*nothing wrong with measuring ppms... lmfaodont laugh i got a 1000ppm in my fart iof h2s
*poor lab assistant that has to clean the probes :\ hehe , shit particles stuck on the sensors.. sweetwhats funny is went for h2s course they were handing out these different types sniffers during course so i roared as i put one down low and farted no shit 1000 ppm hahahaha class and instructor roared cause it records the measurement
instructor said that was a first for him
*wasnt me.. wait.. o that.. lol.. yea.. hehyou guys are dirty old men, sitin around talkin about ppming your shit particles lol, the led threads going to shit and all canna can do is think about his farts what a dirty old man lol
*candy og? whats that madeup off??hahahhahahhahaha lol got two candy og seeds to crack last night maybe they be out when i go check on em later.
Stepping it up welcome to the club
24000Stepping it up welcome to the clubis there one? For us sealed room growers? Let's start one ... How many btu's on the split?
*Emits 10% UVB and up to 15% UVA; outputs activate UVB up to 20" from the bulb's surface~ .. thats all you need to get you going w/ the UVBhttp://www.drsfostersmith.com/product/prod_display.cfm?c=6016+6028+15468&pcatid=15468
do these look like any good to treat my ladies with?
*damn right.. all nonsense right hurr.. just another ghetto nerd trying to pass for an intellectual.. ..yessirAnd remeber he googled that![]()
*ditto.. thats why im just randomly trolling ppl to amuse myself..Man as a mod I thought it woulf be 100 miles a hour but it kinda boring out there im here to help and cant find shit to
*craiglist.. just gotta do the footworkoverkill is awesome when u got the doe..