Cannabis Oil - What to do with it now?

Greetings all,

I have successfully reduced my trimmings to a black tar, that tastes rather bitter and has the consistency of molasses. I found that I could firm up the oil by adding keif. The oil was created using Everclear/blender/trimmings/coffee filters then double boiled off the Everclear, leaving just the aforementioned tar. (I was able to recapture about 50% of the Everclear using an Erlenmyer Flask, air pump, and a lot of tubing/ice. I thought that was cool).

Some of my patients did not like the bitter/chlorophyll taste that they experienced while smoking it. They also complained in that it is very hard to work with since it is so sticky.

Here are the questions:
Is there a way to firm up the oil even more? Perhaps even make it into more of a plastic and less sticky?

Is there a way to remove the color/taste? Can I add sugar, maybe finely chop up some lavender?
