Cannabis 'genetics bottleneck' a growing concern for budding licensed producers

Its all quite narrow minded, fucking dipshits, if i was running 1000 plant count i cant imagine the genetics i would find, do what professional growers do run a few crops to develop shit.. ametuers are leading the way, not really just the ones all up whining to the media.. come on if your running a massive show would you not have a few dedicated breeders, ohh maybe not if your just a ametuer parasite in it to cash out
Its all quite narrow minded, fucking dipshits, if i was running 1000 plant count i cant imagine the genetics i would find, do what professional growers do run a few crops to develop shit.. ametuers are leading the way, not really just the ones all up whining to the media.. come on if your running a massive show would you not have a few dedicated breeders, ohh maybe not if your just a ametuer parasite in it to cash out

I am pretty new to growing but doesn't it take years to breed for stability and the traits you are looking for ? Everyone should have their own breeders though.
I am pretty new to growing but doesn't it take years to breed for stability and the traits you are looking for ? Everyone should have their own breeders though.

If one takes notice, most of the current strains all go back to a few, a lot of the strains are phenotypes from the same seeds but worked different or based on a different pheno from same seed. A thing that a lot of new guys dont understand with start 2 seeds is this is about pheno serching, there are some stable strains but a lot of stuff throws a range, really we are looking for the mutant with crazy genetics, i am and always have, i start lots of seeds and weed them down, like to make them with a 10 pack then search for yrs.. find a winner, clone, produce or breed. Might stabilize it might not, you really want that stand out pheno to use, thats why a guy pops seeds till you find a winner, then you hoard and make people jelous. How shes done budz
If one takes notice, most of the current strains all go back to a few, a lot of the strains are phenotypes from the same seeds but worked different or based on a different pheno from same seed
Sorry, but I have to disagree. To say that most of todays cannabis is mostly derived from the old school strains and merely different phenotypic expressions of those strains is patently false. Unless im misinterpreting what you're saying.
Sorry, but I have to disagree. To say that most of todays cannabis is mostly derived from the old school strains and merely different phenotypic expressions of those strains is patently false. Unless im misinterpreting what you're saying.

But they are aren't they? From my questionable knowledge, and I am sure I have seen cannabis family trees that people have done, they can all be traced back to a smaller number of strains. This is exactly what selective breeding accomplishes. Sadly the selective breeding of cannabis for far too long had yield then potency in mind.
Cheers :)
Sorry, but I have to disagree. To say that most of todays cannabis is mostly derived from the old school strains and merely different phenotypic expressions of those strains is patently false. Unless im misinterpreting what you're saying.
Thats exactly what im saying, a elite standout from a seed run or a fresh cross, gets a name, worked and marketed as new, where do you think they got this stuff, research strain lineage on numerous stuff, lots goes back to unknown (still from current available seeds and crosses) but a lot is admited to a stand out in a seed run, im just pointing it out not making it up. Just saying if the lazy bastards went to the drawing board instead of trying to copy others they might do good with the resources on hand (unlimited plant count) have a lot more potential than a lot of the guys that made these strains.. unless the sight is so short there just in it for a quick buck.
Does anybody remeber the strain northumbrian, it was a plant that sprouted from a guys seed stock, it grew sidways, it was very unconventional, it was a guys account of it poping up in his seed stock, a unique plant, i belive he had made seeds but lost them, it was gone. Lots like this, I have the old high times with the article somewhere, if anyones interested i might try to find the article
Thats exactly what im saying, a elite standout from a seed run or a fresh cross, gets a name, worked and marketed as new, where do you think they got this stuff, research strain lineage on numerous stuff, lots goes back to unknown (still from current available seeds and crosses) but a lot is admited to a stand out in a seed run, im just pointing it out not making it up. Just saying if the lazy bastards went to the drawing board instead of trying to copy others they might do good with the resources on hand (unlimited plant count) have a lot more potential than a lot of the guys that made these strains.. unless the sight is so short there just in it for a quick buck.

As much as people hate ShiTweed they did the right thing hiring a guy who had been breeding for several years to be their "master grower" and breeder, they have not done a ton of breeding from the looks of their selections though.
Sorry, but I have to disagree. To say that most of todays cannabis is mostly derived from the old school strains and merely different phenotypic expressions of those strains is patently false. Unless im misinterpreting what you're saying.
He’s more right than wrong. For example, take just about any Kush/cookies/GG cross on the market today and I would bet all are mostly related to OG Kush S1 circa early y2k. Those S1’s thruout all kinds of pheno’s (including a few full blown males). Those pheno’s were then selfed again, and again creating even more pheno’s. Toss in a few non related males and viola...Kush’s by the dozen...but all closely related to that original OG Kush. Genetic testing is currently available, but the database is relatively small at this time. Soon we’ll see that most current gear available today is way closer than 6 degrees of separation...more like kissin’ cousins!
He’s more right than wrong. For example, take just about any Kush/cookies/GG cross on the market today and I would bet all are mostly related to OG Kush S1 circa early y2k. Those S1’s thruout all kinds of pheno’s (including a few full blown males). Those pheno’s were then selfed again, and again creating even more pheno’s. Toss in a few non related males and viola...Kush’s by the dozen...but all closely related to that original OG Kush. Genetic testing is currently available, but the database is relatively small at this time. Soon we’ll see that most current gear available today is way closer than 6 degrees of separation...more like kissin’ cousins!
Enter the PHYLOS GALAXY data base growing daily. I actually met the guy running this project. They even have 3000 year old seeds they will be logging into the data base.
and every one of their strains are not as good as the original f1's they made .[.but they are stable now]

you want stable..?

something will suffer and it's aways potency

imho want to find "gold" in a pack then keep the clone of the best one
Yeah one of the most stable strains I have ever seen was ak47 and that shit sucked. I could be in the states, Canada or the UK and it was always the same boring ass weed.