cannabis induced anxiety management.


Well-Known Member
To anyone who has experienced anxiety or panic attacks induced by cannabis, just put your favorite song on, have a bottle of water near by with a pitch of salt and just start doing burpees until you cant do another burpee, catch your breath, take some water repeat, focus only on burpees and complete 3 sets of as many as you can do, then ask yourself if you still have anxiety, probably wont, this changed my life as silly as it might sound
I pop a black pepper or two into my mouth and listen to something chill on my headphones. I'm mostly anxious because I'm not sure if my neighbors can smell it or not, but after so many years I think someone would've said something by now lol.
When I have alot going on, I tend to get anxiety from smoking too much. It's only when my anxiety is high from stress. Case in point, I had racoons break into my attic and Ive been battling them for a week. I finally evicted the squatters and was up on the roof all day today sealing off the vents and any spaces they could get their grubby little paws into. Needless to say I haven't smoked much this week. Once I level out I'll be A-OK and get right back into the swing of things. I deal with anxiety poorly and am working on meditation techniques to help calm myself. Unfortunately, when I have an 'episode' there's no talking me off the ledge (so to speak.). My mind races, and I immediately start thinking about all the worst case scenarios. It's worse when there's an unknown factor. I NEED to know all the information to be able to come up with a solution in my mind that will help me rationalize the situation and draw some sort of conclusion that I'm happy with. Otherwise I'm a mess.
Anxiety IS a bitch
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Fear is a basic survival instinct for all creatures including man. Without fear, their would have been mo end of humans predation by more capable animals.
Fear also stopped acts such as falling into a holes, or drowning. There was a time When humans simply walked off cliffs, or walked up to lions. Early humans who did not know fear, often fell victim east prey to something more capable.
Without fear, the human being would have perished along time ago as did other creatures who did not exhibit fear.
Moving on to Psychosis, what is it and how does cannabis relate to it. Dictionaries vaguely describe Psychosis as a mental disorder characterized by disconnected reality. Unfortunately for humans, every mental disorder is characterized by the same dissociative conditions regardless of what name it goes by. In main stream medicine, the term post traumatic stress is used. Psychiatrist use the term psychosis as a vague term to describe the dissociated behavior of the of those who exhibit a greater degree of the condition.
With that said, cannabis does not cause psychosis or any other form of negative psychological behavior.
So how does cannabis relate to psychosis? As we all know, cannabis is made of many chemicals. Just like alcohol, or carbohydrates, or any other natural or synthetic substances, these chemicals will alway cause physical change in the human body as they are broken down to be used all over the body.
Therefore, it’s just cannabis, because it is every substance that the human body comes into contact with will cause the same underlying reaction as their chemical components are broken down to be used by the body.
As the body replenish itself, elements are past from areas of abundance, to areas that need them the most.
The process requires constant energy supply. Therefore as humans, we tend to over indulge in every aspect of our lives, especially when it comes to pleasure. Since Cannabis gives us a lot of pleasure, starting from slight mental and physical stimulation such as slight body reactions. As dosage increases, so does the effects, then conditions such as euphoria, creativity, excess energy. However it doesn’t stop there because the effects overindulgence can become quite severe. The feelings Enlightenment, or universal connectedness are are signs that the body is nearing its peak.
Still there are those who push one. Rather accidentally, or purposely, the effect of continued cannabis uses can be physically devastating because it takes places over the entire body.
However now things are complicated because the body now has to choose which processes are essential to survival. Auto pilot mode so to speak, as thinking is deemed no longer necessary, so energy is not wasted there.
Mobility is decreased as not to waste energy. Breathing is slower, because the body has deemed it more efficient to reduce mobility.
The use of Fight or flight is no longer accessible. Vision is also blurred for the same reason, you are not going anywhere. As darkness fall over the body, so those all the fears associated with it.
As humans, we have learned there are many things to fear in the dark. Since we can’t run or hide, and our eyes are already shut down, the brain locks it’s doors to forms stimulation, both chemical and physical. Despite the many medical terms given, fear of the dark, fear of the unknown is what we are dealing with.
It’s the body’s way of preparing itself for the unknown that it is about to face. The body rests then emerges with brand new mindset, and it’s ready to tackle any things that gets in our way.
Those who make the journey will reap its reward, however those how succumb to the fear, will have to start over and face it again….and again until they overcome it.
It doesn’t matter if you are a glass half empty, or half full type of person, the effects of the cannabis will be the same.
There is cannabis available for those who choose to run and never face their fears. The type is often referred to as ceilingless. Then there is cannabis that will pull you into the depths as it changes every aspect of your life. Dark forms of cannabis is very rare because some users deemed them too frightening or too unforgiving to endure.
Enters the world of hybrid cannabis, that is designed not only to give energy, but also to provide the mental stimulation that is needed to push forward during these darkened times.
High thc percentages were first used by cannabis legal market to entice customers into buying their products. However customers soon learned that thc percentage numbers did not reflect the effectiveness of cannabis. Meaning high %’s does not make for more effective cannabis.
Therefore corporate cannabis has dug themselves into a hole. There lucrative marketing strategy is no longer profitable.
However the corporations did learn a lot, during the time they spent researching cannabis. Mainly they learned that high thc cannabis getting the most sale. In order to prevent further corporate losses, old scare tactics have resurfaced. Psychosis, schizophrenia is just the beginning as these corporations try to hold their ground.
The attempt to increase taxes on higher thc cannabis means that corporation have already accepted loosing control of the cannabis market. Therefore new measures are put in place to ensure they get their share of the profits.
I'm not reading all of that.

The anxiety I get from weed makes me less anxious in my day to day life. The best way I can describe it is that my anxiety gets red lined so hard on weed that when I come down and none of the negative worries have come to pass, I'm anxiety free for a couple days.
THC stimulates the amygdala pretty hard. Many people, including me, developed a sensitivity to THC over time. The solution is to take very small tokes and build up your high slowly. If I take a giant toke then I'll be uneasy for awhile but I don't get panic anymore. I can still get as high as I used to if I build it slow rather than in one giant rip like I used to do.
i only get anxiety when i go on a break and first hit is too much. i get basicly some paranoia i "hear" stuff like knocking or door bell panic that somebody smelled it or some random shit. heart starts popping out of my chest. but best way i found out was to put on headphones and play some games that need focus something competitve.anxiety actually makes me play smarter and better hahaha
To anyone who has experienced anxiety or panic attacks induced by cannabis, just put your favorite song on, have a bottle of water near by with a pitch of salt and just start doing burpees until you cant do another burpee, catch your breath, take some water repeat, focus only on burpees and complete 3 sets of as many as you can do, then ask yourself if you still have anxiety, probably wont, this changed my life as silly as it might sound

Increase your magnesium intake if you suffer from anxiety, you might think I'm joking but I'm not you can look into it yourself.
To anyone who has experienced anxiety or panic attacks induced by cannabis, just put your favorite song on, have a bottle of water near by with a pitch of salt and just start doing burpees until you cant do another burpee, catch your breath, take some water repeat, focus only on burpees and complete 3 sets of as many as you can do, then ask yourself if you still have anxiety, probably wont, this changed my life as silly as it might sound

It doesn't induce anxiety, the anxiety is already there. What it does is make it prevelalant in your mind.
i just use kratom now a days, smokeing with people gives me panic attacks, smoking on my own is fine. just me, some good vibes and the garden or my guitar and im well away
Nah. I'm completely fine if I'm sober. Sometimes I'll vape a bowl and immediately think I'm going to die and go into a full blown panic attack.

That's happens to me. When i get so high my heart rate goes up. When i listen my body it gets higher and it makes me think i am going to die. Best thing i can do is going out and take a walk or talk to someone. I made many researches if anyone died because of weed but there is no case like that. I always remind myself that but when it comes it comes lol. It takes at least 20-30 mins then it's very happy high. Somehow i can't defeat that feeling first 20-30 mins.