"I used an ounce of herb dried (full buds/leaves/stems) to 2 sticks of butter and some water."
To get your fastest, most potent extraction you must grind your plant matter into a flour. Most people do this with a coffee grinder but you can use a mortise and pestle, or in a pinch a rolling pin. The bud must be bone dry, if it's wet put it in the oven or a toaster oven at 105C until it's crisp. Breaking up the bud increases the surface area of the trichoms that the hot butter/oil can touch and dissolve.
After this cover the flour with liquid butter, let the butter settle in and add a bit more so there's a few millimeters above the flour. To get the most potent butter you need to use the least - there is a fixed amount of cannaboids in the bud and if you spread that over twice the butter ...
I use a 2 cup pyrex measuring cup inside the crock pot when I'm making a small amount. Just pour enough hot water in the crock pot so it's above the level of the butter in the pyrex cup, but not enough water to float the cup. And you have a smaller crock pot. Cover the cup with tinfoil to keep the water vapor out, put the crock pot top on to heat things up.
To speed the extraction use mechanical action - I have a small hand mixer that fits perfect in my 2 cup, I mix for 1 minute every 10 or 15 minutes. Always mixing the oil and trichoms so unbonded fat will dissolve the trichom resin and bind with the cannaboids. This may be your only way of saving your batch now, if you have lots of extra bud and trim you may want to just re-use that butter for another run with your bud ground into flour and a lower butter to bud ratio.
Here's the best cannabutter recipe I've ever used, the author was the head chemist with the DEA and switched teams when he found that cannabis was the best medicine to treat the symptoms of his and his mother's hepatitis. He traveled in some knowledgeable circles, nice guy too.
One of Phife's buddies did some Honey Oil runs with stems back on Overgrow years ago, their concensis was that there was no honey oil on stems (branches yes). These were guys who collected their joint ashes so they could extract the left over honey oil with butane.
- Grind your bud to a flour
- Just enough butter to cover the flour
- Use a pyrex cup inside your crock pot
- Use an electric hand mixer
- make a press bowl to get all the butter out of the bud ball.
- If you don't like the taste of your butter refine it after making, you don't need water during an extraction in a crock pot.
If you want to save the batch you have now, one way might be to strain your butter from your bud, squeeze the ball, then take some scizzors and cut up your bud and leaves into small pieces. Take the stems out and press them to save the butter, throw them out.
If I can think of another way to save that batch I'll post again, but I think chopping up your bud, a pyrex cup and a hand mixer are your best bet. And you will have weak butter with that ratio. I use 9-14 grams of bone dry bud flour for 1 tray of brownies with 1/3 - 1/2 cup of butter.