CannabisCrusader's overflowing bean bag

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How's it going and what are you up to today? I like watching your thread and seeing all your doodles! I got some more beans that you might be interested in and will send you some. I know how you like those trichomes! Keep on doodling!

Have a nice Sunday.
Doing OK today. Felt like garbage thos morning, so I took my meds and tried to sleep it off. Kinda worked, I guess. Surgery is Tuesday. I'm looking foward to it because the one hernia is in the middle of my chest just under my ribcage. So my stomach tries to pop out when I eat or drink, making me feel like I'm car sick or hung over all the damn time.

I appreciate the offer, but I have sooo many beans that I'll probably never get to. I wish I could do some giveaways here, but you need to be a supporter to do that.

Hope you are doing well, keep an eye out for that ditch weed lol
Unfortunately Cannabis Crusader has left the forum of his own request due to getting a warning over a political post that was misogynistic, which he claims was a joke and he isnt sorry for it but has stated he wishes to leave due to this ,

So i am closing this thread , so people can see hes chosen to leave, We banned him at his PERSONAL REQUEST

Bit sad personally wish he wouldve dealt with that a different way but i dont control peoples reactions and choices
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