New Member
This is the first cannabis plant I have ever grown but have been doing hydroponics for quite some time now. I thought I'd try see if anyone else can work out what has gone wrong with my plant as I have spent hours trying to fix and correct it now. Last week I left the house for about 4 days and has setup everything to run automatically while I am away, I tested the system and everything turned on at the time it was meant to and off also. The lights and fans are on for 12 hours (11pm to 11am) every day since I have recently changed the light cycle for flowering, I also changed the nutrient composition to favour flouring too (I did this about 2 weeks ago so I doubt it's relevant to the issue). I use a grow tent for everything and a decent extraction fan too and the temperature inside the tent stays around 28 degrees Celsius and when I was running the light longer during veg it sometimes got to around 34 degrees Celsius and the plant had no problems with that. I returned home from my trip after 4 days to find a smell similar to steamed broccoli and also the plant had wilted and looked basically dead. Just before I had left for the trip the plant was extremely vibrant and green and the new upcoming flowers looked great. Some of the leaves had dried up and fallen off and all of the tips of the stems are limp and aren't pointed upwards. The leaves appear to be a darker bleak green colour compared to when I left. I checked the roots but they seem fine, they're still quite white and the water level was fine. I read somewhere that the light could be too intense and so I've dropped down the light intensity (I'm using an LED grow light that draws 200W and I turned off half of it now). I also changed out the water with fresh nutrient water when I saw it since I thought something I'd done could have been wrong. The PPM is sitting at 1050PPM and my tap water is around 240PPM. pH is stable at 6.0. I have attached photos, any input is much appreciated.