Cannabis: Truly Mind Expanding


Well-Known Member
Hey Rollitup bongsmilie How is everyone's Morning, Afternoon and Evening going? I just had my wake and bake and was reading up on THC or Delta9-Tetrahydrocannabinol and read a very interesting statement.

"Research has also shown that past claims of brain damage from cannabis use fail to hold up to the scientific method.[33] Instead, recent studies with synthetic cannabinoids show that activation of CB1 receptors can facilitate neurogenesis,[34] as well as neuroprotection[35]"

Now I know usually wikipedia has received criticism for not always being entirely accurate I still got excited me being a biology nerd. As I smoke my bud, I can potentially be making myself smarter, remember more clearly, regulate stress as well as defend my brain from neurodegenerative diseases. :hump: Development of Neurons

Cannabis, Truly Mind Expanding bongsmilie

what are your thoughts on Cannabis as a way to expand your mind?


Active Member
I believe it can be mind expanding and very helpful but then again where are my keys? wallet? phone? :? I think like in almost anything bad comes along with the good. Marijuana really gets me thinking but id say there is some down sides


Well-Known Member
That's true sometimes, but I plan out all my wake and bakes, so I know what I have to get done, where everything is that I think I might need, something to drink and eat and im good to go. :blsmoke: Im just talking about in the long run, your brain builds more neurons, something that was thought previously only to be highly active in pre-natal development.