sux to hear smoke with ya for free!thats wat this holidays all about..sharing ur stash!wish i cud help ya out!save it for later?
thats what I would do.
consider yourself lucky though bro.. I don't even get to celebrate 4/20 this year. I missed last year too...
I have no smoke and no connects to call.. so I'm just as fucked as you are.
At least you have some! I have absolutely NONE! I don't even have enough resin in my bowl for any resin hits.
Fucking sucks... :\
I'd actually pay someone to smoke with me if I had to.. but I know its not going to happen so I might as well just adjust myself for it.
Yeah the job comes first with out that my seed order will overdraft my account keep your job.
in the "everyday is 4/20" stonerverse, today's really just another day..... like at StonedPony's house, where it's 4:20 ALL THE TIME (because of a broken clock....)
That is so thoughtful of you .. I hope your good deed comes back around to ya ..... I say this because I know I woulda lied and said I was dry ...then smoked that shit later ... you rock !nnever mind I just decided to help a friend out and give her some weed for her and her dad so now I am completely weedless sad day