Can't film the police....?


Do NOT Let them lie to you, EVERYONE should be Filming EVERY contact with said entities.
It is against the law in Florida to interfere with a police investigation. This includes filming police. They will confiscate your recording device even if they THINK you are filming them. Medcnman.


New Member
It is against the law in Florida to interfere with a police investigation. This includes filming police. They will confiscate your recording device even if they THINK you are filming them. Medcnman.
some one needs to take that one to court.. if the mere act of filming is an interference then all the cctc cameras interfere with me ;)


Well-Known Member
There are actually 3 states in the U.S. that has laws against recording LEO. I can't recall which three but I know Florida is one. I wanna say Tennessee and Kentucky are the other two but I'm probably wrong.


Well-Known Member
There's a slew of videos on youtube about this, some get away with it and some get harassed. Sad thing is you have the right to film anything and anyone on public property to my knowledge. The thing that cops will say is your hindering there arrest.
I sure hope you're not giving anybody legal advice because you're dead wrong. Michigan happens to be one of many fucked up States that have the 2 party consent law. You can record all the video you want anywhere you want in public but if you record audio without an individual's consent, you can be charged with Felony Wiretapping, and the police LOVE to prosecute people who catch them doing stupid shit when the video with audio shows up on youtube.

This was not the original intent of the law, however in recent years, PD's around the country have been using this little known law to prosecute individuals for recording them without a 2 party consent. If a police officer asks you if your device is recording audio and you say yes, you just admitted to Felony Wiretapping. If you don't believe me, look it up for yourselves. Now for the flip side to this coin; cops can record video and audio without your consent which completes the fucked up double standard and you know which one of us gets the shitty end of the stick, right?

All I have to say is be aware what risks you're taking should you decide to audio record a cop without his / her consent. There are a couple of web sites out there that post recorded police encounters in the States that do NOT have only a 1 party consent law which allows Citizens the right to both audio and video record LEO's in action and most of the encounters prove very embarrassing to the cops and their departments.


Well-Known Member
Do NOT Let them lie to you, EVERYONE should be Filming EVERY contact with said entities.
Sure, film that doesn't include audio in a 2 party consent State. And I completely agree, every incident with LEO's should be recorded to protect your rights and freedom. I come from Missouri which is a 1 party consent State and I can't tell you how many cops made the news and were subsequently fired for damning audio / video that was secretly recorded during routine traffic stops. It's a shame certain States are protecting corrupt cops by abusing these 2 party consent laws that were not intended to be used for the purpose that they're currently using these laws for.


Well-Known Member
Twelve states currently require that all parties consent to the recording. These states are:

  • California[SUP][14][/SUP]
  • Connecticut
  • Florida[SUP][15][/SUP]
  • Illinois (debated, see next section)
  • Maryland[SUP][16][/SUP]
  • Massachusetts
  • Michigan
  • Montana [SUP][17][/SUP] (requires notification only)
  • Nevada
  • New Hampshire[SUP][18][/SUP]
  • Pennsylvania[SUP][19][/SUP]
  • Washington[SUP][20][/SUP]
[SUP]Sourced from [/SUP]

thump easy

Well-Known Member
i was in the county one time county jail, and the cops moved the camera and put me in a cell they tripple teamed me and beat the living shit out of me i yelled for help no one listend i couldnt fight back i was mased and beat the fuck up for a pack of cigarettes, they found in my area ow i was hand cuffed while they beat me, shit just write me up i didnt confess to the cigarettes they didnt find them on me so they wanted to charge me with the contraband, i denied them and i got the living shit beat out of me one day one wisperd into a young yoked out steriod freek of a sheriff and as i was walking into the bus for court, the old man and the rooky beat me down and made me kneel again in hand behind my back and hand cuffed to the floor and beg i didnt beg so they continued to choke me i almost thought they were gona break my wind pipe i tried to make a formal report and they denied it.. also i went to the nurse to document the bruses she kicked me out and sead she wasnt going to loose her job over it... well prosejer is a write up.. i didnt admit to it wen i was 18 i got raided for 6 babi plants in 1992 indoor they didnt have a search warent but after they found the plants i was arested and waited for the judge to fill out the search warrent after they broke in, my nerdy nabor called the cops i shit you not i was fucking alot of girls and he just got jelous i did some time for that shit in arizona they dont fuck around over thier or at least not then.....


Well-Known Member
I actually raised this issue here years ago when I made this damn account and I actually had people telling me this information and topic had no place in this section of the forum. I respectfully beg to differ.

BTW, you can of course ask a cop if it is ok that you record him / her and if they say yes (good luck with that!), then you can certainly continue to record. You know how when you call into your auto insurance co's (or any corporate 800#), they always have that little recording that says, "for quality assurance, this call may be monitored or recorded". They MUST tell you this, otherwise it's felony wiretapping in 12 States. If you tell the CSR that you do NOT consent to being recorded or monitored, they MUST NOT record the conversation (at least by law..). And if you continue with no objection, that is your defacto consent....things staring to click now?


Well-Known Member
i was in the county one time county jail, and the cops moved the camera and put me in a cell they tripple teamed me and beat the living shit out of me i yelled for help no one listend i couldnt fight back i was mased and beat the fuck up for a pack of cigarettes, they found in my area ow i was hand cuffed while they beat me, shit just write me up i didnt confess to the cigarettes they didnt find them on me so they wanted to charge me with the contraband, i denied them and i got the living shit beat out of me one day one wisperd into a young yoked out steriod freek of a sheriff and as i was walking into the bus for court, the old man and the rooky beat me down and made me kneel to the floor and beg i didnt beg so they continued to choke me i almost thought they were gona break my wind pipe i tried to make a formal report and they denied it.. also i went to the nurse to document the bruses she kicked me out and sead she wasnt going to loose her job over it... well prosejer is a write up.. i didnt admit to it wen i was 18 i got raided for 6 babi plants in 1992 indoor they didnt have a search warent but after they found the plants i was arested and waited for the judge to fill out the search warrent after they broke in my nerdy nabor called the cops i shit you not i was fucking alot of girls and he just got jelous i did some time for that shit in arizona they dont fuck around over thier or at least not then.....
Best advice I could give you is DON'T WIND UP IN COUNTY JAIL.....shit man, that kinda thing happens EVERYWHERE; not just in AZ. In St. Louis, the cops are so fucking dirty that they are 1 of only 3 or 4 PD's in the country (I know Chicago is another) that specifically will NOT let the COPS TV show film in their City....too many dirty cops on the payroll.


Well-Known Member
Well if you interfere with them I could see that but I don't see how video taping anyone, hell the damn bushes next to them would be even slightly illegal but I know some states I've heard of people getting attacked and whatnot trying to video tape the corrupt police. It's just better to stay the hell away from them and avoid them unless you want to get harassed.


Well-Known Member
Well if you interfere with them I could see that but I don't see how video taping anyone, hell the damn bushes next to them would be even slightly illegal but I know some states I've heard of people getting attacked and whatnot trying to video tape the corrupt police. It's just better to stay the hell away from them and avoid them unless you want to get harassed.
Read my previous response, and that's why you can't audio record a cop in certain states without their consent.

Is it right? No, obviously not, however this issue has not yet made it to the Supreme Court for a nationwide sweeping opinion that strikes down these ridiculously archaic 2 party consent laws when it comes to filming / audio recording a LEO in public. With the advancing technology of smart phones that come equipped with these recording devices, the issue will eventually land on the steps of the SCOTUS. Until then, be aware, and be careful.


Well-Known Member
I actually raised this issue here years ago when I made this damn account and I actually had people telling me this information and topic had no place in this section of the forum. I respectfully beg to differ.

BTW, you can of course ask a cop if it is ok that you record him / her and if they say yes (good luck with that!), then you can certainly continue to record. You know how when you call into your auto insurance co's (or any corporate 800#), they always have that little recording that says, "for quality assurance, this call may be monitored or recorded". They MUST tell you this, otherwise it's felony wiretapping in 12 States. If you tell the CSR that you do NOT consent to being recorded or monitored, they MUST NOT record the conversation (at least by law..). And if you continue with no objection, that is your defacto consent....things staring to click now?
KEYWORD: TELEPHONE It says nothing about video recording. Are you trying to tell us these laws automatically apply to cameras just because they apply to telephone conversations? You're stretching the truth to benefit your argument.



Well-Known Member
KEYWORD: TELEPHONE It says nothing about video recording. Are you trying to tell us these laws automatically apply to cameras just because they apply to telephone conversations? You're stretching the truth to benefit your argument.

You're a fucking idiot and I sincerely hope nobody on this forum takes your dumbass advice. You can VIDEO record all you want. If you audio record a cop without their consent, you technically are in violation of the 2 party consent law. Just goes to show y'all, ya can't fix stupid.

Anybody who doubts me, feel free to do a quick google search on audio recording the police and you'll see that this idiot who posted above doesn't know what the fuck he's talking about. Sorry, just can't stand outright stupidity.


Well-Known Member
KEYWORD: TELEPHONE It says nothing about video recording. Are you trying to tell us these laws automatically apply to cameras just because they apply to telephone conversations? You're stretching the truth to benefit your argument.

BTW, Moron...the key word is AUDIO, not telephone. Now run along little troll as this conversation is obviously beyond your level of intelligence.


Well-Known Member
BTW, Moron...the key word is AUDIO, not telephone. Now run along little troll as this conversation is obviously beyond your level of intelligence.
Whoa whoa, why are you so angry, calm down man it's just an internet forum. Do you need to be right that bad? What a constructive thread. You don't like somebodies post so you start calling names and starting shit. And IM the troll? LOL ok, just calm the fuck down and grow up man. Nobody was calling names.

Is the idea of being incorrect, so bad, that you resort to rudeness and name calling?

If you think I'm wrong, state such, and provide evidence to prove me wrong. Shouting names like a school child only ruins your credibility.

I happen to be a free thinker, so all you had to do is show me evidence. Instead, you call names and shout obscenities. You aren't helping your argument with that type of behavior.


Well-Known Member
Whoa whoa, why are you so angry, calm down man it's just an internet forum. Do you need to be right that bad? What a constructive thread. You don't like somebodies post so you start calling names and starting shit. And IM the troll? LOL ok, just calm the fuck down and grow up man. Nobody was calling names.

Is the idea of being incorrect, so bad, that you resort to rudeness and name calling?

If you think I'm wrong, state such, and provide evidence to prove me wrong. Shouting names like a school child only ruins your credibility.
I have already cited my references which proves I'm right. Where are yours?

And I reserve the right to call you whatever the hell I want when your ignorant advice may cause a fellow rollitup'er to incur a felony wiretapping charge. Get your facts straight troll.