Are we too Calm?

For the first time in several years i stopped at bk, got myself a classic chic meal medium with a sprite and jr whopper wit cheese... Nearly blew a gasket at the window when i was told it was just under $13.. Was further disappointed as i ate it.
Doesnt seem that long ago a whopper jr was on the dollar menu
Yep, not only isnt good for you, its expensive. In my neck of the woods, for $13 you could buy a couple big chicken breasts, or whatever part of the chicken you choose, , a bag of mixed veggies, and brown rice, though youd have to cook it yourself.

I myself eat alot of Pinto beans every week. I also like Lentils, Navy Beans, Kidney beans. . I love them, and theyre extremely cheap. I dont eat them because theyre cheap though. I eat them becausse I like them. I like any type of dried beans. You could also make a huge pot of chicken, and brown rice, or whole wheat noodle soup for $13.
Yep, not only isnt good for you, its expensive. In my neck of the woods, for $13 you could buy a couple big chicken breasts, or whatever part of the chicken you choose, , a bag of mixed veggies, and brown rice, though youd have to cook it yourself.

I myself eat alot of Pinto beans every week. I also like Lentils, Navy Beans, Kidney beans. . I love them, and theyre extremely cheap. I dont eat them because theyre cheap though. I eat them becausse I like them. I like any type of dried beans. You could also make a huge pot of chicken, and brown rice, or whole wheat noodle soup for $13.
I am a home meal guy as well. Most times disappointing going out to eat.
You can make lots of things for less that $13. Just made a weeks worth of pulled pork for close to that
Yep, not only isnt good for you, its expensive. In my neck of the woods, for $13 you could buy a couple big chicken breasts, or whatever part of the chicken you choose, , a bag of mixed veggies, and brown rice, though youd have to cook it yourself.

I myself eat alot of Pinto beans every week. I also like Lentils, Navy Beans, Kidney beans. . I love them, and theyre extremely cheap. I dont eat them because theyre cheap though. I eat them becausse I like them. I like any type of dried beans. You could also make a huge pot of chicken, and brown rice, or whole wheat noodle soup for $13.

instapot + any bean = carbs for the week. We do black beans mostly. We make a lot of salsas in bulk then freeze, either green w/tomatillos or red with tomatoes. The price of tomatillos has sky rocketed in the last year. Eating cheap doesn’t mean eating poorly though
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The Republican party is best described as fascist. That is not intended to insult, it is an accurate description. The culture wars, the scapegoating of a helpless minority (illegal immigrants), the murders of people who disagree with fascists, the support of an attempted coup, rallying around a leader who acts as though the law doesn't apply to him or people he empowers, your cry of grievance when your political view is challenged are all examples of right wing authoritarian behavior that follows the pattern of fascists of the early 20th century.

Regarding your "belief". It carries no weight when you continue to vote for people who do not believe that civil rights extend to everybody. If you vote for people who enact policies and laws that make women second class to men then your belief is superficial.

Many more millions of people voted for Biden. We even managed to overcome the inherent advantage Republicans had in the electoral college. Republicans went on to attempt a coup and are now opposing even investigating of their plot. I don't know if Republicans are inherently evil and I don't care if they are. I can say that looking at the facts, Republicans are either doing evil or supporting those who do.

The Republican Party is a threat to US democracy. When you vote for Republicans you are participating in their attempt at taking over and ruling as a minority group that excludes others in order to maintain its grip on power.

I think if you vote for a party you own their actions to some extent, particularly when it's something that has always been a central mainstream view of the party.

It's like voting for nazis but then saying it's just because your big into vw bugs...don't blame me for that jew stuff, I don't back that.

I'm not asking people be held responsible for the crackpots, nobody needs to answer for David Duke (unless you voted for david duke). But if you back people/parties that have reprehensible views as a pillar of the party and vote them in, you are supporting those things you claim you don't. The mainstream central views of the Republicans lurched pretty hard right, it would give me pause as to what I would have to swallow and accept as part of my group.

*Instead of nazis I should have went with something like bronies, it was just an easy example.
I think if you vote for a party you own their actions to some extent, particularly when it's something that has always been a central mainstream view of the party.

It's like voting for nazis but then saying it's just because your big into vw bugs...don't blame me for that jew stuff, I don't back that.

I'm not asking people be held responsible for the crackpots, nobody needs to answer for David Duke (unless you voted for david duke). But if you back people/parties that have reprehensible views as a pillar of the party and vote them in, you are supporting those things you claim you don't. The mainstream central views of the Republicans lurched pretty hard right, it would give me pause as to what I would have to swallow and accept as part of my group.

*Instead of nazis I should have went with something like bronies, it was just an easy example.
Trouble is, the Jew stuff is integral to Nazism. So a vote for them is a vote to kill Jews (and other Undesirables) on an industrial scale.

A vote for R at this point is a vote for race war, gender war, divisive politics, and jihad in general. In a society with a free press, I don’t know how to push back on this, since the Big Lie complex of fsle news sites has 1A protection.
Best I can do is get involved in more local politics and vote against R.
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Overturning roe v wade has been integral to the Republicans since they brought in the Christian conservatives back in the 80s. The religious right are arguably the most powerful faction in the party. Roe is their bread and butter, other than crabbing about the 2A I can't think of something that is more integral to their party identity.

Sticking with my assertion that you have to own responsibility for the actions of the people you vote for when it's a major tenet of whatever group. Overturning Roe has been such a major part of the republican platform I don't think anyone voting R can step away from it.
While the article doesnt mention fast food. Hamburgers, on white bread, and french fries are the epitome of what people eat at fast food restaurants. 36.6%/84 Million of the American people eat fast food daily. The photo was showing hamburger, and fries. Another 117,000,000 eat fast food 2 times a week.

Im also not against fast food, cigarettes, alcohol. But I am against not following basic protocols to try and stop an infectious virus. Its for the better good of your fellow Americans. To me wearing a mask is no big fucking deal. Nor is giving people 5-6 feet of space, or washing hands for at least 20 seconds. BFD. Anyone against masks. Next time you have surgery, tell the Dr you dont want him/her operating on you while wearing a mask, and that its ok to sneeze, and cough on your surgical procedure.

Its also true many people cant afford nutritious food to eat, and eat lower quality food, which cause all kinds of different diseases, and physical problems. Its also true that people in poor countries cant afford good food driving up the mortality rate, and many of them also dont have access to clean drinking water. Even most, if not all of the drinking water in the USA is contaminated with forever chemicals. Its way worse in poor, and undeveloped countries.

The reTHUGliKLANS would aslo do away with food stamps if they could, making the access to good food even worse. The majority of people on food stamps, and public assistance, are in Red states. Red states also get more money back from the government, than what they pay out. Blue states are paying Red states way.

Also its probably true tRump didnt committ Treason, he most likely is guilty of suberversion. He tried to subvert a free and fair election, and he even started this months before the election.
There was no evidence the election was stolen, and he went to court at least 60 times, and when his attorneys had their chances, they explicitly told the judges they had no evidence of eletion fraud, and were not arguing election fraud.
He is likely to have tried to interfere with changing the votes in Georgia, and is on tape doing it. They falsified electors by trying to pass off fake electors, thus again trying to subvert a free, and fair election. Hes probably guilty of conspiracy, and obstruction. Even the judge said tRump is most likely to have interfered in the certification process.

While tRump is most likely not guilty of Treason, hes most likely guilty of Subversion, Obstruction, and Conspiracy.

Federal Judge says Trump likely committed crimes during ...
WASHINGTON (AP) — A federal judge on Monday asserted it is “more likely than not” that former President Donald Trump committed crimes
Spot on,Trump uses the power of suggestion to have minions act for him,then when shit goes astray he has built in deniability,he is such a vile,cowardly shitbag and his game is so transparent that words don't exist to describe my feelings that he still has support and is a viable 2024 Pres. candidate,he is the absolute worst thing to ever happen in the US.