Cannabis Oil


Well-Known Member
Hi there,

Does anybody know how long cannabis oil lasts outside the fridge ? First I read that it last as long as the oil do but now I read somewhere that it only lasts for about a month. I've got some that is about 5 months old and I was thinking about baking something with it, do you guys think this is a bad idea ?


Well-Known Member
depends on the oil.. I would not use canola oil more then a few weeks or so 3 weeks max outside in 70 degress temp olive oil I am pretty sure can be stored anywhere. Coconut oil also needs no refrig
I have heard the older the oil the better but I think they are saying 2 mo's and it's ok..

Does the oil smell bad?


Well-Known Member
no, the smell is nice and I ended up baking some cookies and they were very nice, had a great laugh. We'll see how it feels tomorrow. It was olive oil so I guess it's fine :) and even if I didn't refrigerate it I did keep it in the dark.