Can't tell if this is withdrawal or the way I am w/o weed?


Well-Known Member
3 days, no smoking so far. Been smoking nightly for about a year and a half just to sleep.
Been smoking for about 4 years ( with breaks here and there no longer than a week though)

I have a history of depression and trauma as well as just tons of stress in general.

IM PRETTY NEUROTIC to say the least.

Never been prescribed pills (if ANYTHING is a gateway drug, its them. I met too many pillheads in my life to even take one. It's a slippery slope)

Right now I got jitters, tons of anxiety, like code red always on my toes, I feel it in my chest like something is about to happen (on a scale its like a 7/10).
When I took tolerance breaks back in the day I would be flipping out internally in every situation. I think i was like this before I even started and BECAUSE i was like that it is the REASON that I started.

I take Melatonin but I still wake up in the middle. The only way to get my ass to sleep is to super exhaust myself with physical activity.
Day 3 of no THC for me after some maui waui gave me anxiety for the first time in a long time.

I just feel restlessness and boredom, which easily goes away with other distractions. Try going on an intense run up a hill, I love runners high.
Day 3 of no THC for me after some maui waui gave me anxiety for the first time in a long time.

I just feel restlessness and boredom, which easily goes away with other distractions. Try going on an intense run up a hill, I love runners high.
Before I joined the military I did running to help quit and not gunna lie I was hooked on the running high! Now im hooked on the other high! haha well not hooked but its easier to get high haha.
as long as you don't have the ideas of clubbing old lady's for their purses or being an armed robber to support " your habit " I'm fairly certain we can rule out withdrawal :lol:

reminds me of the 1950's when we were told we'd " get hooked on the pot " lol .

on a more serious note due to the anxiety issues you have I'm seeing mj being a needed medicine for you,while I understand taking a tolerance break I will add that if its having a negative effect on your life stop taking a 100% weed free break & reduce your consumption,a reduced consumption will have the same effect as 100% abstinence as far as lowering your tolerance & you won't have to suffer depression & anxiety at explosion levels.

Melatonin will help but for me I have to take 30-50 mg of high quality melatonin for it to aide my sleep when the depression hits me bad,I'm prescribed 200 mg celexa twice daily for my depression & the shit makes me want to rip somebody's head off half the time, for me sitting inside the grow listening to some relaxing jazz,burning a joint or three along with a tasty beverage works better than zoloft ,celexa or any of that doctor shit.

best of luck bro,depression sucks but you'll feel better soon .
3 days, no smoking so far. Been smoking nightly for about a year and a half just to sleep.
Been smoking for about 4 years ( with breaks here and there no longer than a week though)

I have a history of depression and trauma as well as just tons of stress in general.

IM PRETTY NEUROTIC to say the least.

Never been prescribed pills (if ANYTHING is a gateway drug, its them. I met too many pillheads in my life to even take one. It's a slippery slope)

Right now I got jitters, tons of anxiety, like code red always on my toes, I feel it in my chest like something is about to happen (on a scale its like a 7/10).
When I took tolerance breaks back in the day I would be flipping out internally in every situation. I think i was like this before I even started and BECAUSE i was like that it is the REASON that I started.

I take Melatonin but I still wake up in the middle. The only way to get my ass to sleep is to super exhaust myself with physical activity.
Go to your health food shop and get a local herb for insomnia

will calm you down no cola or coffee is good

and avoid dwelling on the subject too


good luck
Are you trying to experiment or lose weight or something? Just wondering why mess with a good thing thats working for ya.
3 days, no smoking so far. Been smoking nightly for about a year and a half just to sleep.
Been smoking for about 4 years ( with breaks here and there no longer than a week though)

I have a history of depression and trauma as well as just tons of stress in general.

IM PRETTY NEUROTIC to say the least.

Never been prescribed pills (if ANYTHING is a gateway drug, its them. I met too many pillheads in my life to even take one. It's a slippery slope)

Right now I got jitters, tons of anxiety, like code red always on my toes, I feel it in my chest like something is about to happen (on a scale its like a 7/10).
When I took tolerance breaks back in the day I would be flipping out internally in every situation. I think i was like this before I even started and BECAUSE i was like that it is the REASON that I started.

I take Melatonin but I still wake up in the middle. The only way to get my ass to sleep is to super exhaust myself with physical activity.

try huge doses of organic cocoa.a few tablespoons a day
go to a psychiatrist and consider the benefits of an antidepressants, mood stabilizers and antipsychotics for mania
I feel you man, i hardly fall asleep if i do not smoke ( usually after lying down and watching movie after movie till like 5h in the morning, fall asleep because my eyes get tired ).

But my biggest problem is those damn dreams, if i do not smoke its like reliving horror every night, waking up under influence of happenings in those damn dreams. That happens if i do not smoke for few days.

I get hyperactive if i do not smoke and i should not allow my self to do that for many reasons but all in all, after 15 years of smoking, mostly to fall asleep i can say it's damn hard to live through night without weed but you've said it already man - just get damn exhausted and you will sleep like a baby. Start making something, build a tree house or work in garden or take construction works - i'v been doing it for years besides my regular job.

If only those dreams were not part of my problem... No exhaustion can solve that riddle.