can't stop growth


Well-Known Member
I'm 2-3 wks into flowering my sec grow.
I'm using 2 600watt hps inside of a grow tent with 7 plants.
My plants are growning out of my tent,in the last wk or so
they have gotten 7+" taller and it doesnt look like they will be slowing down anytime soon.
I have had to tie down the top colas and now have to start tieing down the side colas
I thought while they are flowering the upright growth would slow down?
Will tieing down the main and upper side colas just make the lower colas bigger, or is that a bad idea?
I dont understand why the huge growth all of a sudden,this is nothing like my first grow.
Thanks for any help

bag seed
no fert in the last 2 wks,only water
12/12 nothing has changed



Active Member
Well first off , very nice grow setup.

I would my self be happy if my plants have grown that BIG!

Every marijuana plant that gets to it's flowering cycle it streches alot!
Im not sure why they strech so much , Im guessing to make more space
for Calyx growth , im not sure!

As far as the height of your plant is concerned I would try low stress training

Or maybe sea of the green ( I think it's to late for that)

Try carefully bending down each limb , after a while youll have 5 - 6 colas instead of one!



Well-Known Member
Thanks for the quick reply...
I spent like 3 hrs tieing everything down last night.
I never knew growning took so much work, geeze.
And I thought growning only 7 plants was a wast of time,hell 4-5 would have been enough.


Active Member
Sounds like you got a sativa maybe? That would explain internodal stretching. They look good though tying down is your only option. GL