CannaReview is dead AquaTerra is alive

Far BETTER DEAL here at its ORIGINAL site (:

lets see how long buddy can give away FREE shit lol

anything to try and "weasel" some sales !
by Jumping on the heals of the ones who made it what it is on the site

eh there goof ball... lol

I'll give it away as long as suppliers will give me stuff to give away for free. As for the Green Terra stuff in the MC give away that costs me nothing to make. I just got some Technaflora Recipe for success kits and have AN, FoxFarm and Cyco kits coming.
Oooh I always wondered how cyco nutrients performed. Curious what you may have heard about them?

I don't have much feed back yet but I gave away a couple packs and have a customer who picked up lots free stuff at the Van Expo and ran it and says had really good results and then ordered a full 20L set. They switched from Remo's which they said they had to use much more to get the PPM and ended up costing same or more as GH because of the weaker solutions. I'm getting a couple more 1L packs from Cyco so will be doing a give away soon.