Can't Idetify this strain


Well-Known Member
hahahahahahahhaha man how is anyone supposed to know what strain that is???? come on now..


Most pro growers can tell the difference between Sativa and Indica just by the leaves that's all I want to know.


Active Member
First you say this:

It was from a Mid grade and is a sativa is all I know

Then Wheezer, who is a pro grower if there ever was one, tells you it's impossible. And you say:

Most pro growers can tell the difference between Sativa and Indica just by the leaves that's all I want to know

Change your tune much?


No disrespect to Wheezer but I got my answer from someone else and I wasn't looking for THE STREET name... S Deisle,Kush.. ETC.. all I wanted to know is what it's origin whether that means strain or whatever..I was told it was Mid grade and a Sativa ..that doesn't necessarily make it so... I now know it could be 50/50 Thanks to someone who took the time to explain it to me instead of laughing at a newbie...That's the song I'm singing Steampik !


Active Member
Sing it loud and sing it strong, then, and let the echo decide if you were right or wrong.

By the way, most everything these days is a hybrid. I could have told you that almost without looking.


Well-Known Member
yeah dude u really can't know what strain it is just by looking there are so many....and most look generally alike lol