cant find a 12v transformer for my 2 fans.


New Member
i need to order two online but i cant seem to find anything. i need two 12v dc adaptors for my two pc fans. if anyone could point me in the right direction with a link or something that would be cool. everything i have seems to be 6v damnit!


New Member
ok heres a direction go to radio shack and find one lol or your nearest eco station theres prob millions there


Well-Known Member
Id be pretty surprised if you dont have some old ac/dc power adapter kickn around your house. anything will work, an old answering machine, router, game system. just cut and splice the wires. Youtube is your friend.


Well-Known Member
bummer, I had the same problem lookin for a ac pack for a guitar effects pedal. all i could find is 6 and 12v needed a 9v.