Cannatrol - Anyone Bought One?

I didn't think you were marketing, man @HappyTrees84 - I appreciate your input, and easy to read writing structure (I'm looking at you, walloftextguywithnolinebreaks).

I made the jump some time so, and have been smoking straight gas out of the cannatrol. I would certainly not compare it to a wine cooler in any other area than appearance.... And it's fine if some growers can't afford one, there are lots of methods of getting a great dry and cure. But less if you have lots of demand on your time.

Thank you for the response!
Explain how it’s not a wine cooler? Because they threw a monitor on top of it? Or because it cost 10x more than one and you need to justify it?
so I don’t take credit for this DIY project. It came from:

and also @Blue brother jumped on this which gave me motivation to try it out.

If you look at your cannatrol you will notice it has a fan (I think there is two actually) in the back. This is the “peltier” or thermoelectric cooler. This is different than a refrigerator which uses a compressor. Thermoelectric coolers can keep the temperature roughly 20F cooler than ambient room temperature.

the Dehum we slap inside the wine fridge is also thermoelectric. I’ve noticed the Dehum is more of an assistant. The main peltier really does the majority of the work. The Dehum is hooked up to a inkbird humidity controller.

Ignore the mess - I’m not cleaning up for people on the internet.
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this isn’t a finished project. I’m still testing and modifying it.
It’s interesting you would say that about the on board peltier.

it has been my experience that if left without the dehumidifier switched on bud takes an absolute age to dry, but still doesn’t go moldy lol. I tried maybe a quarter of an oz on a single stem just laid out across the rack and dried the rest of that particular strain in a tent As my fridge was filled with jars of Percy and it was still noticeably wet 21 days after.
I do agree it is definitely a thermoelectric wine cooler, just modified, the whole inner workings are exactly the same as a wine cooler.
It’s interesting you would say that about the on board peltier.

it has been my experience that if left without the dehumidifier switched on bud takes an absolute age to dry, but still doesn’t go moldy lol. I tried maybe a quarter of an oz on a single stem just laid out across the rack and dried the rest of that particular strain in a tent As my fridge was filled with jars of Percy and it was still noticeably wet 21 days after.
What I’ve noticed with my unit is when I have the Dehum kick on it will run for a minute if that. It quickly drops the 1% and shuts off. When the Dehum kicks on the fridge onboard peltier goes into over drive (you can hear the fan rev higher) to account for the increase of temperature. Once the fridge cools itself back back a degree or two the internal RH dropped another few points even though the Dehum was kicked off.

I do wonder if each peltier fridge is programmed differently. It doesn’t seem like it’s a simple on/off design. There is more logic behind how it’s operating itself.
I mean, if you're forcing it.... The programming and parameter slopes. I can't be in my space as much as it requires, so like with a lot of things you pay for somebody else to do your software side.

I work in industries where if you can't.... You pay... For labor, technology or the failure.

I'm glad your homebrew works for you, and I wish I had the time to tinker in such a manner.
I can agree with this no problem. The software is definitely cool and they put some research into it. I was in defense about the hardware being of the same design.

If they could sell just the software baked into a controller I would be very interested.
I didn't mean to minimize your feedback. But the comparison to it being a wine cooler would be of that like comparing a Civic to a Ferrari simply because they have motors and drive. It's a lot of nuance. And obviously this is just my personal opinion with respect to other people's situations and workflows.
Thank you. I agree my box is a base model civic. It’ll definitely get us from A to B but I’m personally shifting the gears. The cannatrol on the hand is self driving and has style.