Can't seem to pinpoint lack of, or abundance of, Nutrients.


Using 2 gallon glass bucket with DWC/ Bubble system
Medium of Hydroton clay
Filtered water (from store) changed every 4-5 days, or when water gets low
Nutrient system:
1 tbs every 4-5 days of Fox Farms "grow big"
1 tsp of "pond perfect" biological treatment for "sludge" prevention
1 tsp of h2o2 just recently.

Here are some pictures:

Ive been using 1 tablespoon of fox farms grow big every water change (4-5 days) for a 2.5 gallon DWC/bubble bucket and 1 teaspoon of an organic pond treatment to keep away sludge and algea. I just used a tsp also of some h2o2 because of some brown looking rust developing at the tops of my roots which I think could be from the clay balls but the spots have been around for 2-3 weeks and the smaller leaves at the top are starting to get some light yellowing on the very tips of the leaves. I have read that this particular plant is considered "nutrient sensitive" so we've been trying to not over feed.


Well-Known Member
if you have too little nutrients the leaves will uniformly turn yellow and fall off because the plant is using stored energy in the leaves to sustain itself. when you have too much nutrients or nute lock you get spotty appearance like how your plants look.

george xxx

Active Member
you can use H202 to clean your system, and with the proper concentration, your plants grow just fine. But H2O2 will kill all organisms. The root system needs some of the organisms for proper uptake of the nutes. Do yourself a favor and do some research on using H202. Grow big by itself is most likely insufficient to feed the plant when you are killing off beneficial organisms. The plant looks like it needs cal/mag and quite possibly some potassium. Any reccomendation on what to feed would be more of a guess or crap shoot because you may have root damage.

Are you following the fox farm feed schedule?
If you flush as fox farms states and feed accordingly without the pond crap you will have a better chance of recovery.
If you are using filtered water and changing every 4 or 5 days, the pond perfect and h202 are probably more deadly than overfeeding.


you can use H202 to clean your system, and with the proper concentration, your plants grow just fine. But H2O2 will kill all organisms. The root system needs some of the organisms for proper uptake of the nutes. Do yourself a favor and do some research on using H202. Grow big by itself is most likely insufficient to feed the plant when you are killing off beneficial organisms. The plant looks like it needs cal/mag and quite possibly some potassium. Any reccomendation on what to feed would be more of a guess or crap shoot because you may have root damage.

Are you following the fox farm feed schedule?
If you flush as fox farms states and feed accordingly without the pond crap you will have a better chance of recovery.
If you are using filtered water and changing every 4 or 5 days, the pond perfect and h202 are probably more deadly than overfeeding.
Thank you for the link! I've printed it out to keep for referance. We're using 24 hour lighting since it's an autoflower, would there be an adjustment for that, or would I just follow how it says anyways? I'll drop the added things and just run the foxfarm according to their instructions. I just recently used the h202 (I think a total of 2 times now) so I'll drop it pretty quickly.

We also have the Tiger Bloom and Big Bloom but haven't used either of them. We are in week 3-4 now, hopefully not to far along to make some much needed adjustments! Should I use something in conjuction with the grow big (such as one of the others listed?) I know you say it's a crap shoot, and a lot of it is trial and error but some advice never hurts.

Calcium/magnesium deficiency. If so your other micronutrients are probably deficient as well.

if you have too little nutrients the leaves will uniformly turn yellow and fall off because the plant is using stored energy in the leaves to sustain itself. when you have too much nutrients or nute lock you get spotty appearance like how your plants look.
calcium def......or the start of a Ph issue......good luck grower
Thank you all so much, I'll take a look at the bottles and see what we've got going on. Hopefully with dropping the wierd add-ins we'll be able to get it clean and happy. I'll keep you all updated on how the change over goes, hopefully it doesn't drop dead on me.


Hey everyone
This past watering (last night) We added 3tsp to the 1 gallon of water of Fax Farms Grow Big, with NOTHING ELSE. We've been monitering the PH which is staying at a consistant ~6.0 range. Despite our efforts, the smaller new growth is begining to get yellowing around the edges as well with tiny bits of spotting. I'll upload some pictures when I get home for a better idea. Could this be risdual from the incorrect feeding before, where it might take a while for the plant to pick up on whats going on, or is it more immedate to the feeding we did just last night? (by which I mean does it take a while for changes to show, or are they more rapid?)

Hopefully the pictures will give a better Idea, I just got a call all paniced of "its turning yellow omg!!" so I thought I'd post now to give you all an idea of what's going on. @.@ It's so trail and error that it's rather frustraing sometimes.

ETA: she just started to show her white hairs near the steam nods last night.



Just checked and the ph is at about 6.0-6.5 should I take it down?

Also...uhm, I don't actually have a ppm tester yet since I can't afford one yet. Unless there is a way to manually do it? I was just going off the tsp:gallon ratio.

Also, every time we change the water we do run straight water through to clean the roots, however I noticed the fox farm bottle says to flush using big bloom to clean salt deposits, how do you go about that? Just mix some up and dump it through the roots? Or do you soak them for a while?

The change in the leaves being this drastic is rather new (over night) but the only change we made was adding in the "proper" amount of nutes for the water ratio and not putting in other stuff. Could it be residual from before?

Oh and one more question, the feeding schedule for next week via that chart shows a feeding of grow big with 3tsp but it also shows 1tbl of big bloom. Does this mean you add both? (I'm sure that's kind of a newbie question...)

Eta: the roots are healthy, and white, but I don't want to open it up since I need to go buy more tinfoil to keep the light out.


Well-Known Member
Get yourself some Botanicare Cal-Mag. I used to Use Fox Farm too and they don't have enough Mag.

As for feeding chart for FF. I wouldn't follow their chart exactly since their conentration is too high. Big Bloom is probably their best nute they have and its organic! Try 1 TBSP of Big Bloom, 2 tsp of grow big and half tsp of Cal-Mag. Just use Grow Big and Cal-Mag for now then add the Big Bloom just before you switch to flower


Inhale, are those amounts based on the 1 gallon tank we're using? Or should I compensate. Also, if you are in the U.S do you know if they have cal-mag at like...Lowes or would I have to go to a hydro shop to find it?

Eta: it's an auto flower so there won't be any "switching" the white pistils are just starting to show, would this be the "before flower" time? Or should I wait until the little pistils develop more? Tricky plants wanting food!

Eta 2: what should I do with the dying leaves? Just leave them alone or prune them off?


Well-Known Member
Inhale, are those amounts based on the 1 gallon tank we're using? Or should I compensate. Also, if you are in the U.S do you know if they have cal-mag at like...Lowes or would I have to go to a hydro shop to find it?

Eta: it's an auto flower so there won't be any "switching" the white pistils are just starting to show, would this be the "before flower" time? Or should I wait until the little pistils develop more? Tricky plants wanting food!

Eta 2: what should I do with the dying leaves? Just leave them alone or prune them off?
Yes , Those amounts are based on 1 gallon. I am in the US :). You will need to go to a Hydro store to get your Cal-Mag. If you don't have an Hydro shop near you. I am sure one of the stores have Calcium and magnesium supplements, but I can't help you with that. I always shop at the Hydro store. You could find good stuff at nurseries too.

Auto flower? I have no experience with autos. However, keep using the Big Bloom then since she is already starting to flower. What I mean "before flower" time is 1 week before I switch the lights to 12/12 for regular plants. Autos goes with how many days she goes from seed to harvest.

Plants are not really tricky. You will learn as you go. Once you get experienced you will be able to determine if your plants need more of this or that by looking at the leaves. As for the dying leaves. If they are more than 50% damaged then just pull them off.

Edit: Dolomite Lime is great product for organic growers but it takes a while before the Dolomite Lime is obsorbed


You are lovely! I could tell you for days about roses! But not this stuff, everyone says "oh it'll just grow in spite of you. It's a weed!" so it's depressing to have mine dying. Poor thing. I'll print out the levels of the calmag bottle and see if my store has a version similar.

Right now we're using only the grow big. Should we use BOTH? Also what about the flushing? Someone mentioned salt lockup which I read was from not flushing?


Well-Known Member
Why thank you! I am the opposite. I can tell you all about weed and I am clueless with roses haha. Weed and Tomatoes have similiar requirements. Tomatoes require cal-mag at the end of flower to prevent rotting when with weed it just depends on your water and what the strain likes. You can flush your plants with straight water for a couple of hours no more than 12 hours then add the fertilize. She does have a slight too much Nitrogen. Use both the grow and Big bloom but back off the Grow big little by little (weekly) She won't be needing too much nitrogen and more Phosphorus and Potassium.

Do you have Tiger bloom, or are you just using big bloom to flower?


Well-Known Member
I again dont know much about the nutrients your using but i know hydro. It needs to be between 5.5-6.0. I would almost gaurantee your plants will pickup once you fix the PH issue. checkout this chart showing what all your plant cant absorb at your current PH levels.

I wouldnt go buy anything else until you bring the PH in check. Then you will know what you need. Also i would get a PPM meter pretty soon. Unless your are changing your res everytime and not topping up. It can tell you how hungry your girls are.

As a side note when we had our first kid i was gone at the hospital for a couple days. My res was small and i had to check PH daily. When i came back they looked alot like yours :)


We change it out every four days, no topping off. I'll lower the oh to the proper levels and see if it helps too.

Inhale, I have tiger bloom also, (the trifecta!) should I use that instead of the big bloom, or would I eventually drop the grow big and use big bloom/tiger bloom?
I'll stop by the stores and see if I can't find a cal-mag supplement too.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, you will start to wean off the grow big in flower only though. I like to slowly reduce the grow and slowly increase the Tiger bloom within the first 5 weeks. week 6 and 7 you should use only a small amount of grow big or none at all and use straight big bloom/tiger bloom. My advice would be to take notes of how much nutes of each you put in and see what the results are. Tweak and adjust until you dial it in for future references and grows ;)

What do you use to feed your roses? If you are good with roses. I can picture you would be great with marijuana plants. They both have a lot of similiar needs