Can't stop the yellowing!


Any diagnosis out there? Plant in rectangle container (bagseed) is 64 days and the round pot (barney farm LSD) is 59 days old 3rd day in 12/12 for both. Both done w LST

LSD has only been given nutes one time at 1/4 strength but she burned really bad so I flushed her and she has not yet received any nutes.

Both are being grown in a small cabinet 3.5ft H x 2ft W x 18in D

Lighting is 156watts of CFL
2 6500k and 4 2700k

BS is full strength feeding of Fox farm grow big once a week. I start flowering nutes this week as I have not yet received my order.

Soil is Fox Farm ocean forest.

Temps w lights on can reach high 80s due to my light trap on my exhaust restricting flow. lights off temps are about 77-81.

I water 3 times a week w PH'd water. Run off is about 6.5

Both look very stunted am right?

Any shots at what's going on? am I just doomed because of heat?

I live in sub tropical SE USA so ambient room temp is always 74-78 usually the latter more so.


Active Member
they are really burnt m8 .. get more 2700k bulbs and back off wae the nutes whats your drainage like ? p h? should be 6.5


Well-Known Member
yes they look stunted, there are too many negative factors for those guys to grow right. They need way more light, high 80 temps is too high, you need to air condition the room the cabinet is in, if possible, also the cabinets too small for flowering and the soil containers too small for flowering, might not be enough air movement either, sounds like ur overwatering too. but mainly the temps and the light are prob why they are lookin depressed, but we live and we learn. Good luck


Active Member
Nute overdose, Are they really that small in comparison to a sharpie? I let my babies get "bigger" before I start feeding them and don't go though this anymore because of it. If you intend to try to push a strains genetics as far as possible without burning the plant you HAVE to expect an overdose, at soom point, particularly if you have never grown the strain, and don't yet know its weeknesses and straigths. I.E. does it handle nutes well from start of veg, should this strain be allowed lateral branching before feeding, all of this is strain specific. The backs of the seed packs tell what a breeder did with the strain to achieve the image that you will see in a seed bank catalogue. You must understand, other than the recomended nutes and feeding squedual, you use diffrent EVERYTHING, than that grower, your water isn't the same, your grow area isn't the same, and you probably don't have access to his compost pile and components that makes up his soil.
Also, you really want to seperate those plants, this turns one heavy handed feeding, overwatering etc, into a multiple plant problem.
The way you are doing it, if you screw a pot up, you are screwing more than one plant, seperating them allows you to treat them individually, and only mess them up one at a time... Your galvinived metal is also an issue did you know some nutes will cause galvinized metal to rust at an alarming rate, wherever there is a scratch in the surface? This can be toxic as well as leathal to your plants so re-pot them with fresh enert soil,( in pots with drainage.) Use pots large enough to accomidate your plants, Small spaces really limit you here.


Well-Known Member
If you added co2 to the setup you could run them with higher temps as they handle higher temps better with co2 supplement. If you dont have the money for a tank and regulator you can either get an exhale bag(google it) or try to poor man's co2 method of 2 cups of sugar/2 tablespoons of active dry yeast/ 2/3 gallons of water. Mix really good. Put a hole in the cap of the milk jug or whatever you use and seal an air tube to the cap and run it into a cup of water resting near your plant. After a bout 2 hours it will start to bubble and produce co2. You can use as many of these jugs as you like and it will raise co2 levels to where your plants can handle the higher temps.


Absolutely I am restricted with what I can do due to my small space. But its what I have and all I have to work with.

Ill be happy if I get a freaking bowls worth out of both of these... or am I better off scraping am starting again? Or maybe just hold off till end of summer all together