Shut it the fuck down

I would highly suggest if you haven't to read the bi-partisan report on the online attack that is currently being conducted by Russia for Trump's benefit.

And also important is understanding that online it is very difficult to not get frustrated and overwhelmed anymore, because it is designed to be that way by the Russian military. And what sucks is it is not going to get any better under Trump, because he knows he needs it to have any chance at pulling off being POTUS once again.

I am sorry I am like a broken record with this stuff, but I like to think people are who they say they are and would not want you to get burn out in here, because people are slow to trust due to this forum getting constantly attacked just like everywhere else.

One last thing, I am not naive about it just being the Russians, we know that the Saudis, Chinese cultists, and even domestic trolls are also spam attacking everything to get Dear Leader re-elected.

Do you know (in real life) all of the people that have labeled you a 'libtard'? Because chances are high that if you are on Facebook, you are already well targeted by the Russian troll farms attacking you from every single side of these issues.

Overwhelm and amplify, especially anything you have ever liked, read, reposted etc. It is easy for the data analysis programs to tease out exactly what to attack you with.

It is well worth understanding this attack so you can help your family out with what/where they are under attack at. They were even attacking kids on their video games. The data that they collect to put into the personality profiles will always exist and always be relevant even if we don't know how until years/decades down the road. Anything with a chat feature is a potential vector for this attack.
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Best of luck, and if I haven't said it yet, welcome to the forum, hope you stick around. It will be a long road until January 21st 2020.

Thank you for the good information, I seriously appreciate you looking out. I know everyone on my FB and they use all those degrading words too and I don't understand why either. Lol.

Thanks, I'm sure I'll stick around. I've watched this site for many years from googling and learning stuff. I finally decided to make an account and be social. Its gonna be a long road for awhile but getting trump out will be a great start.. (:
Ofc I watched the video... I don't need to think about it, I'm highly educated and actively engaged in all these topics. My point - again - was that people will not enact change by calling names and telling other people to just get the fuck out. Point blank. I was honestly curious, which is why I asked him and stated - "just a question."

I try to just talk respectfully with folks, especially when they are misguided. That way maybe I can enlighten them and create change. She wasn't in here spouting trump conspiracies, she was discussing her opposing viewpoint about the protests vs events and the politicizing she feels is happening with covid. Forgive me if I can't see what's wrong with that..

Y'all keep changing the subject my head is spinning. First Democrats vs Republicans now lets add left side supporters and conservatives. I can't keep up. Also why I don't choose a political affiliation, I can't find one I agree with enough to claim. I guess that makes me a maggot too.

Btw - I'm not angry. Just having a discussion, and asking simple questions. We will have to debate 2001 on later. I'm getting wore out and I'm still not caught up. Lol
Orthodoxy in the form of patriotism will emerge after Trump, investigations and treason, by not just Trump, but by republicans too. Also the fact that they betrayed their citizens over a fear of a mean tweet, is a simple and easier narrative to sell than a bullshit conspiracy theory, the evidence and chronology are public record, why they even got video, imagine that. The truth of mass murder and a crime against humanity can be summed up in a sentence or two and I've done it several times.

There were lot's of nazis in America before Pearl Harbor, they filled Madison Square Gardens, they disappeared or were interned after. 2016 was a 21st century pearl harbor attack on America by Russia with devastating results, you elected a moron and hundreds of thousands died, but he is not alone in guilt. You don't seriously think many Americans are gonna want to take responsibility for that, do ya? Hell no, they'll burn their I'd rather be Russian Tee shirts, especially if they figure someone will use them for target practice! "The Russians did it" will be their new cry, "the Devil made me do it", as Flip Wilson used to say.

When this breaks open there will be a hoard of cockroaches running for cover, count on it.
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Can you name someone who has voted Democrat the last 12 years that is rolling with the kkk?


Lol just because Obama was voted in doesn't mean there isn't racist Democrats.. I lived 12 years in MS and can personally attest to that fact.. I can also think of a lot of people who claim a party and don't even show to vote. If this convo is based on only Democrats or Republicans who "voted" count me out. 100 million people didn't vote last election and I don't keep tally's on who voted or didn't. I can't give an educated response to that question, I don't know who voted.
Historically you are correct, but not in a long time, since voters rights. One of the things going on here is group cohesion, an instinctive drive to consolidate the group in the face of a threat. We form groups when we perceive a social threat and exist with in instinctively driven hierarchical societies. It is orthodoxy, mere details with in the context of larger more important events. I'll love ya warts and all! :D

Lol you're funny and I enjoy your candor but there's nothing y'all can say that can make me agree that racist Democrats don't exist. Time and experience has showed me that fact. I lived in MS 12 years and they're everywhere. There is a lot of families in the south tied to the confederacy and their idea of racism runs deep, and they did not switch parties. I know, it blows my mind too. Hahaha, thanks(:right back at ya.
So they were in the wrong place at the wrong time? No they picked him and voted for him. So republicans elected a monster not the US

Where did I say that? Im pointing out that I'm mature enough to realize there's good people in every political party. I said they're uneducated in my opinion to the ways of the world because they've lived in the middle of nowhere their entire life. My dad doesn't even have a TV. Y'all just putting everyone that's Republican as terrible is not cool. That's my point and I'm kinda tired of making it.
Lol you're funny and I enjoy your candor but there's nothing y'all can say that can make me agree that racist Democrats don't exist. Time and experience has showed me that fact. I lived in MS 12 years and they're everywhere. There is a lot of families in the south tied to the confederacy and their idea of racism runs deep, and they did not switch parties. I know, it blows my mind too. Hahaha, thanks(:right back at ya.
Oh I'm sure and everybody here will agree with you, it was just misunderstood to mean the party (tribe) remember what happened in the movie Avatar when the guy approached the chief of the tribe and all the natives were ready to jump him?
Welcome to the blue tribe!
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Where did I say that? Im pointing out that I'm mature enough to realize there's good people in every political party. I said they're uneducated in my opinion to the ways of the world because they've lived in the middle of nowhere their entire life. My dad doesn't even have a TV. Y'all just putting everyone that's Republican as terrible is not cool. That's my point and I'm kinda tired of making it.
Guess who has to ride taruk around here, yep a dream walker from another world.
But I don't mind flying the monster
Lol just because Obama was voted in doesn't mean there isn't racist Democrats.. I lived 12 years in MS and can personally attest to that fact.. I can also think of a lot of people who claim a party and don't even show to vote. If this convo is based on only Democrats or Republicans who "voted" count me out. 100 million people didn't vote last election and I don't keep tally's on who voted or didn't. I can't give an educated response to that question, I don't know who voted.
I was being specific to your saying there were not KKK members that have voted for Democrats in the last 12 years yes.
on the christian front.

on the christian front.

As steve said in the 6 million dollar man (inflation) "She's breaking, she's breaking up"
Cultural reference for the young
on the christian front.

Donald Trump the 10 billion dollar moron, we can rebuild him, we don't have the technology, but what the fuck, he doesn't believe in science and there's no harm in trying. :D
on the christian front.

I am surprised it was so outrageous to paint Fauci with this smear that Sinclair decided to pull it, I didn't think they had that in them.

The Trump cultists have been working this one up for a while.
I'm just working through a fine point with you. I've read your posts. If you've read mine you'd know that I'm not shy about taking on big differences of opinion.

I hope you and I can continue to agree or argue further where we have difference. It would be boring if we all just agreed. Or skirted our differences.

Trump was elected by a Republican party that is quite different from the one we've known for most of our lives, unless you are a millennial. I saw that you grew up in a rural (Nevada?) town and I'm pretty sure you were fed all the Republican lines that were part of the Reagan Conservative era. That era died in 2008 when Bush jr tanked our economy and discredited the conservative economic theories that they never actually followed. It was a debacle that year. Out of the ashes of Bush's party rose a radical and violent party that represents Trump.

I keep hearing the "both sides are bad" argument and the cognitive dissonance drives me crazy. There is a stark difference today between the two parties. Republicans have gone extremely hard right -- radically right wing authoritarian. It's not conservative at all. It's also based upon falsehoods, conspiracy theories and white supremacist ideology. It almost makes me nostalgic to read somebody say "they both suck". That sentiment applied to the days before the Tea Party. Yeah the Democratic Party does not the fit image of liberalism I'd like to see. The Republican Party of 2020 is a threat to our Republic. I can't compare the two and see anything similar.

I understand. Same, not shy to take on conversation either. I hope so too, that's how we make the world better a better place. Communicating, ironing out differences and compromises. Its basic respect. True, agreeing to disagree was probably not the best approach for me to take while debating respectfully, which we were. My apologies, I was a bit overwhelmed trying to keep everything in the convo straight.

The last few years I've been battling my own issues, with not much energy to debate folks. So I'm kinda jumping back in recently- and def unprepared for how much having an online debate has changed. Folks are truly attacking each other and making numerous invalid assumptions over different opinions and it's sad to see that it's worse than ever. Don't get me wrong, my aim is peace but I'm also the first to stand up and fight for what I believe in.

Generation X 79. Montana. I see - well that's where I'm getting lost. I was sick of politics by 2008 and busy working and being a mom. I've never been big on politics to begin with - even though I know I should be better. I recently have got more into it due to the current state of affairs. Around the time of last election. Kids were older and I had actual free time. So I am surely catching up to the political current state of affairs.

Btw I've always been a registered independent and voted Democrat. Don't put too muvh weight into me saying they both suck. I simply mean politics suck in general. The only party that truly sucks is Republican.

I also think people suck in general. Lol. Life experience. I know theres lots of good people out there too. I no longer know whether or not I believe in religion. People change. Life changes us. I guess that's why I don't put too much weight into political affiliation as a judge of character. Half the people involved have no idea what they are actually representing.

Overall now, I understand much better where you were coming from, and referring to. Thanks (:
I was being specific to your saying there were not KKK members that have voted for Democrats in the last 12 years yes.

Where did I say there was not? I have no clue who voted what, I don't tally votes. I was first replying to you asking me to name someone. I said just because Obama was voted in doesn't mean there is not democratic racists.
Where did I say there was not? I have no clue who voted what, I don't tally votes. I was first replying to you asking me to name someone. I said just because Obama was voted in doesn't mean there is not democratic racists.
I was just confirming what I thought was your 'if' was all about. That yes I specifically would

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After I responded to this with the Obama picture saying nobody in the KKK voted Democrat in the last 12 years.

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I obviously have no way to confirm this, but there is only one party that has giving up on the old days when the Wealthy White Heterosexual Male Only agenda ran everything and it is the Democrats. Since the 70's it has been tragically slow, but at no point in time has a political party more closely represented the enitre population of our country than the Democratic party is right now.


And one party firmly stuck in the past and is almost completely filled up with white men. That is what I was getting at when I said that the KKK has no home in the Democratic party outside of them being the only party that would actually govern in a way that supports what their family needs to thrive if they are not wealthy.

Also sorry if it read that I wanted someone's name, or even if it was someone you know. I was being sarcastic and it didn't read well I don't think.