ok dude... this is newbie proof... but just to let you know... 5 days in dampness isn't a good sign, especially if the seeds are just getting darker... they're about to rot... by you using the word damp, i think you used too much water, because you're suppose to just moisten the towel...
this is how i did it the very first time and still do.... after you have already placed them in the paper towel.... let the water run on warm and keep one of your hands in the water for like 5 sec.... then pat the paper towel with the seeds inside with the wet hand... keep doing it like this on both sides of the papertowel until its MOISTENED, NOT DAMP.... or you can use a spray bottle and spray until its moistened... these 2 methods prevents you from overwatering the papertowel, which results in you destroying the seeds....
oh yeah... the hand method is good too, because of the warmth from the hands.... seeds likes warm soil... i usually get them to crack between 1-3 days....
place the paper towel between two paper plates, place the paper plates inside of a black plastic bag (for darkness and to hold the moisture in a little, while the seeds gets oxygen) then wrap the plastic bag inside of a sweater/sweatshirt....
i do it this way because i don't feel like looking for a warm, dark place...so by wrapping it, you're basically making your own