Can't quite ID this..

That's what I was thinking too =( Either way, I might just grow it out to get the seeds, then plant them... or is that a shit idea?
Shitty.... Eh, I suppose I could harvest the seeds then plant them, could I germinate the seeds and then set them on a 12/12 schedule to have them flower? I suppose if I did that and one of them was female, the other 9 would probably be male, "sexxing" the female then turning it into a male or something? Idk. I honestly have no idea how it all works.

jus tryIng to leRnz.. lol.


New Member
Yea if you want more seeds do it. But read up on breeding, theres a subforum for it on here. If you pollinate the whole plant you'll get thousands of seeds, all you need to do is put a bag over the male, collect the pollen and then impregnate a section of bud