Cannabis Leaves Are Clawing -- Need Help

Hey guys, so I'm three weeks (from seed) into my Critical Mass plant, and I have come across an issue that has seem to be getting worse.

The plant's leaves are starting to claw a bit, and it's not horrible yet, but getting progressively more curled under itself. I'm not sure the issue, I know the well water being used to water the plant has a low pH (4.5 or something).

The leaves are dark, rich green and nothing else seems to be showing signs.


Just to update, I added Deer Park water to the soil because it has a 7.8 pH and I've read/been told it's a pH issue. Agree or disagree?
That would be my call, but I haven't watered this one in a week and a half so definitely not overwatered. I just watered today, and the well water has low pH, which could also be the issue. After an hour from watering with the well (sink) water, I transplanted to a new container and used Deer Park water (higher pH) and the plant since then has started uncurling. The bigger leaves are still bent though. Any ideas?


keep that ph in check. 4.5 is way to low for her thats why her leaves are twisting and curling. well water is fine but you need to bring that ph up to at least 6.0 you can do that by adding baking soda (any kind) and you can drop that ph also by adding vinegar. also go to a fish store if you have one near by, if you don't then just go on ebay or amazon and get yourself a API freshwater ph kit

cheap as shit and it will last you a long time, it ranges from 6.0 all the way up to 7.6 hope this helps!


Well-Known Member
you are probably over watering. Then under watering not finding that medium. Never let the soil dry out completely. Never keep it saturated either. My seed cups I water every other day. Once the roots fill out. Transplant and water every few days. Then transplant into final pot and water more but less often.


Well-Known Member
It looks too Hot. if you notice the leaves have the deep grooves on the outer edges, That is caused by to much heat, Look up what happens when a MJ plant get to much heat and you will see that, that is the reason. for that deep grooves in the outer leaves, and when it does not have enough it will have barely any on outer edges. Happy Grow and GL