Shut it the fuck down

I was just confirming what I thought was your 'if' was all about. That yes I specifically would

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After I responded to this with the Obama picture saying nobody in the KKK voted Democrat in the last 12 years.

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I obviously have no way to confirm this, but there is only one party that has giving up on the old days when the Wealthy White Heterosexual Male Only agenda ran everything and it is the Democrats. Since the 70's it has been tragically slow, but at no point in time has a political party more closely represented the enitre population of our country than the Democratic party is right now.


And one party firmly stuck in the past and is almost completely filled up with white men. That is what I was getting at when I said that the KKK has no home in the Democratic party outside of them being the only party that would actually govern in a way that supports what their family needs to thrive if they are not wealthy.

Also sorry if it read that I wanted someone's name, or even if it was someone you know. I was being sarcastic and it didn't read well I don't think.

Ah got it! Thank you so much for making that so easy on me. Short term memory issues are tough and most of the reason I can't keep up with debating today's politics. I stay involved, I read several times while reply, then I forget. So when someone responds I have to go back and start reading again. If the convo gets to lengthy, I forget where we started debating. Lol. Forgive me and thanks again for the awesome reminder. I spent a lot of time on the sidelines from being embarrassed about my memory issues and not being able to keep up. But I feel what's happening in the world right now is way too important for me to not continue using my voice for important issues like I always had before.

You're surely right about the parties from what I can tell so far concerning politics nowadays. I'm pretty fluent in sarcasm but yeah I missed that. Lol. Likely from being lost in a sea of conversations. I don't remember why I said that about kkk to begin with and I'm too tired to go looking for it. Likely due to the racism I've experienced in the south from both parties.

Thanks for the friendly conversation. I'm really enjoying socializing in this forum. No one has told me to get the fuck out yet.. Starting to feel like "these are my people" ha (:
Ah got it! Thank you so much for making that so easy on me. Short term memory issues are tough and most of the reason I can't keep up with debating today's politics. I stay involved, I read several times while reply, then I forget. So when someone responds I have to go back and start reading again. If the convo gets to lengthy, I forget where we started debating. Lol. Forgive me and thanks again for the awesome reminder. I spent a lot of time on the sidelines from being embarrassed about my memory issues and not being able to keep up. But I feel what's happening in the world right now is way too important for me to not continue using my voice for important issues like I always had before.

You're surely right about the parties from what I can tell so far concerning politics nowadays. I'm pretty fluent in sarcasm but yeah I missed that. Lol. Likely from being lost in a sea of conversations. I don't remember why I said that about kkk to begin with and I'm too tired to go looking for it. Likely due to the racism I've experienced in the south from both parties.

Thanks for the friendly conversation. I'm really enjoying socializing in this forum. No one has told me to get the fuck out yet.. Starting to feel like "these are my people" ha (:
One of the people who recently inspired me with a video to double down on these racist cocsuckers and rid the fucking world of them. What do they have to do with the pursuit of happiness? Please feel free to repost any of my content without attribution onto other social media platforms you feel where it may do some good, also there are Lincoln Project ads posted that can be reposted and emailed to Trumpers.

It's all about hearts and minds and the way to the mind is through the heart, hammering it with reality seldom works. If they have a heart that is and brains enough to use the fucking thing.

Skip ahead a minute to the tune, this is Cricket, an artist who I support with views when ever I can, he might need the cash. I like this tune, maybe you will too and help others to remember we're all human too, same feelings same suffering, we don't need to add to each others burden, life is hard enough sometimes. I try to be careful about who I hurt and why.

Another artist to support, the musician in the video
Uncomfortably High
Uncomfortably High
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Ah got it! Thank you so much for making that so easy on me. Short term memory issues are tough and most of the reason I can't keep up with debating today's politics. I stay involved, I read several times while reply, then I forget. So when someone responds I have to go back and start reading again. If the convo gets to lengthy, I forget where we started debating. Lol. Forgive me and thanks again for the awesome reminder. I spent a lot of time on the sidelines from being embarrassed about my memory issues and not being able to keep up. But I feel what's happening in the world right now is way too important for me to not continue using my voice for important issues like I always had before.

You're surely right about the parties from what I can tell so far concerning politics nowadays. I'm pretty fluent in sarcasm but yeah I missed that. Lol. Likely from being lost in a sea of conversations. I don't remember why I said that about kkk to begin with and I'm too tired to go looking for it. Likely due to the racism I've experienced in the south from both parties.

Thanks for the friendly conversation. I'm really enjoying socializing in this forum. No one has told me to get the fuck out yet.. Starting to feel like "these are my people" ha (:
Another one to mail to the Trumpers or post on facebook, saturate social media like Russian bots. They make good responses to Trumper trolls too, when the crawl out of their bubble to troll here, they expose themselves to propaganda, here's some of the true variety.

One of the people who recently inspired me with a video to double down on these racist cocsuckers and rid the fucking world of them. What do they have to do with the pursuit of happiness? Please feel free to repost any of my content without attribution onto other social media platforms you feel where it may do some good, also there are Lincoln Project ads posted that can be reposted and emailed to Trumpers.

It's all about hearts and minds and the way to the mind is through the heart, hammering it with reality seldom works. If they have a heat that is and brains enough to use the fucking thing.

Skip ahead a minute to the tune, this is Cricket, an artist who I support with views when ever I can, he might need the cash. I like this tune, maybe you will too and help others to remember we're all human too, same feelings same suffering, we don't need to add to each others burden, life is hard enough sometimes. I try to be careful about who I hurt and why.

Another artist to support, the musician in the video
Uncomfortably High
Uncomfortably High

Man. I got tears. Music is kinda my thing, I feel this song. Love <3 thanks for sharing and already shared.

Absolutely agree 100%.

“Hate cannot drive out hate. Only love can do that.” -MLK

For those who believe in heaven:
“But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them that despitefully use you; that ye may be the children of your Father which is in heaven.” ... Yes, it is love that will save our world and our civilization, love even for enemies.”

We are living in unprecedented times and when I say all we have is each other, I mean that. Our leadership has failed us. In a world of uncertainty and unrest, yet in the middle of all that something beautiful is also happening. Much needed change. People from all across the globe watched George murdered and decided they are tired. Collectively. Tired of unjust systems and ways of living. People are coming together as one, a worldwide movement. That is amazing and a blessing. People should try to remember that in these rough times. Be grateful. Be nice to each other.

Change lives. Love your neighbors. Love your enemies too. Kill em with kindness. You’d be shocked at how many Republicans I’ve turned in my lifetime by being that way. Not necessarily to Democrats, but to independent thinkers who likely vote Democratic. In pool halls, sitting at poker tables, during business meetings. Pretty much anywhere I go because I’m open to conversation with anyone.

In my better days, I was fire at a good debate. I don’t watch the news, other than a random glance at Reuter’s. I back science and bring facts. I currently get my Trump amusement from Sarah Cooper on Twitter. It’s the only way I can listen to him, he’s too uneducated.

You said it best.. just have a heart. Plus brains. Lol. It’s actually super easy :wall:
Another one to mail to the Trumpers or post on facebook, saturate social media like Russian bots. They make good responses to Trumper trolls too, when the crawl out of their bubble to troll here, they expose themselves to propaganda, here's some of the true variety.

I shared it, thanks. That is good! Feel free to share anytime. I’ll eventually go back through this thread, but not tonight. I skipped a lot of videos and articles that I wanted to read. I couldn’t keep up lol..
You guys sure live in a messed up country. People rioting burning shit down.Crazy place. Best of luck to yous.


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Do we need to do the first amendment thing again?

I didnt respond here because I'm lost. Again? I don't remember debating the first amendment, at all. Usually I have atleast some basic idea, when I discuss something. Remind me if you can and I'm happy to discuss.

Your argument is a strawman. how can you possibly equate exercising 1A with sending your children to school during a pandemic that could have been easily controlled?

Donald Trump* makes decisions based on his best interest, only.

What argument are you referring to? I'm super lost on both these comments. I did not and would never equate 1A with sending children to school. I did not and would not send my children to school. I do agree with 1A and protestors rights. I agree the pandemic could have been easily controlled and have said so since beginning of thread. I've also repeatedly disrespected trump and only referred to him as "president" 1-2x in sarcasm. Forgive me if I am confused and curious where you got that idea, and the comment about children in cages?

Are y'all mixing me up with Mrs. Greenstein? I don't remember her being for kids in cages either.

I initially commented on this thread because of how passionately I feel about what's happening in the US and botched leadership with covid. I don't typically enter random political threads with strangers because quite honestly everyone is so quick to be hateful and assume. I'll give props to y'all, you weren't hateful to me. Appreciate that.
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I'm confused what in the world would make you say that? Did I miss something? I'm disgusted that children, or any immigrants are in cages. No one should be put in a cage for crossing a border.
Your argument is a strawman. how can you possibly equate exercising 1A with sending your children to school during a pandemic that could have been easily controlled?

Donald Trump* makes decisions based on his best interest, only.

I figured it out finally. Post #244 is me quoting her original posts that I responded too. I accidently wrote my reply inside of hanimmals quote, so it is confusing and could be interpreted wrong. My bad. Too late to edit.
So Florida will open it's schools in 2 weeks.

On July 16, the state had a total of 23,170 children ages 17 and under who had tested positive since the beginning of the pandemic, according to the Florida Department of Health. By July 24, that number jumped to 31,150.

That's a 34% increase in new cases among children in eight days.

And more children in Florida are requiring hospitalization. As of July 16, 246 children had been hospitalized with coronavirus. By July 24, that number had jumped to 303.

That's a 23% increase in child Covid-19 hospitalizations in eight days.

During that same time period, the death toll among children in Florida went from 4 to 5.

The surges in child Covid-19 cases and hospitalizations come amid rampant debate over whether children should return to classrooms this fall, or if they should continue remote learning.

They also directly contradict that dumb cunt US Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos' claims that children are "stoppers of the disease " who "don't get it and transmit it themselves."

Meanwhile researchers in South Korea found that young people between the ages of 10 and 19 years old transmit the Virus as easily as an adult

And White House coronavirus task force coordinator Dr. Deborah Birx has repeatedly said scientists are still studying how quickly children under the age of 10 can spread the virus, as many of them have stayed home and away from their peers during peak months of this pandemic.

But it's not just the numbers of new cases and hospitalizations that are rising in Florida. The positive test results among children has gone up, too -- from 13.4% to 14.4% between July 16 and 24, according to the state health department.

And they're just in the beginning of they're surge in cases of COVID-19.

I propose a national delay in school openings, except for the Red states & use those states as a test study.

Give it one marking period & lets see how well going back too school in the EARLY FUCKING STAGES of a pandemic with no vaccine works out for them.

All the Red states are the True Americans, right?

Well, for God & Country, lead the way and jump right in, ignore all the warnings & kill your children.

Be my guest :)
So Florida will open it's schools in 2 weeks.

On July 16, the state had a total of 23,170 children ages 17 and under who had tested positive since the beginning of the pandemic, according to the Florida Department of Health. By July 24, that number jumped to 31,150.

That's a 34% increase in new cases among children in eight days.

And more children in Florida are requiring hospitalization. As of July 16, 246 children had been hospitalized with coronavirus. By July 24, that number had jumped to 303.

That's a 23% increase in child Covid-19 hospitalizations in eight days.

During that same time period, the death toll among children in Florida went from 4 to 5.

The surges in child Covid-19 cases and hospitalizations come amid rampant debate over whether children should return to classrooms this fall, or if they should continue remote learning.

They also directly contradict that dumb cunt US Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos' claims that children are "stoppers of the disease " who "don't get it and transmit it themselves."

Meanwhile researchers in South Korea found that young people between the ages of 10 and 19 years old transmit the Virus as easily as an adult

And White House coronavirus task force coordinator Dr. Deborah Birx has repeatedly said scientists are still studying how quickly children under the age of 10 can spread the virus, as many of them have stayed home and away from their peers during peak months of this pandemic.

But it's not just the numbers of new cases and hospitalizations that are rising in Florida. The positive test results among children has gone up, too -- from 13.4% to 14.4% between July 16 and 24, according to the state health department.

And they're just in the beginning of they're surge in cases of COVID-19.

I propose a national delay in school openings, except for the Red states & use those states as a test study.

Give it one marking period & lets see how well going back too school in the EARLY FUCKING STAGES of a pandemic with no vaccine works out for them.

All the Red states are the True Americans, right?

Well, for God & Country, lead the way and jump right in, ignore all the warnings & kill your children.

Be my guest :)
Unfortunately not everyone can afford for their kids to stay home. If you can’t afford or don’t have someone who can take care of them what do you do? The only way closing schools down will work is if you hand out money for people to stay home from work as well. Otherwise who's helping kids learn?

my kids are doing virtual. I have one in each level of school. High, middle, grade school. Luckily we’re already a one income family otherwise it would have been a WAY harder decision.
Unfortunately not everyone can afford for their kids to stay home. If you can’t afford or don’t have someone who can take care of them what do you do? The only way closing schools down will work is if you hand out money for people to stay home from work as well. Otherwise who's helping kids learn?

my kids are doing virtual. I have one in each level of school. High, middle, grade school. Luckily we’re already a one income family otherwise it would have been a WAY harder decision.
That's up to congress, no one is gonna murder teachers and staff and well as students by reopening schools in the midst of a raging pandemic and record numbers of deaths. Not school opening is required in Florida, a statewide lockdown and masks enforced by internment behind barbed wire for the recalitant, is required, I'm dead serious, so is the disease. Nobody is gonna sacrifice their kids over this shit, a teacher would be nuts to work in such an environment and irresponsible too.

Put your children's health and safety in Trump's hands? (they already are and it should frighten you badly) :D
Unfortunately not everyone can afford for their kids to stay home. If you can’t afford or don’t have someone who can take care of them what do you do? The only way closing schools down will work is if you hand out money for people to stay home from work as well. Otherwise who's helping kids learn?

my kids are doing virtual. I have one in each level of school. High, middle, grade school. Luckily we’re already a one income family otherwise it would have been a WAY harder decision.
I feel that the Fed's have too step up to the plate and acknowledge the fact that these are really desperate times & really desperate measures must be enacted.
Ok, reduce the $600 per week assistance now given (for 5 more days), but maintain some form of aid so that a family can survive until the Virus is under control.

Teach your own children for 6 months, (watch YouTube if needed) & with some Federal & State aid (I thought that was what they were there for & why I pay all those fucking taxes), we can survive.

If we go back too school now, many more people are going too die as a result, and that my friend, you can count on.
Put your children's health and safety in Trump's hands? (they already are and it should frighten you badly) :D
Our local area school claimed that 92% of parents and 88% of teachers wanted to go back to school full time. My wife and I both called bullshit on those numbers.

I don’t see how anyone would choose to go back with the numbers getting worse. Hopefully us keeping ours home and others too, will lessen the burden on teachers and staff at the school for those forced to go.