Wow there's a lot to unpack there. Whats your definition of hate? Is it someone saying something you find offensive? So the white guy and his followers are anti white? Anti non Christian? So he's against his own daughter, son in law and grand children? A politician that doesn't deliver on promises has been the case for decades at this point .Our country included(how's that balanced budget looking?)
Sounds like you have some sort of personal irrational hate towards him. Which is fine, just provide facts and evidence as opposed to just spewing talking points from the MSM. I'm certainly no fan but I also dont blindly believe what im told to, I read as much as I can from many different sources from both sides and decide for myself. As for starting a war I'd say the MSM has done a fine job of doing that within it's own borders. As for the Hitler comparison give your head a fucken shake, you come off as ignorant of history(which I know you aren't yet here's your post) and the sacrifices made by those in the face of REAL evil. Whats trumps death count currently after almost 4 years as leader of his nation? How about Hitler after almost 4?