points of reference. I do something similar but sounds like you are more consistent with the angles for comparison. I'm just surprised that with legalization came a surge in new tech, like I've seen advertising for fully automated grow chambers that only need a water supply,plug and nutrients, so something that can tell you with a consistent accuracy when to harvest seems like it's late to market at this point.