Cannabutter ???'s


Well-Known Member
I have about 2+ oz of scuff(leaves with trichomes) and several oz of fan leaves. I'd like to make hash but don't have the means or know how to so i figured i'd make cannabutter. I was wondering what the ratio of scuff to butter i should use and how much.

Any input would be a big help thanx


Well-Known Member
also, is the slow cooker (crock-pot) better than the stove top? just wondering which method would extract the THC the best.


Well-Known Member
Making hash oil is easy. Just use Iso Alcohol and double boil the alcohol leaving oil.

I like to use a crockpot when making butter. But my butter method is a bit precise. Best of both worlds make hash oil put it into butter and YUM!!

Noble Gas

Well-Known Member
I just made some and the process is quite simple. My ratio of "scuff" (where is that from by the way?) to butter is 1 oz of butter to 1 lb of butter.

Try to find all natural butter with the highest fat content. You want this because the active chemicals we seek to extract are cannabinoids that will dissolve with the fat.

Just get a large pot and fill it with water. It doesnt really matter how much water you use because it will seperate from the lipids by itself.

Just bring the water to a boil and add the butter. Turn down the heat to a simmer and wait for all the butter to melt.

I usually use a magic bullet to grind down the plant material as finely as possible. Add to the pot and cook gently for at least 3 hours.

Once this is done you can use a cheesecloth or food strainer to seperate the plant matter from the fluids. I like using plastic containers to pour the water and butter in. This makes it easier to drain the water away from the solidified butter.

That's pretty much it and you now have cannabutter

I made some knarly oatmeal and chocolate chip cookies with a 1/4lb of butter and it rocked me for a good 3 hours.

Good cooking


Well-Known Member
Making hash oil is easy. Just use Iso Alcohol and double boil the alcohol leaving oil.

I like to use a crockpot when making butter. But my butter method is a bit precise. Best of both worlds make hash oil put it into butter and YUM!!
Ok i gotta hear more about this, how exactly can you use iso alcohol for making hash oil? I'd much rather make that instead of the butter.


Well-Known Member
Its actually horribly simple to do. If you can drive, grind, steep, wait, double boil and mix you can accomplish making very dank hash oil in about 5 hours.

Step one- Go to store
In store get isopropyl rubbing alcohol 91% by volume. maybe two bottles or so enough to make sure you can cover all your trim amply.
get epsom salt.
Get cheese cloth and coffee filters.

Step two- Go home.
Assemble ingredients and cookware.
Get your trim, all of it.
Get a few glass bowls or other containers that are glass.
Step three- go to kitchen
When in kitchen pour alcohol into glass cup.
pour epsomsalt so there are a decent ammount of crystals remaining in the bottom. stir. Pour through coffee filters into another cup. Repeat about 4 times, you want a lot of epsom salt to have run through the alcohol. This essentially dries the alcohol of the water. (lucky you this makes the hash primo most people don't do research and settle for less...)

Lay cheese cloth in bowl, make sure the piece of cloth is able to cover the entire bowl when sagging to the bottom, this is a filter and you want to make sure to get as much pot out as you can.

Pour all your ground trimmings into bowl ontop of cheese cloth.

Pour your dry iso alcohol (should be about 99%) until the trimmings are covered sufficiently. Wait one minute. Pull up cheese cloth removing all pot and squeeze to remove more alcohol.

Take the remaining trim and pour more dry isopropyl over the trimmings while above the bowl giving it another squeeze (kind of like hydrating and dehydrating a sponge).

Then take the remaining solution and put it through a coffee filter to get more of the pot solids out.

Step 4- gather your hash alcohol solution which should be an interesting color by now. Grab a electric hot plate an extension cord and pot which you can set bowl in. Heat water to boil. This will cause the alcohol to heat. if there isn't a breeze out put a fan on it circulation will speed evaporation.

Once the alcohol has evaporated mostly I would pour the remaining contents into their final container waiting for the remaining alcohol to evaporate. This makes the transfer easier then scraping and melting it into its new home.

Disclaimer, I am not really telling you to do anything I just said but just stating this would be the way to do it if it were to be done.

AkA this is an illegal thing to do. I am not responsible for your actions.
Gots to be legal about it.


Well-Known Member
Its actually horribly simple to do. If you can drive, grind, steep, wait, double boil and mix you can accomplish making very dank hash oil in about 5 hours.

Step one- Go to store
In store get isopropyl rubbing alcohol 91% by volume. maybe two bottles or so enough to make sure you can cover all your trim amply.
get epsom salt.
Get cheese cloth and coffee filters.

Step two- Go home.
Assemble ingredients and cookware.
Get your trim, all of it.
Get a few glass bowls or other containers that are glass.
Step three- go to kitchen
When in kitchen pour alcohol into glass cup.
pour epsomsalt so there are a decent ammount of crystals remaining in the bottom. stir. Pour through coffee filters into another cup. Repeat about 4 times, you want a lot of epsom salt to have run through the alcohol. This essentially dries the alcohol of the water. (lucky you this makes the hash primo most people don't do research and settle for less...)

Lay cheese cloth in bowl, make sure the piece of cloth is able to cover the entire bowl when sagging to the bottom, this is a filter and you want to make sure to get as much pot out as you can.

Pour all your ground trimmings into bowl ontop of cheese cloth.

Pour your dry iso alcohol (should be about 99%) until the trimmings are covered sufficiently. Wait one minute. Pull up cheese cloth removing all pot and squeeze to remove more alcohol.

Take the remaining trim and pour more dry isopropyl over the trimmings while above the bowl giving it another squeeze (kind of like hydrating and dehydrating a sponge).

Then take the remaining solution and put it through a coffee filter to get more of the pot solids out.

Step 4- gather your hash alcohol solution which should be an interesting color by now. Grab a electric hot plate an extension cord and pot which you can set bowl in. Heat water to boil. This will cause the alcohol to heat. if there isn't a breeze out put a fan on it circulation will speed evaporation.

Once the alcohol has evaporated mostly I would pour the remaining contents into their final container waiting for the remaining alcohol to evaporate. This makes the transfer easier then scraping and melting it into its new home.

Disclaimer, I am not really telling you to do anything I just said but just stating this would be the way to do it if it were to be done.

AkA this is an illegal thing to do. I am not responsible for your actions.
Gots to be legal about it.
Damn, sounds sketch.. is it harsh at all


Well-Known Member
Lol no, and thats how you make 'ear wax' which is sold at clubs.

Its about the easiest chemistry you can do.

You can blow yourself up if you try to double boil on a flame of course.

Its pretty well documented as a method my method is a little more refined than most I believe.

The longer you let it steep the more hash oil you get at lower potency and greater taste.


Well-Known Member
i was wondering about step 4 what is the hot plate and am i basically setting it up like a double boiler? and i was wondering about the final product is it gooie? or solid im just wondering before i decide to do this with all my trim and buds im gonna devote to using for this.


Well-Known Member
Have you ever had earwax hash oil?

It will be the consistency of hash oil. Kind of gooey at room temp.

Basically you will start by heating the alcohol thc solution which speeds evaporation. Once enough of the alcohol has evaporated THC among other things will precipitate out of the solution.

If it is still liquidy at all it is not done. You need to make sure that all the alcohol is out of it before you smoke it. Because of this and because it is your first time you should probably double boil it till there is a tar like substance and then just leave it out, maybe with a fan on it til the next day for ample evaporation.


Well-Known Member
naw man i haven't had hash but a hand full of times and its been finger or bubble hash everytime. I was just reading about the butane honey oil method and that seems like the easiest but i need to get one of the bee extractors or figure out a way to make a knock off version of it.. Im still leaving my options open as the trim and buds i have dry a lil longer.