Cannabis Nazi......

The Hippy

Well-Known Member
I hope that piece of shit get a terminal disease. He should mind his own filthy business and the kid diddling he must be into. Someone rape his ass will ya

The Hippy

Well-Known Member
They did it to patients in the mail out what made u LP's think you were safe..... Lol
No he wants to have access to PPL locations not LP's sites....he's garbage with his flimsy excuses. He needs a good car wreck...infringing bastard

The Hippy

Well-Known Member
I'd shit on the piece of craps grave and leave the toilet seat behind for a memento for his wife.


Well-Known Member
Abbotsford is kinda weird. One of my customers got a visit from under cover asking whats with the weed smell from his house. He pointed them to his license. They said ok see yah. A few days later they got a notice from the city that they would like to come in and do an inspection. He kinda freaked out and had to buy some better equipment to make it look nicer. Well one day bore they were to come out and it was on the week that MMAR ended he got a call from the city that they didn't realize that it was a medical place and they were not going to come and inspect.

Mission probably wont be doing this as they already learned their expensive lesson with the 24hr inspections a about 4 years ago.


Well-Known Member
This guy (Abbotsford Mayor Bruce Banman) is a real piece of work, Abbotsford is the so called "Bible Belt" of BC. Abbotsford most known for being the murder capital of Canada a couple years back. Most recently spreading chicken shit on a homeless camp, and giving. a 48hr eviction notice to all homeless in "his" city. He calls himself a doctor ( chiropractor) lol. With a population of 139,000, there are an estimated 800 MMAR licenses, or just over 1/2% of the population. This guy should be tarred and feathered and run out of Canada.



Well-Known Member
not with out adding to their already head ache of a lawsuit :lol:

That guys a friggin dweeb
I don't think it is going to happen. I'm sure the forms we filled out made us agree that the information could be disclosed to law one else. But just to make sure our so-called 'leaders' understand their boundaries, be sure to ask the candidates in the November municipal elections (in BC) how they feel about the subject, and vote accordingly.


Well-Known Member you really think HC will hand over that information?

Nope, not a chance. Confidential information. Thats why this hasn't worked in the past. They can present the same flimsy excuses they have in the past. Because the same ones were used in trying to halt the injunction and look how that worked. It takes more than a made up boogieman, facts tend to produce better results

The Hippy

Well-Known Member
Note To self : Fuck Abbotsford and the economy there. Never visit that hole of a town and never support any businesses there.
I hope the Mayor is hit by a speeding truck.

The Hippy

Well-Known Member
IF I was rich I'd get a team of investigators to get some dirt on these " holyier than thou " creeps. I bet most got a few secrets to hide.
Let start with the fuhrer harptler....I bet he got a few " not so proud skeletons "
wouldn't that be sweet to uncover him and a bunch of other pricks


Well-Known Member
This guy (Abbotsford Mayor Bruce Banman) is a real piece of work, Abbotsford is the so called "Bible Belt" of BC. Abbotsford most known for being the murder capital of Canada a couple years back. Most recently spreading chicken shit on a homeless camp, and giving. a 48hr eviction notice to all homeless in "his" city. He calls himself a doctor ( chiropractor) lol. With a population of 139,000, there are an estimated 800 MMAR licenses, or just over 1/2% of the population. This guy should be tarred and feathered and run out of Canada.

Guy definitely sounds like a conservative 'talking head'. As I've always said, Voting Conservative is just a 'socially acceptable/civilized manner of assuaging a deep seated sense of self-loathing'....

Its been my experience that most 'bible thumpers' hate no one more than themselves......that is why they can't 'Live and Let Live', the hate eats them up inside and the only way they can 'assuage' it is to project it onto others.
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The Hippy

Well-Known Member
I won't be truly happy until the cannabis oppressors are in jail themselves for all the lives they've ruined with there unjust laws and prohibitions.

The Hippy

Well-Known Member
P. S. I'd also pickle their corpse's in the very booze that drove them to their insane way of thinking.
Wouldn't harptler look good in a big glass jar full of alcohol. Like a pig from a high school science class.
Kids would say " oh look there's his tail "