Shut it the fuck down

Yup. 100% mate. Gloating as hard as I can.
My head will fucking explode when we finally get indipendence and our govornment can finally afford to give us some more cash.
Along with almost free electricity for our cars which must all be electric soon by law.
Along with almost free electricity for our houses. Our businesses, absolutely everything is already legally required to switch to electricity.
Gas ovens and hobs are a thing of the past.
Electricity is safe, completely green and completely free to produce in unlimited supply......

Go see if you can figure out why we don't currently use it.
It should be fairly obvious by now...

Imagine what America could do if it had access to unlimited, free to produce electricity.

Would you fight for that?

We already have it here, we produce at least 4 x more than it would currently take to power the entire country...

The reason we can't legally use it is because if we do...
We will blow the power lines for certain parts of England.
The parts of England that have wired themselves into our power lines.

Again, I ask that you research these things for yourself.
Anything I provide you will brush aside as if it were from a spanglish speaking giraffe in japan.
So go check it out for yourself and hit back bruh ;)
Do we just lay down and submit to fate or do we do something about it? Are you the kind of person who says we should just let coronavirus run rampant through the population or should we fight it? I think just letting it infect enough people to achieve herd immunity (not even sure that's possible) is a description of failure. So, hell yeah, cut the nonessential gatherings like state fairs, unsafe practices like crowding together on beaches or pools and late night debauches at bars. We can't have organized sports events and open schools when we don't do what other societies have done to control the virus. Those are for times when a plague is not running through society. Keep activities restricted to essential activities and put in place precautions to limit the spread of the disease. Many cases of covid came from unsafe practices forced upon workers by owners and I think that Republicans are doing great harm by pushing for legislation to protect negligent owners.

Police brutality, especially fascist and racist driven police brutality is a disease of our society. Just letting it run rampant through society is a description of failure too. It's not connected in any way to the novel coronavirus either (just saying you made a false argument but I'm going to run with it anyway). Its a long standing problem and the Black Lives Matters movement is fighting the disease. So, hell yeah, those who can should get out and fight it. It's an essential activity, a response to Floyd's torture-murder was necessary. The murder of Floyd was a tipping point in this movement. I don't understand why you are against fighting the disease of racism, especially when progress in the fight was finally made. Protesters in fact took precautions and in fact there is no evidence that covid spread while doing those activities.

This! I couldn't say it better myself lol. Funny. This is EXACTLY the point I was trying to get across when I first replied to her.
I work in the private sector and don't have to take low paying jobs like yours.
It's cool mate. I make some extra on the side much like yourself ;)
Got a happy wife, a happy family, I love where I live, only have to work 8 months of the year, I'm almost entirely happy with my govornment and the way they run my country, my health care is covered untill the day I die and I'll never have to worry about money.
I can't go fucking off to Miami on a whim or go climb the pyramids because I'm bored.
Not yet anyway.
But I'll never need anything I cannot have.
If I break my legs tomorrow I don't even have to apply for money. It all gets taken care of automatically by a computer program.
My rent gets paid then my bank gets topped up. All automatically if the amount of tax I pay drops for any reason.
If I go off on the piss for a week my govorent pay me for it.
And I swear I'm not making any if this up.
This is 100% how it works for us here.
I don't want to be a millionaire. I don't want to have the stress of the reality required to get there.
All I want is to be happy.
To afford to be able to be happy.
To be able to spend as much time with my family as possible and for my child to have a full time mum.

Life is good here mate. My Mrs doesn't need to work and because she's voluntarily unemployed we dont claim a penny on her behalf.
If I wasn't such a strong nationalist I could easily claim an extra £1000 per month that we'd be entitled to due to various reasons.
I don't believe in abusing the system though so although I'm on a low wage I still don't.
I'd rather risk jail time for the extra 12k than take it when I don't need to.
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This! I couldn't say it better myself lol. Funny. This is EXACTLY the point I was trying to get across when I first replied to her.
I'm just working through a fine point with you. I've read your posts. If you've read mine you'd know that I'm not shy about taking on big differences of opinion.

I hope you and I can continue to agree or argue further where we have difference. It would be boring if we all just agreed. Or skirted our differences.

Trump was elected by a Republican party that is quite different from the one we've known for most of our lives, unless you are a millennial. I saw that you grew up in a rural (Nevada?) town and I'm pretty sure you were fed all the Republican lines that were part of the Reagan Conservative era. That era died in 2008 when Bush jr tanked our economy and discredited the conservative economic theories that they never actually followed. It was a debacle that year. Out of the ashes of Bush's party rose a radical and violent party that represents Trump.

I keep hearing the "both sides are bad" argument and the cognitive dissonance drives me crazy. There is a stark difference today between the two parties. Republicans have gone extremely hard right -- radically right wing authoritarian. It's not conservative at all. It's also based upon falsehoods, conspiracy theories and white supremacist ideology. It almost makes me nostalgic to read somebody say "they both suck". That sentiment applied to the days before the Tea Party. Yeah the Democratic Party does not the fit image of liberalism I'd like to see. The Republican Party of 2020 is a threat to our Republic. I can't compare the two and see anything similar.
It's cool mate. I make some extra on the side much like yourself ;)
Got a happy wife, a happy family, I love where I live, only have to work 8 months of the year, I'm almost entirely happy with my govornment and the way they run my country, my health care is covered untill the day I die and I'll never have to worry about money.
I can't go fucking off to Miami on a whim or go climb the pyramids because I'm bored.
Not yet anyway.
But I'll never need anything I cannot have.
If I break my legs tomorrow I don't even have to apply for money. It all gets taken care of automatically by a computer program.
My rent gets paid then my bank gets topped up.
And I swear I'm not making any if this up.
This is 100% how it works for us here.
I wouldn't go to Miami on a bet right now.

But honestly, on this forum how much you make or what your job is, is irrelevant. I'm here to share ideas, not the size of our dicks or paychecks or whatever. Also deal with trolls. We get a lot of them. From Russia, China, Iran, Des Moines, all sorts of shitholes.
The reason behind agreeing to disagree is that we've come to a stale point. You feel one way (about the context in which I used those words) based on your life experiences & perspective, and I feel another. Due to the way you have interpreted my reply vs what I actually meant, agreeing to disagree seems to be the logical resolution because trying to explain didn't work. What else shall we do? Fight? Hurl insults? No thanks.

Simply put - I was referring to destruction when it comes to both sides and about how people feel and treat each other about the virus. It's been politicized in the worst ways and it's just another dividing factor in this country.

You know, some people just talk different, words have different meaning based on where you live. I'm pretty cultured throughout the US and I have friends of all shapes, sizes, colors, and political standings. So yeah, excuse my broad perspective that is both a blessing and a curse. I'm always attempting to play peacemaker or the voice of reason per se. Not to avoid or downplay issues, I simply think the world needs more peaceful communication to resolve our issues.

It's pretty frustrating and often overwhelming to have such a broad perspective that both sides bully, belittle, and debate me constantly. Its exhausting. I either get cussed out or told they would vote for me LOL. But it's also super important, so I keep communicating. Communication is key and without it none of us are ever gonna see this country we love get better. That's the one thing all Americans can agree on - we passionately love our country, to the point we will battle for it.

I want better. For my kids and grandkids. It would even be nice if we get to that point in my lifetime. Sadly, I am uncertain if that will happen. People do not communicate with respect, they communicate with anger. No one's ever change another's point of view for the better with disrespect. If anything that just makes them more set in their ways and beliefs.

There certainly is a huge difference between Democrats and Republicans, and in order to bridge that divide we are going to need to communicate.
I would highly suggest if you haven't to read the bi-partisan report on the online attack that is currently being conducted by Russia for Trump's benefit.

And also important is understanding that online it is very difficult to not get frustrated and overwhelmed anymore, because it is designed to be that way by the Russian military. And what sucks is it is not going to get any better under Trump, because he knows he needs it to have any chance at pulling off being POTUS once again.

I am sorry I am like a broken record with this stuff, but I like to think people are who they say they are and would not want you to get burn out in here, because people are slow to trust due to this forum getting constantly attacked just like everywhere else.

One last thing, I am not naive about it just being the Russians, we know that the Saudis, Chinese cultists, and even domestic trolls are also spam attacking everything to get Dear Leader re-elected.
I wholeheartedly agree. FB is my typical political debating ring. Lol. I am labeled a "libtard" all the time but then I get liberals and Democrats creeping on my page to debate my open minded perspectives, typically on gun or hunting rights. I do not believe everything is black or white per se, there is a ton of grey area in many aspects of life. Guns are good but Ak 47s are not needed for example. Hunting for food is ok but hunting exotic animals for sport is not, in my opinion. Neither is animal testing. With these split views, I often find myself in the middle of debates. But when it comes to liberty or justice or saving our democracy, best believe I am all in on team Democrat. I just don't know how to identify, other than independent, due to the way I've been treated my ENTIRE life for my views. Which I feel are pretty open minded so I don't understand it. The saying - If you don't stand for something you'll fall for anything. Does that mean I have to stand for Republicans or Democrats? I don't think so. Why can't I stand for a better way? I haven't forgotten, like many, that Democrats were the original slave owners and that shit's personal to me. There's some inconvenient truths out there that people like to overlook.

Let me give you some context: I grew up small town ranch (99% white) middle of nowhere in a Republican state with Catholic Republican influence. Church shoved down my throat, die hard Republicans. I am the black sheep. I've lived on my own since 15, married a black man at 21, and raised 2 mixed children with him. These are the first protests I haven't been involved due to covid and cancer. I passionately believe in equality, free speech, gun rights, and am pro choice. I'm not sure how I feel about church anymore other than it should stay separate from state. I like to hunt and grow shit. I support BLM and LGBT. I've lived all over the US & had many interesting jobs, which allowed me to meet people from all political standings in different cultures with different perspectives. Therefore I have wide understanding of many views. Whether I agree or not is mostly irrelevant unless their views are harmful. I detest trump, he's a lying, narcissistic imbecile.

Lol no worries - I'm aligned with the blue side.
Do you know (in real life) all of the people that have labeled you a 'libtard'? Because chances are high that if you are on Facebook, you are already well targeted by the Russian troll farms attacking you from every single side of these issues.

Overwhelm and amplify, especially anything you have ever liked, read, reposted etc. It is easy for the data analysis programs to tease out exactly what to attack you with.

It is well worth understanding this attack so you can help your family out with what/where they are under attack at. They were even attacking kids on their video games. The data that they collect to put into the personality profiles will always exist and always be relevant even if we don't know how until years/decades down the road. Anything with a chat feature is a potential vector for this attack.
Screen Shot 2020-07-25 at 6.08.40 PM.png

Best of luck, and if I haven't said it yet, welcome to the forum, hope you stick around. It will be a long road until January 21st 2020.
i just feel like it is important to keep reinforcing to them that they are maggot scum.

Great, I'll follow your lead and treat my entire family like they're maggot scum. Fuck the fact that they're just happily living in the middle of nowhere just not paying attention outside their safety bubble. Fuck the facts that most of them are hardworking patriots who would give the shirt off their back to you, no matter your political beliefs. People who just happen to be long time Republicans when the US elected a monster. Uneducated does not equal maggot scum and you'll never get anyone with an opposing view to see your side talking to them like that. How do you expect to create this great change you speak of when you treat people with misguided views like shit? Seriously, how will that type of communicating influence change?
You're a bit misguided if you think Republicans are the only ones rolling with the KKK. Fact.
Can you name someone who has voted Democrat the last 12 years that is rolling with the kkk?

Trump’s Troops Violate The First Amendment And Undermine Faith in Federal Agencies | MSNBC

Former FBI special agent Clint Watts and former U.S. attorney Joyce Vance discuss Donald Trump’s assault on democracy.
You're a bit misguided if you think Republicans are the only ones rolling with the KKK. Fact.
Historically you are correct, but not in a long time, since voters rights. One of the things going on here is group cohesion, an instinctive drive to consolidate the group in the face of a threat. We form groups when we perceive a social threat and exist with in instinctively driven hierarchical societies. It is orthodoxy, mere details with in the context of larger more important events. I'll love ya warts and all! :D
I'm confused what in the world would make you say that? Did I miss something? I'm disgusted that children, or any immigrants are in cages. No one should be put in a cage for crossing a border.
A good example of this was when they drove out the RHINOs in the republican party as it was filled with fear driven racists, who found a home and proceed to "clean" it.

Big tents win big is what I say.
Did you see what that cop did to Floyd in that video? Is there a single example of anything like that coming from a left side supporter? Let's say from 2001 to today. Is there an example of left side terrorism that comes even close to that torture murder by a government employee who happens to be a racist cop and now made into a victim of the left by right wing radicals aka Republicans?

We don't have a party that represents "the left" in the US. Democrats are center-left and center right. They are far to the left of Republicans and that's all one can say. Conservatives by definition don't have new ideas or support change. That's going to have to come from the left. Conservatives, "the right", Republicans, however you want to call them aren't going to drive change and have no alternatives to the status quo to offer. To maintain the status quo, they are doing the killing, murder, hate crimes, terrorism, blowing up of government buildings, and you got angry about a post on the internet that contained harsh words? Just think about it. Meanwhile, here's a fairly good discussion on the topic:

Ofc I watched the video... I don't need to think about it, I'm highly educated and actively engaged in all these topics. My point - again - was that people will not enact change by calling names and telling other people to just get the fuck out. Point blank. I was honestly curious, which is why I asked him and stated - "just a question."

I try to just talk respectfully with folks, especially when they are misguided. That way maybe I can enlighten them and create change. She wasn't in here spouting trump conspiracies, she was discussing her opposing viewpoint about the protests vs events and the politicizing she feels is happening with covid. Forgive me if I can't see what's wrong with that..

Y'all keep changing the subject my head is spinning. First Democrats vs Republicans now lets add left side supporters and conservatives. I can't keep up. Also why I don't choose a political affiliation, I can't find one I agree with enough to claim. I guess that makes me a maggot too.

Btw - I'm not angry. Just having a discussion, and asking simple questions. We will have to debate 2001 on later. I'm getting wore out and I'm still not caught up. Lol
Trump Attacks The Rule Of Law. Critics Say It’s Time To Use ‘The F Word: Fascism’ | MSNBC

Demonizing and stripping the rights of certain groups (like immigrants, protesters, and people of color). Unlawful search and seizure by federal forces (in multiple cities). Jailing those who could damage efforts to stay in power (like Michael Cohen) and freeing those who break the law on your behalf (Roger Stone and Michael Flynn). Attacking institutions (like the free press and the inspector general system). Mehdi Hassan and other commentators argue that it’s time to call the behavior of President Trump
She wasn't in here spouting trump conspiracies, she was discussing her opposing viewpoint about the protests vs events and the politicizing she feels is happening with covid. Forgive me if I can't see what's wrong with that..
Do we need to do the first amendment thing again?
I'm confused what in the world would make you say that? Did I miss something? I'm disgusted that children, or any immigrants are in cages. No one should be put in a cage for crossing a border.

Your argument is a strawman. how can you possibly equate exercising 1A with sending your children to school during a pandemic that could have been easily controlled?

Donald Trump* makes decisions based on his best interest, only.
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