cannabis is our relative, we should respect it as such...imo...


Well-Known Member
322 votes so far (now shooting for 420)
As the feds 'contemplate' ( = dog and pony show to help get us all to swallow the coming new regs etc) new laws to regulate cannabis its a good time to let the corpsgov know how you feel about genetically engineered cannabis (or GMO cannabis as some might say) and one way to do that is by voting in the poll here @RIU in the politics forum:

imo we must settle the cannabis question by way of the constitution and in court as plaintiffs, otherwise we leave the door wide open to gmo cannabis being the only legal cannabis in the coming times of the laws changing, and if we leave it up to congress etc i feel this will be the outcome...its a plant, it comes from where we all come from and goes to where we all go, its your relative, will the real cannabis lovers please stand up' for the plants natural right to exist...stand up for your natural right to partner with the plant for your food, meds, cloths and shelter etc...stand up for truth, not lies built from compromise...theres only one place other than a battle field where this can be resolved by the facts and that is the court room...but pro cannabis folks almost always only go to court as the defendant...loosing battle, wrong field...folks who love cannabis must walk into court as plaintiffs seeking to affirm the rights we were all born with...
So you are going to shit on the Colorado forum now?

322 votes so far (now shooting for 420)
As the feds 'contemplate' ( = dog and pony show to help get us all to swallow the coming new regs etc) new laws to regulate cannabis its a good time to let the corpsgov know how you feel about genetically engineered cannabis (or GMO cannabis as some might say) and one way to do that is by voting in the poll here @RIU in the politics forum:

Make sure to read all the lies and spam posted by DNAprotection in that thread.
The Natural News is not a news site, it is a propaganda site. Like DNAprotection, they knowingly spread lies.

imo we must settle the cannabis question by way of the constitution and in court as plaintiffs, otherwise we leave the door wide open to gmo cannabis being the only legal cannabis in the coming times of the laws changing,

That is a paranoid fantasy. Your argument has no real foundation and you try to bolster it with lies.

and if we leave it up to congress etc i feel this will be the outcome...
its a plant, it comes from where we all come from and goes to where we all go, its your relative, will the real cannabis lovers please stand up' for the plants natural right to exist...

I've been doing that for over 20 years. I just do not do it using lies and fear based argument.
You are hurting the movement which you claim to be a part of with your garbage lies and propaganda.

stand up for your natural right to partner with the plant for your food, meds, cloths and shelter etc...

I have been doing that and will continue to do it without lying about it.
You should give it a try.

stand up for truth, not lies built from compromise...

Compromise is the only way Amendment 64 passed here in CO.
Real cannabis lovers think Amendment 64 sucks, but it is better than what 49 other states have.

theres only one place other than a battle field where this can be resolved by the facts and that is the court room...

That has been tried numerous times. The best way is to legalize it at a state level and force the fed's hand.

but pro cannabis folks almost always only go to court as the defendant...loosing battle, wrong field...
folks who love cannabis must walk into court as plaintiffs seeking to affirm the rights we were all born with...

Then get to work, sue the government.
What are you waiting for?
The ellipses are really annoying and get in the way of your message.
the previous poster seems to need some serious help with telling the truth, but more concerning is that imo this person might be a threat to himself or someone else based on all recent behavior here @RIU...honestly bro you need to talk with someone, not an insult or anything but true concern for your well being:peace: